I’d like to share with you some content I love going back to whenever I feel stuck, unfocused or frustrated. Perhaps you might find some inspiration in my motivational resources too. I’m sure many of you are familiar with much of this already.
Listening to podcasts, books or videos from Tim Ferriss, Oprah, Larry King, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet and Gary Vaynerchuck is always a safe bet - these people reminds me of who I am and where I want to be therefore easily put me back on track. Two books I always have in mind are “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek and “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown.
But below are two videos and a link to a few questions that never goes out of date and has been essential to me start going after what I really want.
Video nr 1 Casey Video “You Can’t”
This video is for everybody that has been told that “they couldn’t do something just because.” I grew up in an environment where doing what I truly wanted as a grown up never seemed like an option. I was filled up with doubt in the life of becoming an adolescence cause I though I had to settle down with a life I didn’t wanted and that the only possibilities were either becoming a doctor, nurse, lawyer, journalist or teacher or firefighter or policeman. I had no one to look to for inspiration. Being an entrepreneur was an unfamiliar concept. No one once mentioned to me that I actually can create my reality, I can make my life just the way I want it. But deep within I knew that there had to be more, I wanted to be my own brand. I wanted to create a life around me and my passion but I didn’t know how. And it took me 29 years to figure it and dare going for it. I wonder what would happen if someone at a young age presented to me the concept of entrepreneurship. Anyhow, watch this and be inspired.
Video nr 2 - Steve Jobs, Stanford Graduation Class 2005
When I first saw this video, I guess it’s 10 years ago now, my whole life started to make sense.
Ever since when something has happened to me, especially something that I perceive as negative the moment it happens and I think hey, let’s connect the dots here. And start to think, this accident gave me this valuable experience that now will shift me into never, or always or etc doing this this way again etc.
And for sure I can put on any video by Gary Vaynerchuck and I’m already pumped.
Here is the link to the questions I mentioned above. "17 Questions That Changed My Life" By Tim Ferriss. No matter how often I revisit them, they always make me think.
An example of a question is like this (my two favorite ones)
What if I could only work 2 hours per week on my business - what would I do?
What would this look like if it were easy?
I also like to think of a classic Tony Robbins questions which is
If I knew I couldn't fail - what would I do?
Here is a quote I always go by:
"If this person can, so can I"
So, what's your go-to inspiration and motivation source?
Love, Yrja