
Mitt 2021


Jeg har alltids sett på nyttårsforsett som en måte å sette meg selv opp for å mislykkes - og følelsen av å ikke mestre noe, den ønsker jeg ikke å bære.

MEN - jeg har klare tanker, verdier, mål og mening for hvilken hverdag og hvilket liv jeg vil ha, og hvordan jeg ønsker å føle meg, på daglig basis.

Dette tenker jeg gjennom ofte, men spesielt ved årsskiftet.
Det setter rammer og peker ut en retning.
Trivsel og tilfredshet er navigeringsverktøyet.

For at dette skal fortsette å være normalen trenger jeg å prioritere:

🥑Helse - her spiller søvn, sunn mat, bevegelse inn og å legge til rette for en hverdag uten noen form for stress. Og gode relasjoner.

🌱Frihet, ro, vekst, læring, fremdrift, natur, kreativ utfoldelse, gå i mitt eget tempo, lek, latter, menneskemøter, mening og mål.

I tillegg trenger jeg:

🌡️Raushet. Raushet gjør hverdagen min enklere. Å være raus med meg selv, det er en gavepakke. Det bidrar til at den indre dialogen blir positiv og oppløftende i stedet for det motsatte.

🛠️Jeg prøver også å være bevisst på å sanke mestring, for mestring gir en boost ingenting annet kan sammenlignes med.

💫Noe av det viktigste for min trivsel er å kunne inspirere, glede og gi til andre. Å kunne bidra til at andre kan får det bedre i eget liv, på mine premisser, har en stor verdi. Det gir meg mening.
Det å bety noe for noen - ja, den følelsen slår mye.

🤗 Pleie gode relasjoner. Det å kunne dele opplevelser, ideer, være til hjelp, bli speilet, ha noen å snakke med når man trenger det, å le og kose seg, bare være sammen med noen. Vi er tross alt flokk dyr.

😁Jeg passer også på å ikke ta livet, eller meg selv så høytidelig eller seriøst

Så - om du ønsker å jobbe mot noe i 2021, er tipset jeg vil gi - ta med deg raushet på veien🕊️
Gjør så godt du kan hver dag, alt etter hvilken form du er i! Og vit at det er mer enn godt nok.

Hva trenger du for å ha det godt i eget liv?
Jobber du med å forbedre noen vaner? Eller har du det bra sånn det er?

Og ja, for deg som la merke til det: falsk pels✨

2021 - et sprøtt, men bra år!


I 2020 skjedde det så mye sprøtt at jeg fremdeles har problemer med å forstå hva jeg har vært med på. Covid-19 inkludert.

For å lande ting mentalt samt ha et minne for meg selv så tenkte jeg å kjøre en kort wrap-up.
Så - om du er nysgjerrig på hvordan mitt 2020 ble så er det altså bare til å swipe seg igjennom bildegalleriet og lese videre.

✨Året mitt startet med et brak av en #huninvesterer turné med DNB. Jeg rakk å få være med til 5 byer før det hele måtte stoppes.
Det å stå foran et publikum på 1000 mennesker både i Stavanger, Trondheim og Bergen er noe av det kuleste jeg har gjort.

Jeg hadde fullbooket kalender 6 måneder frem i tid, da landet stengte ned. Utallige live-podkaster, foredrag og konferansier oppdrag ble kansellert.

✨Raskt ble jeg invitert til å både produsere og hoste live stream sendinger med flere tusen publikum for både internasjonale og nasjonale hackathons som jobbet for å finne løsninger på covid-19 situasjonen. Samt samarbeide med Cisco.

✨Og da Europa Kommisjonen spurte om ikke jeg og @mattcsmith_ ønsket å gjøre det samme for deres hackathon og matchathon (verdens største), var det ikke vanskelig å si ja.
Til sammen produserte vi over 100 live streams, og intervjuet high profile folk fra hele verden. CEO av Spotify, CTO av Amazon etc.

✨Jeg ble invitert med på 71 grader nord. Jeg hadde aldri sett for meg at jeg skulle være med på et reality show, men det er noe av det beste jeg har gjort i hele mitt liv.

✨Jeg holdt min første @ted x Talk. Den kan sees på Tedx sin YouTube. Søk: Yrja Oftedahl.

✨Jeg ble en del av Fremantle Norge med podkasten. Det er et av de beste valgene jeg har tatt.

✨AW magazine ble lansert hvor jeg bidro, det første business magasinet for kvinner i Norge. @awmagazine

✨ Jeg fikk skrive forord i boken til @vegetarbloggen og @forbrukerfrue "SYKT BILLIG"

Til tross for færre menneskemøter enn vanlig har kvaliteten på møtene og menneskene jeg har møtt vært høy.
Mennesker som har rørt meg, fått meg til og vokse og bli inspirert, fra hele verden.

2020 har vært et av de beste årene i mitt liv. Takk for tilliten, samarbeidspartnere og til deg som følger meg på reisen.

Krysser fingrene for 2021!

Godt nytt år, dere robuste mennesker!


Godt nytt år, dere robuste mennesker!
Gleder meg til å gå inn i et nytt år sammen - og ønsker oss et triveligere 2021.

Jeg er takknemlig for 2020 - for meg lå det mye lærdom i å bli frarøvet hverdagen, slik jeg kjente den. Og det at retningen mot målene mine ble knust ga meg nye uforutsette og spennende muligheter. Både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Ny kompetanse og nye erfaringer er tilegnet, og jeg håper det blir mer av dette - for oss alle.

La oss ta med oss følelsen av mot, mestring og endringsevne videre inn i 2021.

Vi er helt rå alle sammen, ja, det er vi!

Legger ved et spørsmål til ettertanke.

"Hvem var du på starten av året 2020 vs i dag - altså, hva er den største forandringen du ser ved deg selv i året som gikk?"

Til alle jeg har blitt kjent med og hatt tid med i 2020 - for noen mennesker!

Og til dere som har valgt å følge meg på reisen så langt, takk - kan si det samme om dere - FOR noen mennesker!


Sårbar eller transparent?


I dag kom jeg i snakk med en jeg kjenner om det å tørre å være sårbar, han påpekte nemlig at det var noe jeg er god på.

Ja jeg er enig i akkurat det han sier - fordi jeg bevisst velger å være åpen.

Poenget mitt her er at jeg sa til ham at jeg FØLER MEG IKKE sårbar, jeg føler meg TRANSPARENT.

Selve ordet sårbarhet har aldri appellert til meg, fordi for meg har det en slags negativ-ladning.
Et slør av usikkerhet og lukkethet.

Og jeg føler meg jo ikke usikker i det jeg snakker om eller hvordan jeg føler og opplever ting eller hvordan mitt verdensbilde er.

Dette er nok fordi jeg vet at det jeg opplever innvendig ikke er unikt. Det er universelt.

For meg er sårbarhet en sinnsykt positiv ting, så jeg ser ikke på det jeg gjør som å være sårbar, jeg ser på det som å være sterk.

Det er en styrke å være transparent og vise hva man har i sekken og være mottagelig for å utvide horisonten.

Jeg føler at å fremvise en gjennomsiktighet til meg selv som menneske har en enorm verdi.

Noe jeg tror også flere kunne hatt glede av, spesielt siden mange føler seg ensomme eller alene med hvordan de har det.

Og jeg tror at dess flere vi er som viser hvordan vi føler, tenker, reflekterer og har det så kan det bidra til å normalisere det å være menneske.

Jeg har selv opplevd at etter jeg startet med å by mer på meg selv (som jeg har sagt flere ganger) så knytter jeg dypere bånd med andre, jeg ufarliggjør ting for meg selv, og jeg vokser som menneske når jeg kan fortelle og diskutere med andre hvordan jeg har det, hvordan jeg tenker og hvorfor jeg gjør som jeg gjør.

Det er også mye lettere å bli trygg på noen som er som en åpen bok. Og da er det også lettere å senke skuldrene og føle at man kjenner personen godt.

Ja det er kanskje skumlere å potensielt bli "dømt" for den "nakne" versjonen av seg selv.

Men i bunn og grunn så føler vi alle sammen det samme. Så hvorfor skal vi gå rundt å holde ting skjult og skamme oss - når vi er så like?
Nei, på tide å bryte det der mønsteret.

Eller hva synes du - er du sårbar? Liker du det ordet? Tør du å snakke om hvordan du faktisk har der?


Å se meg selv på en billboard hadde jeg aldri trodd skulle skje bare ett år inn i Power Ladies. Hvor sykt er det ikke hva som kan skje på ett år. Hard work pays off. Men vi har vel alle en lang vei å gå fortsatt. Blir ikke mett på oppermeksomhet og å gjøre det man elsker, enda litt bedre.


Foundational Inspiration

I’d like to share with you some content I love going back to whenever I feel stuck, unfocused or frustrated. Perhaps you might find some inspiration in my motivational resources too. I’m sure many of you are familiar with this already.

Listening to podcasts, books or videos from Tim Ferriss, Oprah, Larry King, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Gary Vaynerchuck is always a safe bet - these people reminds me of who I am and where I want to be therefore easily put me back on track. Two books I always have in mind are “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek and “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown

But below are two videos that never goes out of date and has been essential to me start going after what I really want.

Video nr 1 Casey Video “You Can’t”

This video is for everybody that has been told that “they couldn’t do something just because.” I grew up in an environment where doing what I truly wanted as a grown up never seemed like an option. I was filled up with doubt in the life of becoming an adolescence cause I though I had to settle down with a life I didn’t wanted and that the only possibilities were either becoming a doctor, nurse, lawyer, journalist or teacher or firefighter or policeman. I had no one to look to for inspiration. Being an entrepreneur was an unfamiliar concept. No one once mentioned to me that I actually can create my reality, I can make my life just the way I want it. But deep within I knew that there had to be more, I wanted to be my own brand. I wanted to create a life around me and my passion but I didn’t know how. And it took me 29 years to figure it and dare going for it. I wonder what would happen if someone at a young age presented to me the concept of entrepreneurship. Anyhow, watch this and be inspired.

Read More

New road ahead

Hey you guys! 

I just became a part of EgmontPEOPLE (and now colleagues with a wonderful bunch of peopleand that required me to start writing in Norwegian for the articles.

I'm still struggling a bit with verbalizing myself in the best way, I still feel I can not fully express myself in Norwegian, but hope that will change <3 I think my podcast(yet to be launched)-

Here are some of my new amazing colleagues. Such inspirational women!

Here are some of my new amazing colleagues. Such inspirational women!


Happy Sunday!

The sun is indeed shining brightly here in Oslo and the sky is clear blue. Even the birds are singing beautifully loud.

So onto what I wrote this for;

Im super fond of blockchain and I do believe in crypto and I particulary like Ethereum as you can build apps and plattforms upon it. Anyway, recently there were 6200 dollars in my crypto account which I was kinda happy about since I only invested 100 dollars(damn yeah, talkabout a helluva bargain!!). But now this morning when I checked, booom there is only 2200. How is this even possible😭 anyways. Its a long term investment Ill pray for it to be back. 

And then;

to the good news, If you havent invested yet, this is a good time for you. Just a heads up, if you’re having some money to spare, go do it. But consider it a long term investment. And do etherum.

Enjoy this sparkling morning :))


Update! An EgmontPEOPLE Update!

Hey you guys! I just became a part of EgmontPEOPLE (hear: salutes), which means that from now on I will be writing from a blog, in Norwegian(yikes, how to express myself now?). I'm not sure how often I'll be updating this one but for sure I will as my preferred writing language is English. Really, Norwegian is a poor language and its difficult to write what you really mean and let your personal voice flicker throughout the text since there ain't too many words to use or ways to put your sentences.

I just claimed and started writing a bit just to get things going but I might change to

You can still reach me on my social media channels and e-mail me at

My sister and I celebrating her birthday.

My sister and I celebrating her birthday.

Motivational Wednesday

I have always had this creepy fear of doing what I love the most solo. I've done so many things all by myself for years but when it comes to do what I truly desire there are a voice and anxious feeling inside when thinking about it doing it all alone with no one to talk things over with, no one to share experiences and share ideas, no one to have fun and share downsides with on the journey. What do I got if I fail on what truly matters to me? What I've desired the most all my life? Who am I then? That's why it scares the heck out of me. Because without my burning passion and feeling for me being able to accomplish what I want the most, I feel that my identity simply vanish.

The voice within I am pretty sure comes from my childhood and my parents in general. "Dreams doesn't exist and you can't achieve what you want, cause there is no such thing, society is not made for you to do such things, life is hard" this is what I've been hearing over and over again. Every time I tried to share a dream or wondering about how to do things this came up, and not only then but everything related to this topic brought this up. Support and on and belief in who I am and what I can and want to do I have never gotten from home.
I know everyone is scared to do things by themselves, but having those two people who have been your authorities as a child and are your closest that does something with you. But to me, its time to make a settlement with this. Because of lots of things you need to do alone if there is no one who'd like to tag along.

The thing is that I know I can do it, I know I've got talent for it but that's why it scares the heck out of me bc I don't want to fail myself bringing this gift into daylight. Fear of failure and huge performance anxiety which only kicks in when I truly want something I know that I can do but with a hard amount of work.
So today I am in need of some empowering content and perhaps you can benefit from it too. Its absolutely some great words she puts on the table. Everyone is scared, everyone is struggling but persistence and vision is what is gonna get you where you want.

And just to add in, if you happened to miss this genius vlog post by Casey Neistat you gotta watch it right away. Take the time to do it right now!

What Would You Do If the Internet Collapsed?


I’m following Hashem al ghalis «what if» show on Facebook. This week he put this great question on the table with an answer. «What would you do if the internet collapsed?»

Can you imagine? What would your first thought be? How would you react at first? How would you adapt? What kind of life would that be?

I guess if you’re above 50 life would go back to what this generation consider «normal». With wired cell phones, fax and TV as the primary way of communication and mass entertainment.
But how would generation z feel? All they know is an online life. They’ve never had an experience of just going over to their friends house, knocking their door without an appointment. For them this concept sounds absurd and embarrassing. Do I actually need to talk to people face to face to make friends? Oh shit! I guess they’d all be filled up with an instant social anxiety by that thought. At least that would be my first reaction if virtual was my reality. Communicating online is way less scary and very often one dare to say things you’d never ever dare or consider to say in real life. Online things might not seem rude, scary or hurting. But if you took those words and visuals offline you'd be highly embarrassed by yourself.

I would probably feel kinda stressed but I believe I would feel a bit of relief as well but that perhaps if I knew it was just for a short period of time before internet came back to work again. 

If I then got told that internet will never be up and running again ever I would be kinda frustrated. What the fuck? I would not be able to believe it, really. We just had it, how come we can never make it happen again? I would absolutely live with that voice and frustration inside of me forever. So peace would come to some extent but there would always always be a longing for the graceful alien world in which we once had one click away.

So enjoy it and be grateful. You never know when your whole world will go away. Either its a person, a pet, your health, your wealth, water, food or internet!
Think green, sustainable and act with kindness. You never know when its your turn to meet the unknown.

My Friend Siri Goes Minimalistic

How attached are you to your things? How much time pass until you buy something new? How often do you throw stuff away? How often do you play with or use the things you've bought? Do you have clothes  that you've bought but it still hangs in the closet with the price tag on years later? If you do not use it at least once a month, why do you have it? Why do you crave for more when your shoe rack is all full of shoes not used?
Do you have things you just bought to impress and show of to others? Isn't that a bit embarrassing to think of? You bought it not because you wanted to but because you thought this was a way to be admired and liked by others? So you buy things to feel loved? Friendship should be based on real love, not on fake material ground. At least thats the kind of relationships I cultivate. But that might just be me. Would be so too tiring just thinking about all things I needed to buy and use just to feel accept from the people I'd really want to like me. Thats not a healthy friendship. Is it????

I've got this friend who recently started her journey towards a more conscious lifestyle and she decided to document it all on social media (, which is super interesting to follow and I guess she inspires many. At least some as she has loads of followers. These days she is throwing away all of her stuff, she is selling her house, she recently started eating healthier and taking lots of small other conscious parts of actions. I'm actually a bit envious, because I'd like to share my journey too. The only problem is that there is none to share because I started living consciously long time ago, actually all the way back into child hood. I never wanted to buy anything or spend any money and I rarely ate meat and used all my clothes until there was nothing left. So there is really no voyage to be shared. When I was young it wasn't because of the feeling of responsibility or sense of awareness of what would make me and others healthier, it was simply a natural choice. I didn't want to live otherwise. But later in life I see more clearly why I had this urge because I know today that this is what makes me happy and gives me a graceful and joyful life.

So, when I started living by myself it continued. It got even more conscious as I now took all of the choices myself on what to eat, how to live, what do do, what to buy etc. At this present time I own practically nothing, rarely buy other things than food unless things are broken and impossible to use (like a new phone or computer) and I eat no animal products, and use my clothes until its all just big holes. 
Hence, I've got no story to share on how I felt when I did all these because this way of living consciously is apparently hardwired in my DNA, apparently. The only thing I can relate to is if I envision a non conscious life, full of things I do not need, way too big of a house, driving a gasoline car, eating all kinds of crappy food, working in a job just to earn money for things I do not use etc. That thought and visualizing process makes me feel sick instantly. I could never do that, not towards myself, others, the planet and animals.
I can not be owned by things, I can not live a life true to my heart, I can not live a life doing something just to for the money I need to love what I do every second, we got so little time on our visit in this body on earth. And eating animal products that our bodys are not made to digest(we are the only one next to monkeys having color vision, and there is a reason that we see this and not only see movement). Immediately I get the sensation of being enslaved to all the stuff, chained to a several rooms in a large house, that is in constant need of cleaning and fixing. My time is holy and I'd rather see someone else fix that than having to spend several hours a week doing it. (okay if I randomly was super rich and could hire someone to live in my house JUST to clean and fix things any time of the day, fine, but I'm not sure I could do that either, I have too much empathy. I'd rather spend all these money on something that gave value into the world, like funding research or funding startups).
So no thank you to that. And no thank you to sitting at a desk 8am-5pm everyday just to work towards someone else's goal and earning a big fat check. I want to be the master of my time and what I spend it on. Doing something I don't love is out of the question.

All I can do is share with you my sense of freedom this way of living gives me. And I highly  recommend it to you too.

I'm excited to see how it all goes for my friend Siri, will it make her happier? Will it give her an easier life? Sense of Freedom? We will wait and see. Meanwhile you can follow her on instagram @siriabrahamsen 

Will you do anything to change the way you look at things? What do you enjoy the most, time to think about fun stuff and time to do things you love. Or do you like spending time in worry of not have cleaned the house, someone ruining your car, or someone spilling on your expensive clothes or shoes? Hmm

One year ago I wrote another blogpost on this topic. For further learning click here.

Happy Valentines Y’all <3

On my schedule today this 14th of February. I’ve got a date with the best person I know at the best place ever. The most important person in my life in fact, if it wasnt for this person I wouldn't be alive and here to celebrate today. It's a person with whom I’ve shared almost 29 years and I couldn’t be happier. I would and could never go one day without you. Thank you so much for being by my side every fucking day. Thank you for sharing your home with me. Thank you for having me wake up every morning, for delivering me a healthy body and a graceful smiling soul. Thank you for what you are, every cell, bone and neruon signal you make and keeping my consciousness alive. No one below and no one above. There is only you. I love you. From here to eternity. 

And no, its not my mum(all though she gives my life an extended meaning way beyond what only myself can do), its me. Me, myself and I, Yrja will have a big celebration from within my precious brain and body today, eat whatever the fuck we want and do whatever we want. Yay!

Who is the most significant person in your life?


Shouldn't it be you ?

Previously this was the anniversary of my ex and I's relationship. We were on our second date 14th of February 2013.

But today I am lucky to have this day all to myself. The day of love. And I am lucky to be in a place where I love myself profoundly and embrace who I am, what I look like, what I am capable of and what I am for others to the fullest.  I cherish myself and do whatever I can to keep my mind and body in a healthy place. I live as consciously as possibly for a human to live, after my opinion.
I am incredibly lucky as I see many people who despise themselves and act towards themselves as their own worst enemy, talking shit towards themselves, bot taking care of themselves, not grateful at all with whom they share every second of the day with and can’t escape from, every day. A life like that is death to me. It seems like hell not being able to wake up filled with bliss and gratitude for waking up healthy another day. Waking up filled with chaos and negative thoughts beating you up from within having you live in misery and feelings of failing everyone and everything every day. What kind of life is that?

Yourself should be the most highly valued and most deeply loved person in your life and you should take perfect care of this home of yours. Be good. Be kind. Be your own best friend and your life will smile to you and you’ll gain so much energy and joy and laughter will fill your lungs and ears. Wonderful people who is in a good place as well will be thrown your way. What you are you attract. Feel it, give it, love yourself.

Self-love should be on the menu not only today but everyday. 

Who are you celebrating with?

<3 Happy Valentines Day From Me <3
Much Love & Hearts Will Come Your Way.
Perhaps you'll feel it?

** Update **

So random, but right after I wrote this I turned on my favorite podcast and you know what? It was about self love. You should definitely check it out if this is something you need to practice which it probably is cause we all should continue reminding ourself on this every day.
Here it is "Shawn Stevenson(The Model Health Show) on "How Your Level Of Self-Love Impacts Your Health, Happiness, And Success".

Healthy Stress, You Say?


We all know by now I guess (hopefully you do) how damaging stress it to both your brain and you body. There is no worse "disease trigger" actually, well, except aging of course. It breaks your neurons down and shut don your immune and internal organ system and it has your cells age faster and even kill them. You can read more about that here.

For about 9 years now I've been allergic to stress. One day, I decided, I can not do this anymore. «This tears my body down too much in such a young age, how will this affect me in the long run? With this lifestyle I wont survive until I'm 100 (or longer which is my wish).» I just couldn't accept that kind of future and I couldn't bare with the present state of mind and physical body. I was so stressed out that I simply couldn't cope with life. I was completely handicapped. So I decided, stress is way too dangerous to keep carrying in my body and it will destroy me if I do. Most likely get me killed. And, I, I wont let it.
And from that day on, I took control. I became the captain of my mind, the editor or author if you wish(to give a visual image). I claimed full control and the CEO position of my mind, really. Of course it took sometime to change and develop new habits and thinking patterns to stop avoiding my body creating that poison and pumping it out through my veins. But in a few months I managed and it haven't entered since. If I can feel tendencies to it, something in my environment or mind is on the wrong track and I study everything in detail to figure it out. Most times it's an obvious cause, so I kinda know quite easily what it might be because both my gut and intuition has a good overview at this point. What I do then is the following, I take action to have it go away as quickly as possible and start questioning myself and observe my daily habits, body language, eating pattern. Am I exercising enough? Am I eating too much sugary foods? Is it work? Or a situation at work? Or is it personal? A new friend? Or lover? Sleeping enough? Have I've been seeing grateful and inspiring people lately? Had any meaningful conversations or have I been mostly alone the past days and weeks? What is really on my mind? I'm studying every thought passing by, if there is some negativity in there that causes it, its time to switch that up with a positive one. Whats the gift in this negative though or the cause of the negative thought? Whats the instructions it gives me? Why is it there in the first place? Whats the opposite thought of this, what really is the positive in this thing? You can always, always find a reason of why this thought or event is a gift. I assure you. And mostly it is the guidance towards a better you who is the answer, but you'll always find what it concerns if you just give it some thoughts. But, I mean, nervousness before you enter a stage to do some public speaking, or do a presentation, or before a date or such things to me that is not considered stress. Thats just actually a healthy adrenaline shot that makes you more alert and focused, really. Or, at sometimes it can also blank you out, like it did with me the other day when I had the presentation on stage in front of 250. Haha. So, nervousness is just good, it doesn't last for too long either. Of course, if you're constantly trembling of nervousness thats not too beneficial for the neither the brain nor the body.

So, No entry in this body, stress. Has always been my policy. Until lately. Ive been thinking is all kinds of stress really bad? It's been a question in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. But haven't given it much thought really, hasn't even occured to me to google it. But, all of a sudden, I click play on the most recent podcast episode by Shawn Stevenson at the Model Health show, and guess what. Here's the title to have you understand: 

Stress Activated Foods, Intermittent Fasting, & The Principles Of Stress - With Ori Hofmekler

Wtf, right there, on a silverspoon delivered straight into my mouth I got some answers to the question. Thanks universe!

"Stress can be ruthless. It’s a silent assassin that can break down your brain, screw up your internal organs, and pack fat onto your body. But… That’s only one face of stress. Stress can also be invigorating. It’s capable of making you more physically fit, biologically stronger, and literally keep your brain decades younger. So, how in the world can it be so good, yet so treacherous at the same time? Today we’re going to dissect the value of stress to maximize the benefits, and minimize the potential downfalls."

So it got me thinking, have I been missing out on something? Hm.. The right kind of stress is magically enough beneficial. I wish it was called something else though as I see stress as a relativily negative word. Excitement. Yeah, thats better. Not healthy stress but excitement. I am and always shall be excited to be alive.

What do you think about the concept of healthy stress? Is it really beneficial? Would you name it something else?

**Note; I might at some point write an in depth analytical post about this topic do not know when though so do not keep your expectations for that on default. **

What's The Gift In This?


Changing your thinking pattern for the better can be a rough job as we, human beings, are hard wired to survive, meaning we are constantly on the hunt looking for some dangerous and negative things that can hurt us. That's how our ancient brain was made to think, if we want to be happy, new neural pathways needs to be created. This, you can only train yourself to attain. Treat your brain like a muscle and exercise it to the point of a deep constant knowing, feeling and sensation of content and gratitude. Yes, this is possible.

And, when other people manage to do this you can too. 

It can start as simple as this;

When something that seems bad in the moment happens to you, how often do you ask yourself what is the gift in this? And.. How do you even know that an event occurring to you really is negative?
Because it doesn't have to be. Failure, unfavorable, big and small mistakes, heartbreaks, illness,  a bad email or phone call, or someone talking behind your back, someone bullying you, being broke, or saying something ludicrous and ridiculous to another person, or simply not getting what you want etc. Whatever you can think of that makes you not feel good about yourself. When you think about what happened, replace all depressing, frustrating, angry, thoughts with:
"What are the teachings, whats the guidance coming out from this? Really, what is the gift in this?"

Just do it. Let me know how it goes. Keep doing it. Because everything is really a gift, I might sound religious if being a kind and grateful person is what you associate with religion (which is absurd in the first place). Life itself is a gift and we all need guidance to get better at being who we are supposed to be and to serve ourself, others and earth as we are supposed to. So follow the signs to become a better human by saying, what is the gift in all of this?



all of a sudden I remembered that I didn't post my showreel here. So about time! 
I got it a month ago, it's a feel good one. Have a look for yourself :D What do you think?

Photo from the episode when I met amazing Kari Schibevaag in Lofoten.

The video photo is from the live talkshow I hosted with Anders Lier, Silvija Seres and Elin Nørve as guests.

So True, So True

Just don't.. don't go shopping.

I love this quote by Tim Ferriss. It’s well phrased and on point. I can assure you that if we look for it we can all find deep dark pain within. There are always things we?ve experienced, things people have said to us, things we?ve done to others that hurt us profoundly. The only differencedetermining how much it affects us on a day to day basis is with which perspective we look upon it.

Whatever we search for we find. Don’t let the past decide what the present and future moments bring you. Accept what you can not change, embrace it and move on. (Yes its easier said than done but you can exercise on it and it will get better)

Have a nice bright and shining day!

Love Yrja


Per Fugellis Last Masterpiece, A Declaration of Love To Life Itself


Yesterday evening I was one of the lucky handpicked ones invited to watch the pre-screening of Erik Poppes new movie "Per Fugellis siste resept". And WOW, what a stunning experience. Exactly what I needed. Beauty. Rawness. Life. Erik Poppe was there himself, the whole film crew and everyone participating in the movie, including Pers wife Charlotte. This movie was so powerful that I believe most people had a few salty tears running down their cheeks. This kind of love story and celebration to life you have to
The screening took place in Per's and Charlottes neighbourhood Grønnland, and beautifully enough the Grønnland kirke was the place it was shown.
Pretty uncomfortable chairs though but the event surpassed it all.
You might think why I was invited to this special screening, right? Well, just to let you know.. I actually was interviewed by Erik Poppe on film for potential use in the movie. I got cut out though, as all the other interviews did, but my name remain in the credits. If you just look to the end you'll find my name; Yrja Lothe. Not my full name but fine, what can you expect :P


The movie is all about Per Fugellis last days, he was diagnosed with cancer in 2009, and has been dying since. His last 1,5 years is now documented in this movie. Slowly but surely you see him fall.. All the way to the end. So raw, so honest, so brave. Lets give a round of applause to the modesty of him and his wife for sharing their life in the most vulnerable times. We, the audience will forever be grateful for this piece of art that we all can relate to in some way. We all know someone who has died or has an experience of losing someone and seing life at its harshest. I bet all of Norway will watch this movie.

One thing that had me react though was that the whole crew were men. When the movie was over the people behind the movie was asked to come onto the stage to get some credits and applause. 6 men walked onto the stage, and the wife of Per Fugelli. Wtf? It made me a bit sick knowing that this movie had no female perspective at all and had me lose a bit of my respect towards the crew and movie itself. What was even weirder was that he called two foreign girls onto the stage that features in the film for like 30 seconds, saying he hadn't seen them since that moment but would like to have them come to the stage. That was a bit odd though, what was the agenda with that? Just so that there could be a girls and diversity next to all the male people? That was just funny and bizzare. Kinda embarassing. What was the agenda? Just having him not looking way to #metooish? Trying to save him from people thinking that? Nope, didn't work. Way too corny, he would get better off without. Unprofessional after my opinion

.Anyways, perhaps you don't even have any idea who this magical man Per Fugelli is, is so; he was norwegian philosopher, physician, writer and doctor. And was a frequent contributor to the public debate on health and medical questions. He is famously known for his wise life quotes. Whenever he opens his mouth some golden words about existence flows out. He is real, raw, hones and open, the way he explains human life itself. He looks a things with humour and optimism but is surely brutally realistic.
A man I share mostly the same perspective on life with. Which is why I like him so much.

We need to take care of and serve each other. And not take life so seriously. Live, enjoy, love!
Is his core saying.

Read some of his quotes in norwegian here

Past Lives Recognition

fibionacci stairs

Is there such a thing as past lives? Have you ever thought of this as a possibility? Can you see yourselves in a different life? Perhaps you've had any weird visions coming to you that you can not seem to get a grip on why it's happening? Like a glimpse of feeling or memories, which you know didn't happen? Perhaps something that has been following you for your whole life? Have you ever met someone that you simply know you've met them before but which isn't the case? Or met someone you have a really really deep connection or belonging too when you really are strangers to eachother in this life?

Even though most people find it quite funny and hard to belive, I've always known deep within that there must be something to this "past life thing" some religious, spiritual and freaky people are talking about. There is no way that it's provable yet but perhaps in the future? We still do know very little of science and how it all is put together; this life, our minds, the universe and beyond. We even use only 10 % of our brain some people say, and we know even less of how it works than that.
My logical part of the brain, the part that is shaped by our society, of course are in doubt of all this but the wise and intuitive part of me knows it is true.. in a way.. If the flashes I see and the people I believe were a part of my previous life is real? Wow.. That would be just so magical if it really was true.. But at the moment it's just such vague visions. Why, why aren't the memories clear?
One day we will be able to figure it out, it might just take years and years, centuries, thousands of years. Perhaps AI will prove its true but we won't believe it cause we won't still be able to understand the way they show it to us?
I've never read much about it and never been interesting doing so, but perhaps that time has come to learn more? I also know this lady who claims to be able to do past life regression, help me go back in time and remember. A fortune teller.. What if she is really able to do so? Perhaps I should give it a try? I'm tempted. I'll update this post later if I do so.

Some friends of mine went to this fortune teller and what she said blew their minds. It was so accurate that it was not impossible being fake. This woman knew nothing about them before they came. Not even their names. She then told my friend exactly how both of his patents died. What the fuck? This guy is from Australia, there is no way to find this kind of info online etc. I’ve also been to a fortune teller, she knew nothin of me but used her tarot cards to litterally tell me who I was and tell me my story. I didnt open my mouth once, just in awe and astonishment.

Anyways, since I was a child And for as long as I can remember I’ve had these visuals and sensations of me waliking quietly in a forest at night on a brown horse. Its super quiet and I’m carefully looking and listening for potential dangers. I’ve always got a hunch from this being a past life. Being a spy in te woods or something, in the medieval ages or whenever. I have no idea but far back in the times. Pretty interesting, right? And, another thing following me like this is whenever I see or walk past a dog I see and feel it jump up and bite my left tigh, like real hard and not letting go. Quite a terrifyinh sight and perception. Thats why Ive never been to fond of dogs cause this memory is so strong and weirdly enough it hasn’t happen in this life. its the same with dark sea water. I’ve always been fearful of it. And ive never enjoyed going to the beach. And ive never understood why this is the case. That whenever I think of the dark sea I see this storm and dark blu scary water just waiting to eat me. I’m not afraid of drowning or anything ts just this strong weird sensation that intensly crawls back in an instant. Thats basically some of the stronges super natural sensation thats been a part of me forever and wont let go. And I believe the dog and the deep sea might be extreme experiences from past lives. So strong that I possibly died from it. I died from that dog biting me or leaving me with an infected wound. And on the deep see I drowned. I do not have any negative experiences with the visuals from the woods. Those are super positive and brings with them exitement whenever they enter my head and body. What do you guys think? Why do I have these continuous experiences poping into my head and body?

They say that not everyone has lived several lives before this one but many of us have.

There are also at least two people I feel Ive been connected to for many lives or whatever one can call it. perhaps just across time and space, that our atoms belong togethet or something might also be a thought. Oh well. Perhaps I got too supernatural in this post. But I find it kinda interesting. Eagerly waiting for quantum physics to tell the truth.

All this might also be an explanation of multiple universes. Or just be our molecules touching other peoples lives throughouy history. Or what do you think? Is it just nonsense? 

There is a thought thats been crossing my mind.. All the people that feel they are born in the wrong body witht wrong sex. What if they in their previous life were the opposite sex and they were so attached to their physical body in that life that their unconsiciousness did’t manage to let it go when they were reborn anew? That Something within just cant manage to rewire?  oh well..

Lenge Leve

The Root of Happiness is Altruism - the Wish to be of Service to Others
— Dalai Lama

Dette innlegget er egentlig en fortsettelse på å få ut min frustrasjon fra forrige post.


På et vis så prøver vi alle å redde oss selv, men det er dem som kun bryr seg om seg og sitt også stopper det der. Helt greit at man passer på seg selv og skaper et godt fundament for eget liv, det er helt essensielt det, men man lever på en klode full av masse, masse mennesker og et samfunn som må gå rundt. Da vil jeg si at det er hver og ens plikt å være et godt menneske. Et menneske som stiller opp, tar ansvaret som ligger på alle våre skuldre og hjelper til å bære. Man kan ikke bare forvente at andre skal gjøre jobben, at andre skal holde hjulene i gang, at alle andre skal fikse problemene og utfordringene vi står ovenfor. At alle andre skal redde en når man ber om hjelp.. Men omvendt, det er det ikke snakk om. 

"Vi som redder oss selv"

Det er flere som meg. Min kategori er ikke ukjent, snarere normalen.
Det er vi som har det godt, men er ulykkelige innvendig. 
Oss som smiler, ler og gjør helt vanlige ting, men som bærer på en meningsløs tomhet og lever i uvisshet om hvordan å fylle rommet.
Vi som ikke klarer å finne mening, i mangel på perspektiv, kunnskap og visdom.
Vi som ikke er nysgjerrige nok til å leve.
Det er oss som klager og ikke tenker større enn oss selv. Vi som ikke ønsker, eller rett og slett ikke bryr oss om å gjøre verden til et bedre sted. Vi som gir faen i alt og alle andre enn oss selv, vår familie og nære venner. Vi som gir blaffen, men forventer at andre og samfunnet stiller opp, gjør jobben og tar seg av alle utfordringer.
Det er vi som klamrer oss til vårt ego og styres av tanker og følelser.
Vår kategori ikke ukjent, vi er normalen. Og lenge leve.