
Week In Review - 3rd of March

The moon gets its own cellphone network, 700 groceries goes plastic free, India to launch a school teaching happiness and skills of the future and Bill Gates to fund a completely new smart city. Life is exciting!!

To begin:

Book I am reading this week "Alibaba: The House Jack Ma Built" by Duncan Clark. Super interesting. What I find the most compelling is that everyone changes positions all the time. I think not 5 years go by without you having changed your title. I think that is super healthy for both workers and the company. And they also basically take on any industry.


News of the week: Ekoplaza in Amsterdam goes plastic free!!! This shop just proved that 700 groceries can be sold plastic free. Thank god someone is taking responsibility and paving the way.


This week I discovered a highly relevant new 10 episode podcast series by World Economic Forum about the future. «Shaping The Fourth Industrial Revolution» is definitely worth checking out to easily get an overview of how our lives and society are changing.


Say whatever you want about Bill Gates but do so on solid ground. Read about what he does with all his money instead of criticising him for having so much. Luckily he and Mark Zuckerberg and Elin Musk etc happen to have cash and thank god for that, more clever , conscious and caring minds who wants the best for society you have to look way longer for. Thanks you guys for everything you give. Other rich people has way too much to learn from you.

Now Bill Gates is funding an entire new city to be built in Arizona in the coming years. Ita supposed to be the smart city of the future and housing 180.000 people. Have a look in the video below. 


So, listen, by 2020 the moon will get its on mobile network...!


Breaking: India is building a school focused on teaching happiness. Opens in 2020 and will be teaching the skills of the future. Seems like I need to move to india when I get kids and theyre ready for school.


Google want to teach more people AI and Machine learning and launches FREE courses! Go check it out :)


Stem-Cell stroke treatment repairs damaged brain tissue !! Good news for the 15 million people who is suffer from strokes every year.

LSD Treatment can actually "harmonize the brain"

Tim Ferriss is extremely positive in treating mental health illnesses with psychedelics. I only startet thinking and reading about this a few years ago and it makes sense to me as well. In his recent newsletter from this week he posted lots or resources to read more about this topic and I thought it was a good time to add them here. For sure ill write another post solely on this but not in the nearest future so, dig in. He also has a great episode on hus podcast with a guy who works and researches on psychedelics treatment. Too me natural psychedelics used only 1-3 times and then makes more sense to me than swallowing crappy cocktail medicine cyntetic from the lab with serious side effects everyday for years. Or what? I also cant wait until treating mental issues with lights become the norm. It says it will be standard in about 15-20 years. Crossing my fingers. Thats even better. Treating it in natural ways and not dangerous side effects medicine the pharmaceutical insustry cash in for making you take it everyday.

ONGOING STUDIES:http://www.hopkinsdepressionstudy.com/flyer.pdf [Depression Study Website]
http://www.hopkinspsychedelicstudy.com/HealthyVolunteers.pdf [Imaging study in healthy volunteers]
http://hopkinsmeditation.com [Long-Term Meditator Study]
www.smoking-insight.org [Cigarette Smoking-Psilocybin Study Website]
religiousleaderstudy.org [Religious Leader Study Website]

RECENTLY COMPLETED STUDIES:www.cancer-insight.org [Cancer Study Website]
http://www.bpru.org/spiritual-practice/[Meditation Study Website]
http://hopkinspsychedelicstudy.com[Comparative Pharmacology Study Including Psychedelics]

RELATED LINKS:http://tedmed.com/talks/show?id=526825[TEDMED talk 2015]
https://vimeo.com/122278721https://vimeo.com/122267529 [Interviews with Cancer Patients]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPLimDG_HVY [TEDx Talk]

Super-blood to treat cancer


AI should is monitoring you right now and here is how it uses its data. 


There will certainly be no limits to what AI can accomplish in the future but that is something you already knew I hope..!


The worlds largest reforestation project has gotten started. This was announced in 2017 but I didnt remember reading it until today. They are aiming to restor 23 million trees by 2023! Incredible news. I just hope people stop tearing it down if not it wont be too much of a help, or what?

Read more here


Blockchain is helping democratize access to credit. Thank god!  


A new species of the toughest animal on earth was recently discovered in Japan. These living beings are fucking hard core!!! Boil them, freeze them, drown them put them into space and they still wont die. Great for longevity research!

Does biological anatomy really capture the entirety of who we are?

Are ‘You’ Just Inside Your Skin or Is Your Smartphone Part of You?


Wish you a wonderful week and I hope this might spark som interesting conversations!

Just, by the way...

Remember, when you find yourself in struggle, think: "what would a person I admire do" To me I could think. "What would Elon Musk do or what would Tim Ferriss to etc." To try to tap into their mindset to help solve and overcome my own challenges :)

