Robotics & Machines

Week In Review - 30th of July

This week I visited Madrid, and you know what, it actually went beyond my expectations. (Read my blogpost about it here) Thanks, Madrid for giving me such a pleasant surprise. I've never been too fond of Spanish language either.. but now.. I happen to like it a tiny tony bit more. You know whats rather weird? When I came home I chose to watch Netflix to relax a bit, and first Tv series I came about was a show called Cable Girls, about the Suffragettes in 1920s. But to my confusion the sync was out of order, but that was right before I realised that the original story was in Spanish and the location of the story was Madrid. Wtf? Spain was following me? Anyways, I ended up binging the whole season. So beautiful and capturing story and deep stories within the main story too. All about human relations and that everyone has their own struggles. Also, the main characters are girls. YES! You should definitely check it out.. And uh, a side note: did you know Netflix is carrying 20 billion dollars in depth? I really hope it will survive because the Original Tvseries they're making is getting better and better.


So what's been up in science and tech this week?



The Musk-Zuck Clash
Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg’s understanding of the future of AI is ‘limited’
In a Facebook Live broadcast, Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, offered a respons. He called Musk a “naysayer” and accused his doomsday fears of unnecessary negativity. Musk then retorted on Twitter: “I’ve talked to Mark about this. His understanding of the subject is limited.” Tech titans protecting their brands?

Google Has Started Adding Imagination to Its DeepMind AI. Researchers have started developing artificial intelligence with imagination, an AI that can reason through decisions and make plans for the future, without human instructions

Another way to put it, it can now imagine the consequences of actions before taking them, something we take for granted but which is much harder for robots to do.
Read more on Futurism

Facebook kills AI that invented its own language because English was slow.
If I was an super intelligent AI trying to communicated certain serious topics I'd probably do the same. Human language are way too poetic, complicated and fragmented to do critical work with. Its limited. Digital Journal reported this.



The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland.

Scientists have converted cancer cells into immune cells. This could lead to a new type of treatment, called differentiation therapy.



The Biggest Facial Recognition System in the World Is Rolling Out in China
Uh-uh..  the government officials in China are taking the technology even further by installing a nationwide system of facial recognition infrastructure. I guess lots of people will say, but what about my freedom and privacy rights? Well, I'm sorry.. But I think, in a way this might be useful and great but also it will definitely be learning curve for every nation to watch and takes note from. 


Elon Musk shares footage of The Boring Company’s first working car elevator. I really hope its not too many years until this network is up and running. Getting the traffic beneath the ground will upgrade the city of angels immensely.




Week in Review - 16th of July

The weather is good and it's summer. We all have time to breath and reboot. In one weird way I actually enjoy that all of Norway is doing it at the same time. Its like a big long country pause where no one expects anything for you for a month.
In other countries you don't see the same, people don't log of for a whole mont, the world goes on as usual.
Well, in tech and science things are happening at all times and this is whats been going on lately this week. My pick!


NASA Just Announced They Can't Afford to Get Humans to Mars Off World
NASA's next steps will depend on its funding, but now more than ever, the future of Mars colonization rests in the hands of commercial space companies. What I think is that going to space should be a team work of the whole world. It doesn't make sense that China is doing that and Russia is doing that. We should have a fund where everyone spit in money used to accomplish a common goal. It costs way too much money to do it properly on our own.. Or is it better with competition?


The Worlds First Fully Robot Kitchen: Yes please!
This is not a video that was published this week but it popped up again in my newsfeed and I figured out its too good not to be shared. You see, I really really dislike cooking, it's one of the worst things I can spend my time doing. I LOVE food but making it is not down my ally at all, I've always wished for the future getting a personal chef and apparently it doesn't seem so far away. Raw Cakes, Fresh juices and nutritious salads will bli served all day every day. YUM. My dream. Or just find me a man who can cook the food that I enjoy.


AI system puts words in Obamas mouth....
Future of Fake news is promising.........uh-uh.. 
Researchers have developed a new tool, powered by artificial intelligence, that can create realistic-looking videos of speech from any audio clip..
Some people believe what they read and what they see. So.. How will things turn out now when one can actually manipulate video to this point? How the FUCK will things turn out now? This is fake news taken to a whole new leve. Watching someone with authority that you trust saying something lots of people automatically believe it.
Read more here, and watch the video below.


Scientists Used CRISPR to Put a GIF Inside a Living Organism’s DNA
Emily Mullin |  MIT Technology Review
“They delivered the GIF into the living bacteria in the form of five frames: images of a galloping horse and rider, taken by English photographer Eadweard Muybridge…The researchers were then able to retrieve the data by sequencing the bacterial DNA. They reconstructed the movie with 90 percent accuracy by reading the pixel nucleotide code.”

"The promise of using DNA as storage means you could conceivably save every photo you’ve ever taken, your entire iTunes library, and all 839 episodes of Doctor Who in a tiny molecule invisible to the naked eye—with plenty of room to spare."

Pretty cool and important. In the coming years more and more data has to be stored and if we don't figure out another way to store it than we do now we'll end up in storage crisis and have no power or space to fit it all. So yup. lets start doing biotech asap.


This would just be so awesome. Will perhaps take a lot of time though.. But let start digging!


Yes please. Right now, thanks.

Week in Review - 4th of June

The world is bananas, even though we live in one of the best times in history and loads of great things are happening, there still is some crazy shit going on. There is always someone who just wants to mess up. Another terrorist attack happened Saturday evening in London... wtf? Just ten days has gone by since the Manchester attack (btw tonight there is the memorial concert with Bieber etc..) 7 dead and 48 wounded. I guess ISIS soon will claim the attack. Gooood, seriously. Wtf. As I write this I'm watching the memorial concert Arianna Grande put together. She is a great girl, going back to Manchester and bringing top pop artists with her, Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Pharell Williams etc. Its a beautiful concert full of love.
Not only that but this week Trump just decided to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Seriously, I have to laugh.. Out.. LOUD. At least Elon Musk made it clear that he no longer wants to be seen in the white house no more.. 

So what else exciting has happened?



NASA’s First Mission to Touch the Sun Launches in 2018
Parker Solar Probe will be sent into the corona of the sun, NASA hopes to get some answers on why the corona, the top layer of the sun's gaseous atmosphere (visible only during a solar eclipse), hotter than its surface?



This is so inspiring and should definitely considered asap from other world leaders too.
India will only sell electric cars by 2030!

Poor air quality kills 1.2 million people in India every year, so clearly they finally had to do something.



These Color-Changing Tattoos Monitor Your Health, No Wearable Needed

A ban on human/animal genetic hybrids was just lifted. What if an animal is born with humanlike consciousness and intelligence? Wont let that happen will we?


The worlds smallest hard drive is a single atom..!



Is it time to redefine work yet!? 
A growing number of people think their job is useless according to world economic forum. So, what is work anyway?

A new internet is already on its way

When will we be able to manipulate matter?

Ray Kurzweils Predictions

Transhumanists yup ineed

Transhumanists yup ineed

Ray Kurzweil, one of my favorite thinkers, has some interesting thoughts about the future and I came across a nice sum up of a few of the events in an article on inverse.

What do you think?

I've copy pasted from the inverse article. 

8. Ubiquitous Wifi Access

By 2019, almost everyone will be able to access wireless internet from almost anywhere on Earth at all times. That’s because, as Kurzweil describes in his 2005 book The Singularity Is Near (TSIN), we’ll have “very high-bandwidth wireless internet access woven in our clothing.”

7. An Asteroid Won’t Kill Us

Within a few decades, space technology will be able to fully protect the Earth from asteroid collisions. “We don’t see [... a large asteroid visitor] on the horizon,” he writes in TSIN, “and it is virtually certain that by the time such a danger occurs, our civilization will readily destroy the intruder before it destroys us.”

6. Working From Home with VR

Within a few decades, virtual reality will be fully immersive, making physical workspaces obsolete. Instead, we’ll all telecommute to work, and populations will become more decentralized because we won’t need to live in any particular location for our jobs. This will also somewhat alleviate the threat of terrorist attacks.

6. Don’t Worry About Disease

Most diseases will go away by the 2020’s. We’ll be able to reverse engineer the brain to fix neurological issues (ex. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, strokes). Nanobots will not only exist by then, but be smart enough to combat diseases better than our current medical technology.

5. Virtual Reality = Reality

By the late 2020s, it will be impossible to distinguish reality from virtual reality. The implications of this are endless, but one of the things Kurzweil mentions in TSIN is how this will affect your sex life. “In virtual reality,” he writes, “we can be a different person both physically and emotionally. In fact, other people (such as your romantic partner) will be able to select a different body for you than you might select for yourself (and vice versa).” People won’t need sex dolls to sleep with Scarlett Johansson lookalikes.

4. Computers Surpass Humans Really Soon

By 2029, a computer will pass the Turing test.

3. Humans Become Machines

By the early 2030s, technology will be able to copy human brains and put them onto electronic mechanisms. That means no more flesh, blood, or bones — just a scan of your brain on a machine — and will enable humans to take any form, from a box to a bird. It will also mean that a “human” won’t die in any traditional sense, and that it will be infinitely replicable. In TSIN, Kurzweil says our immortality will work like computer software: “When we change from an older computer to a newer one, we don’t throw all our files away. Rather, we copy them and reinstall them on the new hardware.”

2. Earth Will Be Made of Computers

Sometime past 2045, our planet will be entirely made up of computers. With the exception of some nature reserves for the vulgar plebeians who want to live in a “natural state.” Fools.

1. The Universe Will Be a Supercomputer

By 2099, machines will be creating planet-sized computers, and eventually we’ll make the entire universe into an enormous supercomputer. Fingers crossed that a rogue humanoid doesn’t destroy the whole thing with a virus!

If You Didn't Know

If you didn't know the person next to you was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know that the person you were looking at was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were talking to was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know that the person you were touching was artificial, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were kissing was a machine, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were having sex with was a bionic person, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were married to was a non human, would it matter?

If you didn't know the mother of your children were not born from a woman herself, would it matter?

If you can't distinguish this person from yourself, why does it even matter?

Week In Review - May 14th

Week 3 of Office X is over. 7 more to go. Damn, time flies. I've had one of the best weeks in a while. Office X pluss reconnecting with the startup community. That San Francisco feeling entered my body and stuck for a bit. It's about to slowly fade but.. It was there! Times them are a-changing here in the smallest of Oslo.

So here is the wrap of what I've got across this week :)


This is why you want a robot coworker - watch the movie below.


Uber is set to deploy flying taxis in Dallas-Fort Worth and Dubai by 2020 :D

The new ET3's tube transportation concept, which is called the "mag-lev limo." would be capable of traveling from New York to Beijing in 2 hours. Amaziiiiing.
“ET3: we call it a mag-lev limo, where it’s a car-sized vehicle that operates in a network of tubes much [like] cars on a freeway,” Oster told TechRepublic at the 2017 Smart Cincy Summit. “But, it would be international and global in scope.Our vision is being able to travel from, say, here in Cincinnati to the Taj Mahal in under three hours for 50 bucks,” Oster added. Essentially, it’s a network of tubes that serve as a “freeway” which can be accessed via various points along its many routes."

Meet Horizon Public Transport, another way to be transported in the future. Whoho!

Cars with Ears
A sense of hearing is set to make cars safer and more reliable.
Startup OtoSense makes software that can listen for sirens or engine trouble.


Perhaps our telomers might the key to unlock immortality. 


Elon Musk: Tesla's Solar Roofs Will Be Cheaper Than Regular Roofs and Have "Infinity Warranty". Well isn't that aaaamazing news!
This week, Elon Musk announced that Tesla's solar roofs would be on sale starting now!

Germany breaks a record for renewable energy, generating 85% of its power from renewable sources on April 30.The country expects such days to become the norm as it continues its push toward clean energy adoption.


Omg I cant wait for the time where its normal not to own anything and if you need something you just print it on demand. Perhaps its usual to have your own 3Dprinter or you'll find one pretty close through an sharing economy app.
Well, the first awesome one is about to enter the market. Kniterate. Check out their kickstarter campaign here.


Bill Gates has 7 predictions for the future


"The Underwater Jetpack"


Week In Review - April 30th

I haven't had that much time to read this week due to my new (amazing!!) job. I've learned a ton but mostly from my own experiences. I held my first podcast and did some smaller interviews, and yes indeed went to Trondheim I've been researching a lot and I've actually done some sweet social media work. I shared my Trondheim interview on Facebook. And I've reached 10k on 35 hours. Not too bad! The wonders of Social Media outshine everything.

So what's happened this week out and about in the whole wide world?
Well, this week Trump celebrated his 100th day as a President. How do you think he is doing?

I hope this sparks some good reflections and conversations and I wish you a good week :)


Uber just promised flying taxis to life in the 3 years. Incredible. Read more here

And yeah, in case you missed it, Elon Musk has revealed what his Boring Machine Company is up too. He is officially digging tunnels under LA. Say good bye to traffic.



A robot just taught another robot to read. Times they are a-changening.


Within 30 years, your CEO probably most likely actually will be a machine. At least according to clever Jack Ma, The Chinese billionaire and the founder and chairman of popular e-commerce service Alibaba. He has had some accurate predictions earlier and if I could give my vote in this case thats what I believe as well. I will even go further.. Believing that one day our Presidents and Prime Ministers and other leaders will actually be machines too. No doubt. They're smarter, faster, has better memory and can work 24/7. And are not even driven by their inner feelings. They just follow logic basically. Or a logic they will understand but we won't. We would just have to trust them.
“The Time Magazine cover for the best CEO of the year very likely will be a robot. It remembers better than you, it counts faster than you, and it won’t be angry with competitors.”
Perhaps this will be the new saying, "Why trust a man when you have a machine"


Next List 2017: 20 People Who Are Creating the Future
"Microsoft will build computers even more sleek and beautiful than Apple’s. Robots will 3D print cool shoes that are personalised just for you. (And you’ll get them in just a few short days.) Neural networks will take over medical diagnostics, and Snapchat will try to take over the entire world. The women and men in these pages are the technical, creative, idealistic visionaries who are bringing the future to your doorstep."

I'm really pro the Venus project (Watch video below) I've been it since I first heard of it. I haven't yet share what this is all about with you so in my feed this week the video popped up again so I thought I should share it. It's bruning man way of an economic system. Yep NO money. A world without money. It functions very well in Burning Man. All we need to do is alter our mindset towards how a society structure is "supposed to" be.


Are you one of the Universal Basic Income sceptics? Well, then this article is for you. Its also for you guys who'd like to back up your opinion and thoughts with facts. Read it and save it.
You should also check out the Infographics Futurism has made on the topic.
Further reading here and here.

Silicon Valley executives are hiring philosophers to teach them to question everything. Not a bad idea when people now really have to change and adapt rapidly.



CRISPR Pill May Be Key in Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

It's no news that lack of sleep may lead to mental disorders. So, scientists are constantly searching for ways to improve our sleep. This blanket, Gravity, I totally believe in. It's actually a thing I do myself if I want to assure myself a good night sleep, I find as many doves and blankets as I can so that I can get lots of pressure on my body. So, MIT studies have shown that it can treat anxiety while you sleep! If you suffer from sleep disabilities and other psychological issues go buy this! The science behind it



Amazon’s Plan to Dominate the Shipping Industry—With Almost No Humans Involved—Is Taking Shape
In the future, it could be possible to place an Amazon order and have it show up at your door without a single human touching it.


The Very Hungry Plastic-Eating Caterpillar
"People produced 311 million tons of plastic in 2014, and that figure is set to double in the next 20 years. Around 40 percent of that consists of polyethylene, in the form of plastic bags, containers, and other products, much of which ends up in landfills. Could the waxworms help to break down that mountain of persistent trash?"


Engineering the Perfect Astronaut

Experiments have begun to alter human cells in the lab. Can they be made radiation-proof? Can they be rejiggered to produce their own vitamins and amino acids?

So, the first head transplantation happened and it apparently went well. Check it out



Facebook Launches "Moon Shot" Effort to Decode Speech Direct From the Brain

"If all goes according to plan—and that’s a big if—Building 8’s neural prosthetic would strap onto a person’s head, use an optical technique to decode intended speech and then type those thoughts on a computer or smartphone at up to 100 words per minute. This would be an order-of-magnitude faster than today’s state-of-the-art speech decoders."



Google brings the world to life in the new version of Google Earth.


Feeling extra adventurous ? You can now visit Titanic..