Week In Review - 25th of February

A bit late out on my weekly wrap up but thats fine. Right..!
As I am human and easily get addicted to good entertainment, I ended up watching "Halt & Catch Fire" the whole day yesterday, completely immersed in a binge. I can not believe I've never heard of this Tv series before. Right down my alley from the entrepreneurial computer industry in the 80s. Its sort of a niche show, but its really good. Added the trailer below. I also learned that the first ever Computer Programmer was a GIRL! Yeah, and her name was Ada Lovelace. What a beautiful name and story.


Besides this I signed up on Rize this Friday(which was their launch date of their public version of the app). Ive been waiting for a few months and then finally it's ready to be used! Its a blockchain based live streaming interaction platform by YouNow and made on PROPS Tokens based on Etherum. I'm starting to wonder wether I should go start using it or not. I missed my shot on youtube, blogging, Instagram, snapchat and musically. All of these platforms I discovered right when they were launched or early on, when nothing was going on and no one was there. What would have happened if I simply continued doing it from day 1 I was there? I just felt I had nothing to share.. I didn't know what I should write or say. Who'd listen to me? And now.. I am SURE this platform is gonna hit it aswell. Can I afford to miss it? Do I want to miss it? Hmm follow me and lets chat when I go live. My first Rize conversation was actually with Casey Neistat. Join me!



MIT launched their yearly "Breakthrough Technologies of the Year" article. 
3D Metal Printing, Artificial Embryos, Sensing City, Neural Networks and more. Check it out for yourself here.
Peter Diamandis says 2018 will off this:

  • "Quantum Supremacy Achieved: The first demonstration of a quantum computation that can’t be simulated with classical supercomputers is announced.
  • Emotion AI will become embedded into conversational interfaces. It will be socially acceptable to scream angrily at Alexa. She might respond with something like, “Please don’t yell at me, that hurt my feelings.”

Here is the rest of his predictions for the years to come.


Getting closer and closer on the longevity journey. Perter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil says that within 10 years the wealthiest will have th opportunity to extend their lives. One clue and inspirational thing is this immortal jellyfish



Kurzgesagt also published their monthly video this week. I'm just adding in here Id love to hear your take on this.