Future Society

Instant Learning, Yes, I Mean Fast Pace Instant Learning, Is Not Far Away.

I, as probably the most of us, love to learn, I'm extremely curious and want to binge on everything all the time. But, there is one challenge, I've always felt that today's way of absorbing information has been way too time consuming, yes, pure hassle. To me, our present biological way is unnecessary and complicated, there is no way we can keep up with the constant loop of knowledge thrown at us 24/7. 

Since an early age I’ve had this underlying sentiment that this is not how it’s supposed to be, it's not completely natural, that this is not how the universe really works. 

That for sure has been an endless frustration, all those hours at school, reading all these books,  so much time spent while learning so little. I’ve always believed that the reality is this magical landscape we just can't seem to neither see nor touch, because we, humans, are too dumb.

However, according to inventions and discoveries that has taken place lately, the future is promising, we're even on the track to learn 1000 times faster than before, with nano boots and chips planted in our brain, says Chief Futurist at Google Ray Kurzweil. The March of the AI and the understanding of neural networks and deep learning is making "sci-fi" possible. Things are starting to making sense. We are about to catch a glimpse of the mystic. Scratching the surface of the what the universe is all about.

So, what I've always felt was possible is becoming real.
I'm super excited about getting the ability to become super smart. How do you feel about that? 

 Check out some of the things happening in the articles above and below.

Instant learning as it is of today by DAQRI

In a 2013 experiment Rats linked together though the internet making them able to learn from each other instantly, called the first “organic computer". Read about that here

We will also be able to control things with our mind, and communicate through our brains (awesome!)

Why Don't We Create the Subject "How To Be Human" and Make it Mandatory in School, ASAP


Why? Cause we can't continue neither reading nor writing about these kinds of situations in the media (a girl being spit in the face by her teacher) plus live next to people suffering because of lack of knowledge what the human mind is all about. 

If it is something that can make me truly furious it's this, shortage in comprehension regarding mental health. So many people suffer from different mental illnesses yet there still is too much ignorance out walking.

After my observations of close friends which is diagnosed this just worsen it all. The absence of love and understanding from their surrounding fils the affected person up with shame and anxiety. And in most of the cases it just tear things further apart instead of brick by brick restoring it back together. Boom the person, relatives and other relationships are trapped in this mess for a long time, maybe even forever.

If you ask me, the education of psychology, psychiatry and the human mind in general should start in an early age, already in kindergarten and follow throughout elementary school. The subject could for instance be called “How to be human” and should be at least once a week. As highly prioritized as any other subject. Meditation, empathy, mindfullness, cognitive learning, how to build better relationships etc, all these tools to get to know yourself, your body and others better. To widen our perspective of the world and society and how everything functions and fits together.

When employees up until this day working hands on with humans ends up spitting children in the face because of little understanding of what mental health really is all about, then something is wrong. 
Get rid of prejudice, shame and ignorance,  ASAP.

All though, I think the future is bright, we evolve too slow. It shouldn’t be taboo no more, but it demands science to join forces with school and the masses.