
What Would You Do If the Internet Collapsed?


I’m following Hashem al ghalis «what if» show on Facebook. This week he put this great question on the table with an answer. «What would you do if the internet collapsed?»

Can you imagine? What would your first thought be? How would you react at first? How would you adapt? What kind of life would that be?

I guess if you’re above 50 life would go back to what this generation consider «normal». With wired cell phones, fax and TV as the primary way of communication and mass entertainment.
But how would generation z feel? All they know is an online life. They’ve never had an experience of just going over to their friends house, knocking their door without an appointment. For them this concept sounds absurd and embarrassing. Do I actually need to talk to people face to face to make friends? Oh shit! I guess they’d all be filled up with an instant social anxiety by that thought. At least that would be my first reaction if virtual was my reality. Communicating online is way less scary and very often one dare to say things you’d never ever dare or consider to say in real life. Online things might not seem rude, scary or hurting. But if you took those words and visuals offline you'd be highly embarrassed by yourself.

I would probably feel kinda stressed but I believe I would feel a bit of relief as well but that perhaps if I knew it was just for a short period of time before internet came back to work again. 

If I then got told that internet will never be up and running again ever I would be kinda frustrated. What the fuck? I would not be able to believe it, really. We just had it, how come we can never make it happen again? I would absolutely live with that voice and frustration inside of me forever. So peace would come to some extent but there would always always be a longing for the graceful alien world in which we once had one click away.

So enjoy it and be grateful. You never know when your whole world will go away. Either its a person, a pet, your health, your wealth, water, food or internet!
Think green, sustainable and act with kindness. You never know when its your turn to meet the unknown.

You’ve Got Time Left To Start Living Consciously

This is the man in MY mirror. What does your tools of change look like?

This is the man in MY mirror. What does your tools of change look like?

Don't you think? Or do you share this common excuse that you are too old to change your habits?

Today in the intense unavoidable stream and fireworks of information hitting you every second it might seem unnecessary and infesable to search for information on topics you do not care too much about. Most of us only consume what we get straight into our feeds and email and thats about it. Which is fine, the only problem is that peoples feeds and newsletters might be completely mind dumbing and beholding no healthy facts or info on society at all. This has us all living in ignorance of what kinds of lives we are truly living. Our habits, thinking patterns, which industries and causes we are supporting, what our ways of eating are contributing towards, how we exercise affects us and our society, what products we buy and how we buy them and what we do with them, how we trash, work, spend our money, what environment does to our brain and body etc.

I believe in a conscious world, a world where we are enlightened and base our actions and habits on facts, values and wellbeing. I’m tempted to write love but that might be too overwhelming for some of you.  But to be able to do so and get there, blindness must be fought. We need to figure out a way to sneak healthy information into peoples minds and that is the question. How to do that one a mass scale. Any suggestions?

Regarding the dairy and meat industry one of my best friends Helene Steffensen posted a great article today on Facebook with a great caption post(added below) Which was the factor triggering me into writing this blogpost. «Make your own choice on which kind of milk you want to drink, but if you AT LEAST acquire the knowledge and information described quite clearly and accurate in this article in the Guardian; you can base your choice on fair ground rather than on ignorance :)

Actually, if you find cows milk just soo good and feel that you can't go without it; It is just because your body has become accustomed to the stuff in the milk meant to get the calf addicted to it, to come back for more.

After not drinking cows milk for a while, it suddenly tastes slimy and disgusting.. Just try! 🍦🥛🧀🐮»

I highly recommend you to, and I would love if you did read this article. Here it is.

Don’t contribute to a better world because you can’t do everything. Small things helps tremendously. If everyone just did one simple change we would change so much. Cut your chocolate milk, ice cream binges on dairy ice cream or that yellow cheese. You will find a substitute. You will! Nut cheeses are so delicious you’ll never want to go back, so Is raw food cakes, or the vegan version of Ben & Jerrys. Cut one product out of your diet and bring one healthy thing in. At least try. There is a whole wide world of nutrition out there which I guess you haven't discovered yet because of your traditional eating habits. But believe me its gonna amaze you if you dig into it.

Or start sharing knowledge with the people you like and other acquaintances of Facebook. Get the best sources into peoples feeds. That helps a lot! Start caring meaning start sharing. 

As one famous man put it (you know who): «be the change you wish to see, start with the man in the mirror» 

Conscious living is the answer.

This is all about asking yourself questions on how you think, you habits, actions, choices etc. Become aware of how you've build up your life, what values you carry and if you really follow them, what fundamentals and philosophy you've based it all on. And all is based on solid ground of knowledge or just something you assumed because it was in the news, someone told you or in a youtube video you saw once. Etc..
You’ve got plenty of years left, its not too late to start living consciously. Take responsibility, live your values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for and I guess deep deep inside you are a kind person who just wish for the best for us all, earth, animals and humans alike. Why not start taking action based on your heart. Start by acquire knowledge and see for yourself, so that your choice is based on facts and not ignorance.  

Oh ok, just in the very end here.. Watch this.. :)

Healthy Stress, You Say?


We all know by now I guess (hopefully you do) how damaging stress it to both your brain and you body. There is no worse "disease trigger" actually, well, except aging of course. It breaks your neurons down and shut don your immune and internal organ system and it has your cells age faster and even kill them. You can read more about that here.

For about 9 years now I've been allergic to stress. One day, I decided, I can not do this anymore. «This tears my body down too much in such a young age, how will this affect me in the long run? With this lifestyle I wont survive until I'm 100 (or longer which is my wish).» I just couldn't accept that kind of future and I couldn't bare with the present state of mind and physical body. I was so stressed out that I simply couldn't cope with life. I was completely handicapped. So I decided, stress is way too dangerous to keep carrying in my body and it will destroy me if I do. Most likely get me killed. And, I, I wont let it.
And from that day on, I took control. I became the captain of my mind, the editor or author if you wish(to give a visual image). I claimed full control and the CEO position of my mind, really. Of course it took sometime to change and develop new habits and thinking patterns to stop avoiding my body creating that poison and pumping it out through my veins. But in a few months I managed and it haven't entered since. If I can feel tendencies to it, something in my environment or mind is on the wrong track and I study everything in detail to figure it out. Most times it's an obvious cause, so I kinda know quite easily what it might be because both my gut and intuition has a good overview at this point. What I do then is the following, I take action to have it go away as quickly as possible and start questioning myself and observe my daily habits, body language, eating pattern. Am I exercising enough? Am I eating too much sugary foods? Is it work? Or a situation at work? Or is it personal? A new friend? Or lover? Sleeping enough? Have I've been seeing grateful and inspiring people lately? Had any meaningful conversations or have I been mostly alone the past days and weeks? What is really on my mind? I'm studying every thought passing by, if there is some negativity in there that causes it, its time to switch that up with a positive one. Whats the gift in this negative though or the cause of the negative thought? Whats the instructions it gives me? Why is it there in the first place? Whats the opposite thought of this, what really is the positive in this thing? You can always, always find a reason of why this thought or event is a gift. I assure you. And mostly it is the guidance towards a better you who is the answer, but you'll always find what it concerns if you just give it some thoughts. But, I mean, nervousness before you enter a stage to do some public speaking, or do a presentation, or before a date or such things to me that is not considered stress. Thats just actually a healthy adrenaline shot that makes you more alert and focused, really. Or, at sometimes it can also blank you out, like it did with me the other day when I had the presentation on stage in front of 250. Haha. So, nervousness is just good, it doesn't last for too long either. Of course, if you're constantly trembling of nervousness thats not too beneficial for the neither the brain nor the body.

So, No entry in this body, stress. Has always been my policy. Until lately. Ive been thinking is all kinds of stress really bad? It's been a question in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. But haven't given it much thought really, hasn't even occured to me to google it. But, all of a sudden, I click play on the most recent podcast episode by Shawn Stevenson at the Model Health show, and guess what. Here's the title to have you understand: 

Stress Activated Foods, Intermittent Fasting, & The Principles Of Stress - With Ori Hofmekler

Wtf, right there, on a silverspoon delivered straight into my mouth I got some answers to the question. Thanks universe!

"Stress can be ruthless. It’s a silent assassin that can break down your brain, screw up your internal organs, and pack fat onto your body. But… That’s only one face of stress. Stress can also be invigorating. It’s capable of making you more physically fit, biologically stronger, and literally keep your brain decades younger. So, how in the world can it be so good, yet so treacherous at the same time? Today we’re going to dissect the value of stress to maximize the benefits, and minimize the potential downfalls."

So it got me thinking, have I been missing out on something? Hm.. The right kind of stress is magically enough beneficial. I wish it was called something else though as I see stress as a relativily negative word. Excitement. Yeah, thats better. Not healthy stress but excitement. I am and always shall be excited to be alive.

What do you think about the concept of healthy stress? Is it really beneficial? Would you name it something else?

**Note; I might at some point write an in depth analytical post about this topic do not know when though so do not keep your expectations for that on default. **

Climate Change Is Releasing Deadly Viruses Back Into The Wild

Last year I wrote a piece about another dark side of climate change which is not too much talked about. When the ice melts, what happens? Well, it's not just the water levels rising high and the temperature increasing, but whatever has been trapped inside of it is released, and will be spreading around. Fast. Bacterias and viruses our generation has no knowledge about and possibly no resistance against, hence no vaccines or medicines to protect us. Hashem just posted this short video. Worth watching.

Past Lives Recognition

fibionacci stairs

Is there such a thing as past lives? Have you ever thought of this as a possibility? Can you see yourselves in a different life? Perhaps you've had any weird visions coming to you that you can not seem to get a grip on why it's happening? Like a glimpse of feeling or memories, which you know didn't happen? Perhaps something that has been following you for your whole life? Have you ever met someone that you simply know you've met them before but which isn't the case? Or met someone you have a really really deep connection or belonging too when you really are strangers to eachother in this life?

Even though most people find it quite funny and hard to belive, I've always known deep within that there must be something to this "past life thing" some religious, spiritual and freaky people are talking about. There is no way that it's provable yet but perhaps in the future? We still do know very little of science and how it all is put together; this life, our minds, the universe and beyond. We even use only 10 % of our brain some people say, and we know even less of how it works than that.
My logical part of the brain, the part that is shaped by our society, of course are in doubt of all this but the wise and intuitive part of me knows it is true.. in a way.. If the flashes I see and the people I believe were a part of my previous life is real? Wow.. That would be just so magical if it really was true.. But at the moment it's just such vague visions. Why, why aren't the memories clear?
One day we will be able to figure it out, it might just take years and years, centuries, thousands of years. Perhaps AI will prove its true but we won't believe it cause we won't still be able to understand the way they show it to us?
I've never read much about it and never been interesting doing so, but perhaps that time has come to learn more? I also know this lady who claims to be able to do past life regression, help me go back in time and remember. A fortune teller.. What if she is really able to do so? Perhaps I should give it a try? I'm tempted. I'll update this post later if I do so.

Some friends of mine went to this fortune teller and what she said blew their minds. It was so accurate that it was not impossible being fake. This woman knew nothing about them before they came. Not even their names. She then told my friend exactly how both of his patents died. What the fuck? This guy is from Australia, there is no way to find this kind of info online etc. I’ve also been to a fortune teller, she knew nothin of me but used her tarot cards to litterally tell me who I was and tell me my story. I didnt open my mouth once, just in awe and astonishment.

Anyways, since I was a child And for as long as I can remember I’ve had these visuals and sensations of me waliking quietly in a forest at night on a brown horse. Its super quiet and I’m carefully looking and listening for potential dangers. I’ve always got a hunch from this being a past life. Being a spy in te woods or something, in the medieval ages or whenever. I have no idea but far back in the times. Pretty interesting, right? And, another thing following me like this is whenever I see or walk past a dog I see and feel it jump up and bite my left tigh, like real hard and not letting go. Quite a terrifyinh sight and perception. Thats why Ive never been to fond of dogs cause this memory is so strong and weirdly enough it hasn’t happen in this life. its the same with dark sea water. I’ve always been fearful of it. And ive never enjoyed going to the beach. And ive never understood why this is the case. That whenever I think of the dark sea I see this storm and dark blu scary water just waiting to eat me. I’m not afraid of drowning or anything ts just this strong weird sensation that intensly crawls back in an instant. Thats basically some of the stronges super natural sensation thats been a part of me forever and wont let go. And I believe the dog and the deep sea might be extreme experiences from past lives. So strong that I possibly died from it. I died from that dog biting me or leaving me with an infected wound. And on the deep see I drowned. I do not have any negative experiences with the visuals from the woods. Those are super positive and brings with them exitement whenever they enter my head and body. What do you guys think? Why do I have these continuous experiences poping into my head and body?

They say that not everyone has lived several lives before this one but many of us have.

There are also at least two people I feel Ive been connected to for many lives or whatever one can call it. perhaps just across time and space, that our atoms belong togethet or something might also be a thought. Oh well. Perhaps I got too supernatural in this post. But I find it kinda interesting. Eagerly waiting for quantum physics to tell the truth.

All this might also be an explanation of multiple universes. Or just be our molecules touching other peoples lives throughouy history. Or what do you think? Is it just nonsense? 

There is a thought thats been crossing my mind.. All the people that feel they are born in the wrong body witht wrong sex. What if they in their previous life were the opposite sex and they were so attached to their physical body in that life that their unconsiciousness did’t manage to let it go when they were reborn anew? That Something within just cant manage to rewire?  oh well..

Wanna Laugh & Get Some Smart Imputs? Rick & Morty Put Some Real Outbursts on The Menu.

Mirror mirror on the wall, will you ever show us any meaning at all?
Perhaps this is a frase which you've stumbled upon every now and then or maybe you ponder about it pretty often? I guess it has touched most of our brains at some point. Hasn't it?

Anyhow, we should all know by now that the meaning of our own life we have to create ourselves. There is no special purpose (that we know of this far) or sense of meaning unless we wire our brains to invent it. And to do that you got to accept the meaninglessness there is to it all.

You need to sculpt and cultivate the why of you. I'm sorry to say there is no one that will serve this to you on a silver spoon. So either you'll find it or you'll not. It all depends on your perspective on the world and on your own thoughts. 

Anyways.. Why indulge in depressing existential thoughts which brings you nothing but misery when life is full of stuff to enjoy? Redirecting our minds and start leaving the struggle of looking for a bigger picture behind. Instead, go explore and find important stuff in the things around you.

The underline of the awesome TV series Rick and Morty, which goes far into the portal of philosophy, is all about this. Almost every episode questions existence.
And apparently the message that gets through is that the only meaning there is is the one you'll have to make up yourself together with the people you love. There is no other secret than that.

Rick is the most genius scientist of the whole universe and even he struggles to figure out a reason to stay alive at times which is why he find himself burping alcohol at any time of the day. , But the TV series shows us pretty clear that Rick actually finds meaning in loving, being of service and caring for his family.
This shines through in one touching episodes where he has to risk his life to save Rick. 
That's what I enjoy the most with this show, it spreads awareness of life and deliver meaningful , valuable content which creates thoughts and activate the viewers brain in a subtle, entertaining and funny way.
Definitely worth some of your precious time. Perhaps it'll even teach you something or spark som enlightenment neurons in your mind!

My why I know, cause after observance of my own wellbeing and way of life this make the most sense (of course sometimes I have to pretend that I know it to trick my conscious self to be convinced of that's a fact. Yes indeed life can, or our head can deliver some real shit storms at times but as long as one do not pay too much attention to it, it's fine) it's loving, being of service and caring for others. Deep within I have a wish and I'm on a mission to make the world a better place, even though it's just on a tiny tony scale if that is all I can manage.

Quote from the video (weeell said)

"The only thing more terrifying than not existing or not knowing why you exist is existing and having no one to share it with."

What is your why?
Why do you wake up in the morning?
Where do you find meaning?
What really makes you smile and get a warm sensation?

Well, perhaps not think about it too much either, embrace life and enjoy it.
And really, do NOT take life too seriously. That's my one and only advice.
Really, don't.

And oh, while you're here you really need to check out this mind blowing peace of art, the trailer for Rick & Morty season 3. No words. Or one word actually: TRIPPY.COM


Ok one more video if you're super into it like I am at the moment you probably wanna watch this one as well:

If you are new to the show, you'll find it on Netflix! 

Are We Attracted To People That Look Like Us?


"According to research reported in the July 2010 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, we are attracted to people who resemble our parents or ourselves."

Makes sense though? Right? 
Weirdly enough all of my friends, family and previous boyfriends have either my or my parent's characteristics. Perhaps it isn't that strange after all? We are used to look at ourselves in the mirror and in my case almost three decades of looking at my own and my parents faces it kinda turned out as a recognition of safety. These familiar character traits has become an easy unconscious choice to stay comfortable, as we all know, we all strive to stay secure, economically, friends wise, family wise, housing wise an so on. All of us wants a place where we can relax and let our guards down. And all our life we've learned which kind of people to "trust" more than others.
The reason why I started once more pondering about this fairly interesting concept more deeply is because suddenly I found myself in a situation where it's basically literally in my face and it creeps me out.

My previous boyfriend turned out to be an almost exact look alike, we heard several times that we could be twins or even was asked if we were brother and sister. Lol funny but we were madly in love with each other. Were we really just in love with ourselves? 

I totally get the concept and of course I'd (or my unconscious mental state) prefer to happily remain in the circle of resemblance but a challenge has shown up in which I need to break this pattern of mine if it is to be continued. Challenge accepted? Hmm it actually freaks me out which is also way too hilarious that it does, almost weird that it frightens me, that I, with such insights to psychology has a resistance towards embracing new character traits amongst my closest people. But I totally get why, which is of course is the only way to change this whole situation and turn it in to a positive exciting adventure of opening my arms to and embrace new kinds of (character traits) people entering my life in the future. Haha it's all to witty that I even write this, feeling like such a discriminator? I find it immensely embarrassing actually. But well, research shows (making me more relieved) that it's usual feeling and thinking like this either unconsciously or consciously. Have you ever been thinking about it before? Try to think, how do your friends look? What does your family look like? What's your own character traits? Who do you normally tend to find attractive? What about instant attraction looking at photos, people walking by you on the street, subway etc..? Try noticing it. It might show up as an unconscious crazy factor of your choices of people.. Some people have never ever though about this at all earlier, and some people don't even follow this ancient instinct at all, but most of us are according to scientific studies. 

What's your thoughts on this?
Safety first? Or "risk"? What do you prefer?

Adding on some reflections:
Often love is based on fear. We are haunted by the fear of not being loved, then taking a risk adding a second fear(trying to be loved by someone with and unfamiliar face and body) is difficult for our unconscious self? Don't you think? Just throwing some thoughts out here.

Curious to dig into this? Read some more about it here:

There is something disturbing about the people we end up with
The scientific reason why you're attracted to people who look like you

Dating narcissism
Why we are attracted to people just like us
Are we attracted to people looking like us?

Book of the Month: Essentialism


If you haven't yet heard of the book Essentialism it certainly was about time you did.
I downloaded it yesterday all though one of my very best friends has been throwing it after me for months. I finally picked it up and I now understand why.

Taking a left turn for a few sentences: I believe she has the most helpful library in her home ever existing. She reads all the best books on how to have a life in fulfilment and peace, and how to get on track towards your vision and mission. So I value her recommendations highly. A bit more background info on her: she is one of the best time managers I've ever met in person. She also has three kids and a house, in Stavanger, addition to that she is divorced and have found a new boyfriend in Oslo and on top of that she is an entrepreneur. Her life if all about responsibility. She HAS to be a total pro in this field, like many others also need to, but the only difference, she manages to do it, on point. I respect her profoundly and she is one of my go to friends for advice and support. She is a huge inspiration source and the mist kind and joyful woman I know. How does she do it? Well, practice and reading a lot, and of course worshiping the book Essentialism, and now I totally understand why. If you'd like to learn more about how she does it and what she do You need to check her out actually, Siri Abrahamsen. Oh well this suddenly became a blogpost where I honor my dear friend but so be it and so while I'm at it you could also check out the Ingefær podcast where she guested some months a go. She is on a mission to spread the awareness of and build emotional intelligence amongst us. Which is highly needed in our time being. She mainly focus on kids and their parents but also work B2B and has written 3 books with the 4th and 5th on the way. Her main focus is how to create great relationships, with yourself, partner, family, kids, colleagues, friends. If you start follow her, you'll learn a lot on how to live a happier and more peaceful life. She is one of the most mentally wise people I know. And I'm lucky to have her as a friend and guide! In a way she is this book that I am talking about. It has become the core of all her choices and actions in life. She is super conscious about her time and what she use it for. And I believe this is the way we all should live to lead a life full of content and no stress.

Ok, so back to the book. Essentialism. What this book is all about is how to do this. How to actually adopt Siris mentality and how to implement it into actions in your daily life. It's all about asking yourself the right questions. The book starts with the author telling his story and what catalysed it. He hit the tipping point when he, as embarrassingly it was, rushed from the hospital where his wife just gave birth to their child simply to go to a meeting which nothing came out of but negativity. He lost his integrity and respect at work and at home that day.  From that point he understood he had reached rock bottom. I believe this might be the case for many people these days. Saying yes to everything with the feeling of not really be able to manage anything at all and the feeling of that hanging over them constantly. Always disappointing oneself and mirroring this feeling in managers, co-workers and family members. Divorces even happen because of unavailability to manage their time correctly. If you feel like one of these people you need to start reading this book asap, and if you are like me that just want to be more aware of how putting the tools into words so to being able to guide others properly this is also a book for you, and if you are simply curious on this way of thinking, read it!!! Let me know what you think. I guess that when I finished the book I'll add some more content to this post.

Stop stressing and start living. There is nothing more important than living with content and calmness in the now. There is nothing more important than being happy with your life right here right now. As long as you're moving forward, no matter how fast or slow, it's a success. Health and wellbeing in this very moment is what to cherish. Base all your actions and thoughts on this. 
And ask yourself what truly matters.

What are the trade-offs by me doing this?
How many people do I help by using my time on this?
What really matters? 
What really makes me happy?
What makes me smile?
What give me the sense of wellbeing, in which mindset and situation is this?
What would happen if I could figure out the one thing I could do at work that would make the highest contribution?
All these questions and more are SO important to ask yourself to map out your road to a better and healthy life for yourself and those around you. All your relationships will get better when this is on the right track.

This is also the core of my life. This is what makes me do whatever I do in life. Sometimes I of course wish I could accomplish and move in a faster pace more but when I think about how I'd feel if I felt constantly in a rush it's not a positive answer. So.. I'm rather happy with moving in my own pace and not comparing myself to everyone else. I need to be calm and stay happy, smile and laugh a lot. And I only do that when I follow my core belief. So.. Lots of things need to be sacrificed but the most important things are worshiped and cultivated by living this way. So mission accomplished. I think so.

"If you don't prioritise your life, someone else will."


Foods That Resemble The Body Parts They're Good For

Wait, what?

Perhaps you've never thought or never even heard about this before, that there exists foods in nature that mirror the body parts they provide nutrients for? Or perhaps you've heard some mentions here and there about walnuts being good for the brain but never really had your curiosity triggered into indulging in the wisdom of earths magic?
There is all this forgotten/hidden yet essential information about our existence and mother nature that we never learn anything about while growing up... Such wisdom, such knowledge, all lost. Gone.

Anyhow, I find it extremely fascinating that some of the food growing right next to us actually look like our organs and not only that, the organ that the food resemble happens to be beneficial to this exact organ. Wait what? 
I must say, after my opinion, nature is simply way too perfect to be random. Don't you think? Seems like someone is trying to give us a message. No?
Is it really such a simple message that we're apparently too ignorant to receive it?

Well, I thought I'd write about this topic cause I'd like to put everything I've ever learned about that topic in one place and memorise it. It's handy to know, then you get a sense of what to eat to strengthen the different body parts, and perhaps this time I will actually remember to eat accordingly? 
I also find it in my duty to spread this knowledge as it seems not too many people out there are aware of this. Neither Youtube nor the web is flowing with videos or articles on knowledge. No words. Oh wait? Is it because of the food industry? Or the pharmaceutical industry? We won't know for sure but something is quite odd about this.

Though these healthy foods are beneficial to the whole body, the list below is a fun reminder of what to eat to target specific areas


Carrots. If you examine a slice a carrot you can avoid seeing that it looks quite like a human eye.
And, according to science, eating carrots greatly enhances blood flow to the eyes. Carrot gets their orange color from a plant chemical called beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The chemical also protects against macular degeneration an age-related sight problem that affects one in four individuals over the age of 65.


A Tomato has four chambers and is red in color. Our heart can be described the same. It's red and has four chambers. Research has confirmed that tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and it is indeed pure heart and blood food.


Grapes resembles our lungs. The lungs are made of branches of ever-smaller airways that finish up with tiny branches of tissue called alveoli. These structures allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the blood stream. A diet high in fresh grapes has shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which is thought to reduce the severity of asthma triggered by allergy.


Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. The similarity between round citrus fruits––like lemons and grapefruit––and breasts may be more than coincidental. "Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells," says Dr. Moulavi.


Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries. An Italian study found that women whose diets included a lot of olive oil had a 30% lower risk of ovarian cancer. The reasons are unclear, but the healthy fats in the oil may help suppress genes predisposed to causing cancer.


Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Studies have shown that Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the sperm count as well as overcoming male sterility.


Avocados and Pears are good for the health and functioning of the womb and cervix of the female and look just like these organs. Modern research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances the birth hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and can even prevent cervical cancer. It even takes exactly nine months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit, just like a human baby! There are said to be over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods.


Celery, Rhubarb, Bok-choy and more look just like bones structure. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are made up of 23% sodium and these foods have sodium in them. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.


A Walnut certainly looks like a little brain with a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are similar to those of the neo-cortex. Scientists claim that walnuts help in developing over three dozen neuron-transmitters within the brain enhancing the signaling and encouraging new messaging link between the brain cells. Walnuts help warding off dementia. They also extract and break down the protein based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s diseases, according to a study by Dr. James Joseph of Tuft University in Boston.


Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function by providing a variety of minerals and vitamins. All though, a catch I find odd is that if your kidneys are diseased, you actually might need to moderate your intake of kidney beans.


Sweet Potatoes resemble the pancreas and can actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. The oblong sweet potato bears a strong resemblance to the pancreas, and also promotes healthy function in the organ. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a potent antioxidant that protects all tissues of the body, including the pancreas, from damage associated with cancer or aging.


Onions look like our body's cells. Research shows onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. 


Ginger looks like the stomach and it also aids in digestion. Indians and Chinese have been using it for over 5000 years to calm stomach and cure nausea, and motion sickness. It also slows down the growth rate of bowel tumors


A Mushrooms when sliced in half resembles the shape of the human ear. Mushrooms improve hearing abilities, since they contain Vitamin D, which is healthy for bones, especially the 3 tiny bones in the ear that transmit sound to the brain.


Broccoli believe it or not but it actually looks like cancer cells. A team of researchers at US National Cancer Institute found if a weekly serving of broccoli was enough to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 45%..


Ginseng root looks like a human body, and it is a holistic cure for almost everything.


Red wine, what does it look like? Blood. Wine is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, including powerful resveratrol. And this apparently loads up on the healthy stuff that protects against destructive things in the blood, like LDL cholesterol. There's also a blood-thinning compound in red wine, so it reduces blood clots, which are associated with stroke and heart disease. 


How To Beat Your Repetitive Negative Mind? Part I

Did You Know That 95 % Of Your Thoughts Each Day Are Repetitive?

Usual Thoughts

Usual Thoughts

Terrible. Right? 60.000 is the amount of thoughts your brain holds each day. And guess what 95 % are the same everyday. Yes, 95% of your mind is repetitive. Depressing? Right? But whats even worse is that 80% of these thoughts are negative. Nahh you say, that can't be? Well, a study in 2005 by the National Science Foundation says so
And if you start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, let me know if they aren't. We humans get annoyed, worried, become in doubt, in despair, shameful, irritated, guilt, insecure, sad, envious, jealous, angry, stressed all the time, yes everyday apparently we hold thoughts having us feel like this. We often dwell in the past or the future, obsessing about mistakes we might have made, battling guilt or planning ahead. We are constantly drifting into fantasy, fiction and negativity. Consequently, an absolute minuscule number of our thoughts are actually focused on what is truly important and real: the present moment. The moment is all that is, every was and will be. Everything else is elusive and illusory, particularly as our subjective awareness and feelings are concerned.
You recognise those feelings and thoughts, don't you? Some people just fires up if the person in front of them drives too slow when they have to catch a meeting starting in not too long and some people gets annoyed when their partner didn't clean up when he came home earlier than you. Etc.. Apparently there are sooooo much things to get frustrated about. It basically seems like the human mind is wired for neuroticism. 
But, you might also be one of the persons that are really aware of your consciousness and also knows how your subconsciousness works and know how to manipulate and alter your state of mind to take control and be in charge and quit having these feelings and thoughts. But if you really do not work on yourself to discover your brain, you might be one of those people who copes with negative thoughts and feelings 80 % of the day. You really have to go through lots of self observance and hard work to get rid of them and live with happy and content thoughts and feelings. You might also be one of the lucky people who have no feelings at all only good ones and a quiet and peaceful mind, but believe me, there are not too many of you guys out there.

So seriously, whats wrong with us? And how can we really alter our minds? Is it even possible?
Yes as I mention above there is a way. It might have seemed a bit understandable when you read it if you have never been thinking about these things before... But let me break this down for you.
And to mention first, I find it really annoying that emotional intelligence is nothing that we learn in school or in our community or really not from our parents either, cause they haven't learned this themselves.. Sadly, it fucks us up. Depression is increasing, suicide is increasing, mental illnesses is increasing in general. Clearly we live in a society in which we weren't mentally prepared for after centuries of just living from day to day feeding ourselves, hunting for food and water and making clothes all day. And now things are moving to fast for us to even keep up. We haven't learned any tools to cope with our minds, to understand others and to truly be happy, peaceful and content within ourselves and in relations with others. This society have made us more isolated even though we are surrounded by more and more people everyday. And as we are people persons this is not good for our mentality but again, we really don't learn this in school and we don't learn how to do anything about it. How to get a stable mind and life. So, I'll do my best to give you some tips.
Being aware of this is what is called mindfulness. 

1. Do Not Believe Everything You Think
Basically 80 % is just pure nonsense. Never ever consider everything you think as real. Most of it might be shaped by society or your own insecurities or your egocentric and ignorant perspective on the world. Which might be complete bullshit. So..

2. Do Not Dwell in The Past
You can't do anything about it anyways. Up until now, there is no way we have a chance to go back and rewrite our past. It's possible in quantum physics but not the physics or which we are currently in. Dwelling of the past, is what makes you feel guilt, sorrow, 

3.  Neither think about the Future
The future is, believe me or not, actually completely unpredictable. Even though most likely a scenario where you while tomorrow walking down the streets get a brick in your head, you never know what tomorrow holds. You don't even know what surprises the next hour might bring you. So why worry or plan to much a head. Of by course covering your basic need you need to plan a bit ahead, like housing, money, clothing, educating, nurturing the relationships with the people you care the most about to keep the relationship healthy, educating you kid etc is a necessity. But besides this, there really ain't nothing else to think about, so why do it? You can not predict it anyways. Of course its nice to plan things to look forward to but don't do to much of it, cause as I said.. You dont know..

An important note is that: Anxiety and stress is future related, depression is past. If you live in the present, these negative thoughts will swiftly go away and content will enter you body and mind.

4. Get Your Sleep
A study tracking peoples sleep showed that after even just one night with no sleep made some of the test people psychotic. Say what? Thats insane. It's super important, it disturb your mental state so much, making it run faster and even more difficult to control. It also fires up your amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain.

5. Eat Healthy
What is healthy these days? There are all these different diets out there online each one of them claiming they are the best. Well, I will argue that you do it as simple as simply eat plant based, and keep the meat, fish and animal products on a moderat level. Why?
It doesn't just reduce your waste line or make you body healthy, but.. your brain aswelll!! A healthy lifestyle help build a healthy mind. Again its the same as with sleep. Give your brain healthy fuel and it will work with you, easier to get mindful and stress will lowers it gears.

7. Studies have proven that months of exposure to stress can destroy neurons in the brain permanently, which affects learning, memory, reasoning and impulse control.

Stress literally kills your brain, in addition to having severely negative effects on the rest of your body. When you’re stressed, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol which can kill, shrink and stop the generation of new neurons in the part of the brain called the hippocampus. Next time you feel stressed out, reading can reduce stress by 68% – more than listening to music or taking a walk.(source)

More to come later.

Will Future Technology Help Us Become More Present?

The internet is flooding of articles on how to be present. All over you can find books telling us how to live in the "now" and lots of public speakers and workshop holders will try to teach you how to live mindfully but when you think about it, really.. Does it even work? The way we interact with technology today and how we communicate with each other through it is very isolating, isn't it? Looking at one single device all day not in each others eyes, not speaking verbally. Just glancing at one spot all day bending our necks and cramping our body in such unhealthy ways humans never have done before, all day. yikes. 
I read a really good article on how this has affected the youths of today a few days ago. With the title "Have our smartphones destroyed a generation?" Here is a little extract from it.
“I’ve seen my friends with their families—they don’t talk to them,” Athena told me. “They just say ‘Okay, okay, whatever’ while they’re on their phones. They don’t pay attention to their family.” Like her peers, Athena is an expert at tuning out her parents so she can focus on her phone. She spent much of her summer keeping up with friends, but nearly all of it was over text or Snapchat. “I’ve been on my phone more than I’ve been with actual people,” she said. “My bed has, like, an imprint of my body.”*
Well, what I wanted to pinpoint in this post is that I have a few thoughts of that there might be a possibility for it to help us turn this the other way around and that we will within a decade see a huge difference in how we communicate and how we interact with technology. I can't help but wonder, could this turn into a power tool for us to use when we want to be more present and mindful? Could entering an immersive reality for an hour besides our own function as a therapy? Not only do I believe so but I'm almost 99,9 % certain of (it might seem a bit crazy) that this will also make us happier and more social with our peers which also might help on living mindfully. After all, we are social beings made to explore our surroundings. Right now we just sit still all day almost, exploring only blue light and letters but that's a side track.

So here is what I think could happen; if we use VR & AR in a way which we will feel immersed with all our senses, it will be an easy gateway to get in touch with our inner child, by that I mean that children are always in an extreme state of presence which is where all the yogis, articles and public speakers want us to go. Actually kids are always present, right here in the now playing around laughing and inventing their own realities within this one. If you let yourself play and being entertained in a way were you can interact being in a surroundings you feel really captivating in Don't you think that you will become amazed and filled with awe and excitement, just like a child? To add an example to the table; imagine entering a reality where you dream scenario is coming through, for instance if your dream always has been to go to New York, you just put on your Mixed Reality lenses and equipment and boom you're walking straight into the city, without the hassel of going to the airport and flying for hours. And you experience everything as its completely real, the smells, the though, feelings, sounds, visuals everything. It feels completely real. Don't you think that you would become completely excited and paying attention to everything around you, at least for an hour? Just like a kid suddenly entering the playground? You get my point? This might actually help us get grounded and forget everything outside our own little reality bubble we've already built up, our normal life for an hour or so, or at least I think it's easier than sitting on a pillow saying ooooohm to reach a place close to living in "the now". Or what do you think? So perhaps we can use mixed reality as therapy? To get a break from our noisy minds? A reality in which we become fully present with our whole body? Imagine for those who can not reach a state of presence cause they are so captivated by their chaotic inner thoughts, always living in the future and the past simultaneously filled with feelings impossible to cope with. And then if you enter another world where you know you can just let go of it all, and you let go of it all cause it's so captivating and magic that there is no way you actually won't be able to not be present. Perhaps some people will call it an escape, explaining that you're basically escaping from yourself. But isn't it better to have an hour with a silent, mindful mind each day than not, have a place you can go to for inner peace? If you ask me, I believe it's gonna be a great tool.

I'm not sure if I explained this in a graspable way for you guys.. But in someway perhaps you understood? To add another example; imagine playing a game where you really have to focus and be present in able to win or to actually play it, or imagine running from a lion. In order to succeed in that very moment you have to be fully in the now to be able to cope with the situation. And if one create such an exciting an non stressful reality you will enter that state of mind? Don't you think? It is interesting how we will be able to use virtual worlds to actually be able to cope with the other reality we live in, cause we have messed our lives up soooo much that we need to enter different realities to be able to not struggle. Crazy how this all have turned out like this but it's amazing the how our new way of living will become. At least we will have options for everyone, and not only those people who actually manage to calm down and relax by saying ohm sitting in a lotus flower. The things is, I don't think that is too many.
Excited? Yes I am.

To Live is To Suffer?

This is not too far from reality though if you'd like to review it with the eyes of logic. 
To live is to experience physical and psychological struggles, it cannot be denied. It is impossible to live without experiencing some kind of suffering. We have to endure physical suffering like sickness, injury, tiredness, old age and eventually death and we have to endure psychological suffering like loneliness, frustrations, fear, embarrassment, disappointment, anger, etc.
Some people suffer a whole lot from what others call trivial problems but truth is, we all feel equally, no matter how big or large it seems to eyes from outsiders. It's always the same, all it depends on is really the perspective of the beholder. And some people have never experienced the most terrible and horrible sufferings which means that to them what they experience now is the worst and thus will appear to be such.

That life is suffering is also the First of the Four Noble Truths Buddism is built upon. The Four Noble Truths is the essence of Buddha's teachings. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. Simply put, suffering exists; it has a cause; it has an end; and it has a cause to bring about its end.

Ending it with this quote by Viktor E. Frankl

Life Is Pure Entropy

"The essence of life feels like love, looks like beauty and rings like truth."
Entropy is the probability that everything will devolve into chaos. It's the scientific term for Murphys Law, whatever can go wrong, will. You probably will at sometimes in your life think and feel that you have it all but that's when it all will dissolve beneath your feet. Life is and will never be perfect, for anyone. No one. Remember that. Everyone suffers. Everyone has their struggles and secrets.

Why You Should Apply Some Stoicism To Your Life

In other words; We can't be in control over what happens but we can be in control over how we approach things. We can take control over our own minds; our thoughts, emotions and actions and be the captain steering the boat in different waters and weather. You'll have to distance yourself from your thoughts and emotions and embrace life as it happens with calmness. This is how you'll achieve peace of mind. A strong sense of self awareness is needed for this to be possible.

The name stoicism comes from the stoa Poikile the decorated public colonnade where the philosophers gathered for discussion. 

The Stoics thought that (practical) ethics was the most important component of their philosophy: it was about how to live one’s life in the best possible way.

To be honest, it's just a few years since I heard of this philosophy(even though I've been living this mindset my whole life) and boy every time I think of psychology and how to deal with our own minds and the world around us I think why the fuck didn't I learn anything about this in school. So frustrating, and still is not taught.
Well, I've been and am a firm believer in and follower of this mindset since as long as I can remember with an exception of a few years in my teens but since the age of 19 I have been extremely conscious about how I treat my mind and body, myself and others. To say it as cliché as always, I am my house which I can not escape so I better be gentle. Really, I have to treat it well or else I'll suffer like crazy and life is too short to do that.

Stoicism has just a few central teachings. It sets out to remind us of how unpredictable the world can be. How brief our moment of life is. How to be steadfast, calm, strong, and in control of yourself not matter what happens. And finally, that the source of our dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic.

So, the stoics try to deal with the world as it is, while pursuing self improvement trough four cardinal virtues:

Practical wisdom is the ability to navigate complex situations in a logical informed and calme manner.

Face daily challenges with clarity and integrity.

Treating others with fairness even when they have done wrong.

The expertise of self restraint and moderation in all aspects of life.

If this doesn't sound like a great philosophy to live life by I'm not sure which planet you're on. Then it is definitely YOU who need to implement this pattern to your daily habits. Too many people these days suffer more from their mind than what reality tells them. Life is all about perspective and if you do not realise it, good luck. Perhaps you'll figure out on your death bed but then its too late. If you are one of those who take life seriously, are easily tempered and blame others for your misfortune and misery its time to start rewire your mind. Life is way better being happy and content every minute every day, always. Embrace what happens with gratitude, meaning, purpose and love, and you'll end up with a peaceful mind.

It’s a tool that we can use to become better in our craft, better friends and better people.

Logotheraphy is also worth taking notice of, its based on stoic principles and is a concept framed by Viktor Frankel who survived a concentration camp.  Logotherapy is a term derived from the words “logos,” a Greek word that translates as “meaning,” and therapy, which is defined as treatment of a condition, illness, or neurosis. It teaches that you can find meaning in every situation you're in, even the most miserable ones. The theory is founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose.

Read the famous lettes from Seneca here
The most famous one: Shortness of Life you can find here.
Check out the video below for a brief introduction made by TED.

Tim Ferriss is such a fan and brag about it whenever he gets the chance, which is great. He spreads the word. He also have made a list of great Stoicism resources. Check it out here.

How to apply it by Tim Ferriss

Think Twice

Got kids? Or perhaps you're sometimes around them? Well, if there is alcohol involved, think twice. Kids are way more sensitive to human behavior than grown ups. Be responsible or else you might ruin someones life by creating traumas the person wont be able to cope with.