If you haven't yet heard of the book Essentialism it certainly was about time you did.
I downloaded it yesterday all though one of my very best friends has been throwing it after me for months. I finally picked it up and I now understand why.
Taking a left turn for a few sentences: I believe she has the most helpful library in her home ever existing. She reads all the best books on how to have a life in fulfilment and peace, and how to get on track towards your vision and mission. So I value her recommendations highly. A bit more background info on her: she is one of the best time managers I've ever met in person. She also has three kids and a house, in Stavanger, addition to that she is divorced and have found a new boyfriend in Oslo and on top of that she is an entrepreneur. Her life if all about responsibility. She HAS to be a total pro in this field, like many others also need to, but the only difference, she manages to do it, on point. I respect her profoundly and she is one of my go to friends for advice and support. She is a huge inspiration source and the mist kind and joyful woman I know. How does she do it? Well, practice and reading a lot, and of course worshiping the book Essentialism, and now I totally understand why. If you'd like to learn more about how she does it and what she do You need to check her out actually, Siri Abrahamsen. Oh well this suddenly became a blogpost where I honor my dear friend but so be it and so while I'm at it you could also check out the Ingefær podcast where she guested some months a go. She is on a mission to spread the awareness of and build emotional intelligence amongst us. Which is highly needed in our time being. She mainly focus on kids and their parents but also work B2B and has written 3 books with the 4th and 5th on the way. Her main focus is how to create great relationships, with yourself, partner, family, kids, colleagues, friends. If you start follow her, you'll learn a lot on how to live a happier and more peaceful life. She is one of the most mentally wise people I know. And I'm lucky to have her as a friend and guide! In a way she is this book that I am talking about. It has become the core of all her choices and actions in life. She is super conscious about her time and what she use it for. And I believe this is the way we all should live to lead a life full of content and no stress.
Ok, so back to the book. Essentialism. What this book is all about is how to do this. How to actually adopt Siris mentality and how to implement it into actions in your daily life. It's all about asking yourself the right questions. The book starts with the author telling his story and what catalysed it. He hit the tipping point when he, as embarrassingly it was, rushed from the hospital where his wife just gave birth to their child simply to go to a meeting which nothing came out of but negativity. He lost his integrity and respect at work and at home that day. From that point he understood he had reached rock bottom. I believe this might be the case for many people these days. Saying yes to everything with the feeling of not really be able to manage anything at all and the feeling of that hanging over them constantly. Always disappointing oneself and mirroring this feeling in managers, co-workers and family members. Divorces even happen because of unavailability to manage their time correctly. If you feel like one of these people you need to start reading this book asap, and if you are like me that just want to be more aware of how putting the tools into words so to being able to guide others properly this is also a book for you, and if you are simply curious on this way of thinking, read it!!! Let me know what you think. I guess that when I finished the book I'll add some more content to this post.
Stop stressing and start living. There is nothing more important than living with content and calmness in the now. There is nothing more important than being happy with your life right here right now. As long as you're moving forward, no matter how fast or slow, it's a success. Health and wellbeing in this very moment is what to cherish. Base all your actions and thoughts on this.
And ask yourself what truly matters.
What are the trade-offs by me doing this?
How many people do I help by using my time on this?
What really matters?
What really makes me happy?
What makes me smile?
What give me the sense of wellbeing, in which mindset and situation is this?
What would happen if I could figure out the one thing I could do at work that would make the highest contribution?
All these questions and more are SO important to ask yourself to map out your road to a better and healthy life for yourself and those around you. All your relationships will get better when this is on the right track.
This is also the core of my life. This is what makes me do whatever I do in life. Sometimes I of course wish I could accomplish and move in a faster pace more but when I think about how I'd feel if I felt constantly in a rush it's not a positive answer. So.. I'm rather happy with moving in my own pace and not comparing myself to everyone else. I need to be calm and stay happy, smile and laugh a lot. And I only do that when I follow my core belief. So.. Lots of things need to be sacrificed but the most important things are worshiped and cultivated by living this way. So mission accomplished. I think so.
"If you don't prioritise your life, someone else will."