Co-Founder and General Manager Ida Pernille Hatlebrekke next to Preben from Trigger.
Tuesday this week, Trigger, one of Norways most recognisable and leading PR companies opened their newest venture, "Folk Oslo". Folk Oslo is to this date the very first Problem Solving Hub in Norway.
What this means in their own words:
"A problem workshop where people and businesses meet to solve societal challenges by developing products and companies jointly"
Folk aims to deconstruct together with talented and competent people and businesses UN 17 SDGS into doable and implementable tasks and solutions. Their vision is to make Oslo a better place to be.
It might sound vague and intangible but after their launch party, hearing it all more in detail I'm able to grasp it, sort of. The idea is amazing but how will this work in reality?
I am a member. In fact I'm a proud and humble member amongst all those competent high profile leaders across all industries in Norway. I was asked if I wanted to be one of their first founding 50 members and was even asked to be in the advisory board. What? I have no idea why they saw me as a key person but I guess they value my experience, expertise and drive more than I can seize.
I think this is going to rock but we need more people in. It's open to everyone who wants to make a change in this world, to the better. It is for those who wants to participate and work together in teams to do so. And the ones who see sustainability as a key factor certainly.
To figure out how and what to attack, they've put up this Oslo Dugnad Web Page. where people can submit challenges they face in daily life in Oslo. Live in Oslo? Have anything on top of your mind? Or just stay updated on what fellow Osloers find annoying? Click here
You can read more about the project here:
Kampanje - Trigger-Prebens nye super nettverk
Dagens Næringsliv
What do you think, will this work?
I really hope we are able to maximise this potential outcome. All odds says that its possible. So. Let go shape the future!
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