Hvor mye makt har vi forbrukere til å endre samfunnet? Jo, ganske så mye. Der vi putter pengene våre legger vi igjen en stemmeseddel om butikken/kjeden/trenden/varen/vanen skal overleve og fortsette slik eller ei. Dette gjelder alt; klær, mat, møbler, elektronikk, biler etc og andre duppeditter. F.eks Det nytter ikke bare gi fra seg klærne på godt og miljøvennlig vis når vi er ferdige med dem.. Vi har makten, og vi må bruke den, om vi faktisk ønsker endring. Det er vi som må endre vår kjøpsatferd. Dette innebærer å støtte opp om de som jobber for sunne og gode verdier, som tar i et tak for jordkloden og samfunnet - i stedet for å handle hos dem som ikke gjør det.
Vi har brukt opp klodens ressurser for i år.. which is crazy. Og om vi fortsetter som vi gjør så trenger vi to jordkloden innen 2050.
Jeg vet det er vanskelig å endre vaner og rutiner som har grodd seg fast over flere år, og ja, klær og mat er jo en del av identiteten vår, som vi alle ønsker å opprettholde. Men sak over person, det er det vi trenger nå.
For å ta et eksempel er Stavanger byområde. De lokale kafeene går i underskudd, mens kjedene går så det suser. Vi liker det billigst mulig og tenker ikke langt nok til å se konsekvensene, at det egentlig har en høy pris, i totaltbildet.
F.eks Ønsker stavanger folk at byen kun skal bestå av Starbucks, MacDonald's, Wayne's coffee og espresso house? Tror egentlig ikke det.
Så, bli med å spre det glade budskap, siden du følger meg tipper jeg du allerede handler bevisst, men det er mange som ikke gjør det. Så spread that word! Alle må med! Og ja ingen er perfekte og får det til hele tiden, tid, sted og økonomi spiller inn. Så don't be overwhelmed litt er bedre enn ingenting 💪🏼
Om vi bare får til å pushe Earth overshoot day med 5 dager bakover så vil vi i 2050 klare å leve av jordens ressurser igjen, rett innenfor limiten. #movethedate
What If Bees Disappear?
Hashem just made a new TV series on FB called "What If?",all his material is on point and high quality information. I could share it all with you here all the time. But he posts simply too much to handle I guess. Anyways, BEES!!!! Let us get into how important they are for us all.
You’ve Got Time Left To Start Living Consciously
This is the man in MY mirror. What does your tools of change look like?
Don't you think? Or do you share this common excuse that you are too old to change your habits?
Today in the intense unavoidable stream and fireworks of information hitting you every second it might seem unnecessary and infesable to search for information on topics you do not care too much about. Most of us only consume what we get straight into our feeds and email and thats about it. Which is fine, the only problem is that peoples feeds and newsletters might be completely mind dumbing and beholding no healthy facts or info on society at all. This has us all living in ignorance of what kinds of lives we are truly living. Our habits, thinking patterns, which industries and causes we are supporting, what our ways of eating are contributing towards, how we exercise affects us and our society, what products we buy and how we buy them and what we do with them, how we trash, work, spend our money, what environment does to our brain and body etc.
I believe in a conscious world, a world where we are enlightened and base our actions and habits on facts, values and wellbeing. I’m tempted to write love but that might be too overwhelming for some of you. But to be able to do so and get there, blindness must be fought. We need to figure out a way to sneak healthy information into peoples minds and that is the question. How to do that one a mass scale. Any suggestions?
Regarding the dairy and meat industry one of my best friends Helene Steffensen posted a great article today on Facebook with a great caption post(added below) Which was the factor triggering me into writing this blogpost. «Make your own choice on which kind of milk you want to drink, but if you AT LEAST acquire the knowledge and information described quite clearly and accurate in this article in the Guardian; you can base your choice on fair ground rather than on ignorance :)
Actually, if you find cows milk just soo good and feel that you can't go without it; It is just because your body has become accustomed to the stuff in the milk meant to get the calf addicted to it, to come back for more.
After not drinking cows milk for a while, it suddenly tastes slimy and disgusting.. Just try! 🍦🥛🧀🐮»
I highly recommend you to, and I would love if you did read this article. Here it is.
Don’t contribute to a better world because you can’t do everything. Small things helps tremendously. If everyone just did one simple change we would change so much. Cut your chocolate milk, ice cream binges on dairy ice cream or that yellow cheese. You will find a substitute. You will! Nut cheeses are so delicious you’ll never want to go back, so Is raw food cakes, or the vegan version of Ben & Jerrys. Cut one product out of your diet and bring one healthy thing in. At least try. There is a whole wide world of nutrition out there which I guess you haven't discovered yet because of your traditional eating habits. But believe me its gonna amaze you if you dig into it.
Or start sharing knowledge with the people you like and other acquaintances of Facebook. Get the best sources into peoples feeds. That helps a lot! Start caring meaning start sharing.
As one famous man put it (you know who): «be the change you wish to see, start with the man in the mirror»
Conscious living is the answer.
This is all about asking yourself questions on how you think, you habits, actions, choices etc. Become aware of how you've build up your life, what values you carry and if you really follow them, what fundamentals and philosophy you've based it all on. And all is based on solid ground of knowledge or just something you assumed because it was in the news, someone told you or in a youtube video you saw once. Etc..
You’ve got plenty of years left, its not too late to start living consciously. Take responsibility, live your values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for and I guess deep deep inside you are a kind person who just wish for the best for us all, earth, animals and humans alike. Why not start taking action based on your heart. Start by acquire knowledge and see for yourself, so that your choice is based on facts and not ignorance.
Oh ok, just in the very end here.. Watch this.. :)
Week In Review - 4th of February
Them weeks passes by quickly these days without sunshine and constant mix of snow and heavy rain everyday. Today its sunny for the first time in weeks. Nothing feels better to me than having the sun licking my face. It makes me feel more alive than ever.
Lets go through this week: Altered Carbon, Human Ubers, facebook is banning cryptocurrency ads etc..
Starting with The One and Only Altered Carbon, Netflix most expensive TV series this far launched 2nd of February, I've been waiting for months. It's a sci-fi ten episode 1 hour crime series. Too me it isn't even sci-fi, because this is technology soon to exist in our worlds too. Not different from other futuristic movies, it's got a negative view point on where we are heading. Altered carbon is illustrating worst case scenario where the richest are immortal and in control of basically everything. And they are bored. The plot is no other than solving a murder. Finding the murderer who killed the person in his previous sleeve as they call it. Sleeve meaning body. Consciousness is backed up and secure but the body can die usual deaths so if one die a new clone is made or another persons sleeve is to be used. I watched all the episodes in two days. Traditionally I've never been into sci-fi. But this sci-fi is not really Fiction, this is just science. Which I love. Wanna se the trailer? Click here
Coco was also released this week, as I'm a Disney lover, that was kinda exciting news. So had to share it and add it, incase you were to...
As, Usual, Futurisms Weekly Video Wrap up of This Week in Science is added:
COSMOS.. This is fascinating.. The video below shows us the most detailed simulation of the cosmos up to ever made.
Two Women will undergo three parent baby therapy in the UK. Regulators in the United Kingdom have this week given doctors green light to perform mitochondrial donation therapy. Hmm this is super exciting and weird. What do you think? Read more about it here
How it Works:
I'm waiting and waiting for the day that when we no longer have to do surgery, not even touch the body when something happens if something happens you simply just swallow a small pill or drink a liquid and then it makes the wound go away just by sending in nano boots or intelligent stem cells or something. Or just radiating particles from outside of the body. And now it seems like we are on our way to get there.
Researchers just invented a tiny "minimalist robot" that looks like a caterpillar and can perform a wide range of movements, including jumping, crawling through tunnels, and climbing out of a pool. It is designed to deliver drugs to specific targets in the human body.
This robot should one day allow it to patrol the human body from the inside, according to researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, who describe their work in a Nature paper. Below you can watch a short video on the concept.
Read about it here
Canada is trialing blockchain!
Canada announced that it will trial the use of blockchain to add transparency to government funding and research grants. Other countries are onto it as well.
This means that every time the NRC creates or alters a grant, that information is added to the blockchain, which will be connected to a publicly accessible online database. TRANSPARANCY! YES. YES!
For Video of Future of Blockchain Click here
Check out this awesome renewable energy ship.
Eco Marine Power has announced plans to test their patented solar sails next year. These EnergySails would utilize solar and wind energy simultaneously.
Lets upgrade all boats to this solution, ASAP! It runs on both wind and solar energy. Whop whop!
I just managed to put down into words my definition of a good life this week. It is basically ;
"My definition of a good life is a life without any physical pain"
I am so grateful. SO grateful for having a well functioning body without feeling physical pain on a constant basis. Only if I'm eating stuff my body can't handle I'm filled with pain but that is usually my own choice. So THANK YOU! I am so grateful everyday for waking ut painless. And this is a life I wish for everyone. Hopefully we will get there someday. Bliss, happiness and contentment definitely comes from within anyways but life without bodily pain sure is a golden ticket!!
Checked out a new Cocktail bar in Oslo this week. "Bar ISM". They have a photobooth. We took a lot of fliiiicks. Caroline Sandermoen is on my right. I'll tell you more about what shes up to these days someother time.
Give Me This Home, Per Favor
You might think it looks weird or too small but guess what, I'd love to spend some time living in this house for a period of time. I'm not of high maintenance, in a matter of fact I'd either like to live on a small scale or I'd prefer a castle. Nothing in between. Bring this concept to Norway, please!
Climate Change Is Releasing Deadly Viruses Back Into The Wild
Last year I wrote a piece about another dark side of climate change which is not too much talked about. When the ice melts, what happens? Well, it's not just the water levels rising high and the temperature increasing, but whatever has been trapped inside of it is released, and will be spreading around. Fast. Bacterias and viruses our generation has no knowledge about and possibly no resistance against, hence no vaccines or medicines to protect us. Hashem just posted this short video. Worth watching.
Folk Oslo - Norways First Problem Solving Hub
Co-Founder and General Manager Ida Pernille Hatlebrekke next to Preben from Trigger.
Tuesday this week, Trigger, one of Norways most recognisable and leading PR companies opened their newest venture, "Folk Oslo". Folk Oslo is to this date the very first Problem Solving Hub in Norway.
What this means in their own words:
"A problem workshop where people and businesses meet to solve societal challenges by developing products and companies jointly"
Folk aims to deconstruct together with talented and competent people and businesses UN 17 SDGS into doable and implementable tasks and solutions. Their vision is to make Oslo a better place to be.
It might sound vague and intangible but after their launch party, hearing it all more in detail I'm able to grasp it, sort of. The idea is amazing but how will this work in reality?
I am a member. In fact I'm a proud and humble member amongst all those competent high profile leaders across all industries in Norway. I was asked if I wanted to be one of their first founding 50 members and was even asked to be in the advisory board. What? I have no idea why they saw me as a key person but I guess they value my experience, expertise and drive more than I can seize.
I think this is going to rock but we need more people in. It's open to everyone who wants to make a change in this world, to the better. It is for those who wants to participate and work together in teams to do so. And the ones who see sustainability as a key factor certainly.
To figure out how and what to attack, they've put up this Oslo Dugnad Web Page. where people can submit challenges they face in daily life in Oslo. Live in Oslo? Have anything on top of your mind? Or just stay updated on what fellow Osloers find annoying? Click here
You can read more about the project here:
Kampanje - Trigger-Prebens nye super nettverk
Dagens Næringsliv
What do you think, will this work?
I really hope we are able to maximise this potential outcome. All odds says that its possible. So. Let go shape the future!
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