Happy Valentines Y’all <3

On my schedule today this 14th of February. I’ve got a date with the best person I know at the best place ever. The most important person in my life in fact, if it wasnt for this person I wouldn't be alive and here to celebrate today. It's a person with whom I’ve shared almost 29 years and I couldn’t be happier. I would and could never go one day without you. Thank you so much for being by my side every fucking day. Thank you for sharing your home with me. Thank you for having me wake up every morning, for delivering me a healthy body and a graceful smiling soul. Thank you for what you are, every cell, bone and neruon signal you make and keeping my consciousness alive. No one below and no one above. There is only you. I love you. From here to eternity. 

And no, its not my mum(all though she gives my life an extended meaning way beyond what only myself can do), its me. Me, myself and I, Yrja will have a big celebration from within my precious brain and body today, eat whatever the fuck we want and do whatever we want. Yay!

Who is the most significant person in your life?


Shouldn't it be you ?

Previously this was the anniversary of my ex and I's relationship. We were on our second date 14th of February 2013.

But today I am lucky to have this day all to myself. The day of love. And I am lucky to be in a place where I love myself profoundly and embrace who I am, what I look like, what I am capable of and what I am for others to the fullest.  I cherish myself and do whatever I can to keep my mind and body in a healthy place. I live as consciously as possibly for a human to live, after my opinion.
I am incredibly lucky as I see many people who despise themselves and act towards themselves as their own worst enemy, talking shit towards themselves, bot taking care of themselves, not grateful at all with whom they share every second of the day with and can’t escape from, every day. A life like that is death to me. It seems like hell not being able to wake up filled with bliss and gratitude for waking up healthy another day. Waking up filled with chaos and negative thoughts beating you up from within having you live in misery and feelings of failing everyone and everything every day. What kind of life is that?

Yourself should be the most highly valued and most deeply loved person in your life and you should take perfect care of this home of yours. Be good. Be kind. Be your own best friend and your life will smile to you and you’ll gain so much energy and joy and laughter will fill your lungs and ears. Wonderful people who is in a good place as well will be thrown your way. What you are you attract. Feel it, give it, love yourself.

Self-love should be on the menu not only today but everyday. 

Who are you celebrating with?

<3 Happy Valentines Day From Me <3
Much Love & Hearts Will Come Your Way.
Perhaps you'll feel it?

** Update **

So random, but right after I wrote this I turned on my favorite podcast and you know what? It was about self love. You should definitely check it out if this is something you need to practice which it probably is cause we all should continue reminding ourself on this every day.
Here it is "Shawn Stevenson(The Model Health Show) on "How Your Level Of Self-Love Impacts Your Health, Happiness, And Success".