Future Society

Tiny Smart Homes

Yes please.
To me this is kind of living is luxury. More people entering this planet requires simple sustainable living. Make it cool and I guess lots of people will follow? Hopefully... Tempted?

Well, I'd really like one of these camping pods. Being flexible is the best, definitely.

Mini Stek is currently busy building a special round house. Price: from € 60,000. 

 Indigo. consists of several modules which are all bio-based material made and best off all you can make the house  bigger if you need more space. Price: from € 52,000 

Winding House  you can design the house and the size depends on your needs. Price: from € 50,000.

The  Sustainer Modular Home  is self-sufficient and consists of several modules that can easily be combined so that you can create right on your dream home. The size of the property also depends on your needs. Price: from € 80,000. 

The Tiny TIM (Timber Independent Mobile) is self-sufficient and has a hybrid energy roof with solar panels, windmills, green water-purification wall for recycled drinking water and a smart device. Price: from € 50,000.

The  Heijmans ONE  is a temporary and movable Property for young starters. The house can be built up in as little as 1 day, and is intended to be placed in vacant areas. Price tag: Rent from 700 euros per month.Oh and this o…

The  Heijmans ONE  is a temporary and movable Property for young starters. The house can be built up in as little as 1 day, and is intended to be placed in vacant areas. Price tag: Rent from 700 euros per month.

Oh and this one is good. A foldable mobile home.

Is God A Mathematician?

I believe, if there is such a thing as a God it must be a super intelligent force who either wanted to have fun, experiment or just try out something new when he created this universe of ours.

According to scientists the universe is basically too perfect to be random.

Perhaps we live, as Elon Musks says, in a simulation, that everything already is computerised? I for certain believe that humans did not invent AI but that it was already here. It's the intelligence of the universe we just haven't yet been able to tap into it. We've been to dumb obviously. It's the foundation of everything. 

Would You Enjoy Living In A Metaverse?

Would you enjoy living in a metaverse? A life where you choose your reality at any time of the day? Where you are the designer of your own destiny? Where you're in complete control, yes, a life where you are the hero? A life where you have the power to make everything be like whatever you want it to be? And be whomever you want to be?
Through mixed reality tools it will feel real, you can go wherever you want whenever with whomever. Sounds like magic right? Well, futurists says it's a certain probability.
What would such a society be like? When the whole world gets connected to the cloud and come online in such a metaverse? Will it set humanity free? Will we no longer be trapped in our misery when we can fully express and be ourselves?
We will be able to escape our bodily limitations, yes, escape the worst jail ever made;
our biological body.

Well, whatever makes life more exciting and feeds my curiosity I'm up for it. And If we are going to live for a looong long time, even turn immortal it really has to happen. If not we might even die from boredom or commit suicide because of it. And we also need to get out in space, manipulate matter and crack all the codes of science then life is about to get really really exciting.

"A virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users." Wikipedia

One thought for you;
we can't prove that we aren't live in a metaverse already, can we? Perhaps we are and have always been just software? That this what we think is real isn't. That is all just simulation made by an advanced civilizations long time ago.
Well, we wont fint out before we get smart enough, will we?

Science is magic, magic is science.

What is real? And is real actually a thing? If it's all just simulated isn't that just reality then? What define reality must come up for debate sooner or later. What if all there is is a simulation? Or must there somewhere be something out there which is not then? 


One Love

Hate from one small group of people are starting to connect the rest of us even deeper and more profoundly. We are on our way to build a world connected by love. A strong community will develop by time and we just started walking baby steps towards it. I imagine a world without borders, a world were passport no longer are needed, no visas, universal health care, universal basic income, where anyone are welcome anywhere at anytime and more. A world where we are all trusting each other and approaching everyone with love. I really really believe that this eventually will become our reality. Perhaps it will take 100 years or more, it will come, unless AI is getting in the way for us first.

Friendly Turnaround

In 2016 my friend path took a left turn down on a waaay better road.
A spark kickstarted the whole thing (well.. it was the end of a heavy relationship), and it just escalated from there and today I find myself in an amazing friend circle which I couldn't be more grateful for, and best of all they keep coming, more and more wonderful people seem to enter. And these are people I can call close friends after just a few meetups. We simply speak the same language. I never thought it was possible for me to discover such relationships other places than in California but damn, there are some great people out walking in Oslo too, people who really want to make an impact in the world, people who want to make the world a better place. Those people, thats the kind of people I'm fortunate enough to call my friends. 

So, if you haven't found those kinds of people that lifts you up as a person, meaning give you a personal upgrade and push you to keep aiming for you dreams and be a better person for yourself and this world, hope must not leave the building cause they are out there. The only downside is of course that they wont just one day come knock at your door, you really really need to go out and seek them. Those are the people who have found themselves, grounded and started walking towards their mission in life. They have a reason to be alive which is to make the world a better place.

I know I've mentioned this in another post recently, but this is really really important for getting a quality life, a life full of purpose, a life worth living, not dull and negative but beautiful and loving. There is no need to be lonely cause love is out there but it's not just served on a silver plate.

Some of my favorite human beings <3

Ray Kurzweils Predictions

Transhumanists yup ineed

Transhumanists yup ineed

Ray Kurzweil, one of my favorite thinkers, has some interesting thoughts about the future and I came across a nice sum up of a few of the events in an article on inverse.

What do you think?

I've copy pasted from the inverse article. 

8. Ubiquitous Wifi Access

By 2019, almost everyone will be able to access wireless internet from almost anywhere on Earth at all times. That’s because, as Kurzweil describes in his 2005 book The Singularity Is Near (TSIN), we’ll have “very high-bandwidth wireless internet access woven in our clothing.”

7. An Asteroid Won’t Kill Us

Within a few decades, space technology will be able to fully protect the Earth from asteroid collisions. “We don’t see [... a large asteroid visitor] on the horizon,” he writes in TSIN, “and it is virtually certain that by the time such a danger occurs, our civilization will readily destroy the intruder before it destroys us.”

6. Working From Home with VR

Within a few decades, virtual reality will be fully immersive, making physical workspaces obsolete. Instead, we’ll all telecommute to work, and populations will become more decentralized because we won’t need to live in any particular location for our jobs. This will also somewhat alleviate the threat of terrorist attacks.

6. Don’t Worry About Disease

Most diseases will go away by the 2020’s. We’ll be able to reverse engineer the brain to fix neurological issues (ex. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, strokes). Nanobots will not only exist by then, but be smart enough to combat diseases better than our current medical technology.

5. Virtual Reality = Reality

By the late 2020s, it will be impossible to distinguish reality from virtual reality. The implications of this are endless, but one of the things Kurzweil mentions in TSIN is how this will affect your sex life. “In virtual reality,” he writes, “we can be a different person both physically and emotionally. In fact, other people (such as your romantic partner) will be able to select a different body for you than you might select for yourself (and vice versa).” People won’t need sex dolls to sleep with Scarlett Johansson lookalikes.

4. Computers Surpass Humans Really Soon

By 2029, a computer will pass the Turing test.

3. Humans Become Machines

By the early 2030s, technology will be able to copy human brains and put them onto electronic mechanisms. That means no more flesh, blood, or bones — just a scan of your brain on a machine — and will enable humans to take any form, from a box to a bird. It will also mean that a “human” won’t die in any traditional sense, and that it will be infinitely replicable. In TSIN, Kurzweil says our immortality will work like computer software: “When we change from an older computer to a newer one, we don’t throw all our files away. Rather, we copy them and reinstall them on the new hardware.”

2. Earth Will Be Made of Computers

Sometime past 2045, our planet will be entirely made up of computers. With the exception of some nature reserves for the vulgar plebeians who want to live in a “natural state.” Fools.

1. The Universe Will Be a Supercomputer

By 2099, machines will be creating planet-sized computers, and eventually we’ll make the entire universe into an enormous supercomputer. Fingers crossed that a rogue humanoid doesn’t destroy the whole thing with a virus!

AlphaGo is coming for ya Ke Jie.

Another run down to come. Sorry Lee and sorry Ke.

Another run down to come. Sorry Lee and sorry Ke.

"Future of Go Summit" - a five-day festival of Go and artificial intelligence starts tomorrow.

Tomorrow, 23rd of May, AlphaGo will face the world's top-ranked Go player, China's 19-year-old Ke Jie and I'm super excited for this. Once more man vs machine in the most advanced game ever invented by humans. Last year the machine beat the world champion go master 2 to 1. This time AlphaGo and the world’s top-ranked Go player Ke Jie will face off in a three-game match under tournament conditions in China.

Read more about previous match here, the landmark of AI.

Although Ke Jie, which describes himself as a "pretentious prick" is certain of his winnings, Google's artificial intelligence programme AlphaGo is expected to end in another victory for rapid advances in AI but I'm slightly nervous about it, what if it don't? I think now though, one year later, it must be able to beat this guy man completely. 
AlphaGo uses two sets of "deep neural networks" containing millions of connections similar to neurons in the brain. It is partly self-taught—having played millions of games against itself after initial programming.

Go is an ancient two-player board game that was invented in China some 3,000 years ago.
It involves two players alternately laying black and white stones on a grid. The winner is the player who seals off the most territory.

** Update **

Alphago has become a god of go and defeated Ke Jie with ease.


Week in Review - May 21st

Latest updates from around the web !
Twin Peaks The Return starts tomorrow - Whoop Whoop. When I was in SF in 2014 I secretly got to know that they were working on it. And that's long ago. So finally it arrives!

Googles developers conference, I/O '17,  was held this week and they had some interesting news.

Ok back to Elon Musk this week as normal. To me, this year he has really established himself as a huge inspiration. When he started Neuralink, Open AI and the Boring company. He basically reaches for the stars and does everything in his power to help create a better world and save humanity from extinction. Thats his biggest mission in live. To help change the world to the better for both the planet and humans. Man, I really fond this guy.  I'm starting to get really jealous on Amber Heard, his present girlfriend. 


NASA just discovered a manmade space bubble around earth. Makes sense though!


This was probably the most mind blowing I read this week: Googles AI is better at making AI than their engineers. Future is here folks.

"At its I/O '17 conference this week, Google shared details of its AutoML project, an artificial intelligence that can assist in the creation of other AIs. By automating some of the complicated process, AutoML could make machine learning more accessible to non-experts."

Elon Musk Just unveiled breakthrough research
"Elon Musk co-founded artificial intelligence non-profit OpenAI just announced it has created an AI system that can learn to complete a task in reality after watching just one demonstration of that task in a simulated environment."

YES GOOGLE YES, things are haaappening for us normal peeps!


Here are five ways Elon Musks Brain computer interface could transform the world.

#smartliving #3Dprinted house

Give me this house. If I could set this house up anywhere I'd be so happy.


Scientists have found a low cost way to produce the worlds cleanest energy source. 
"Scientists have discovered a low-cost, efficient catalyst for splitting water to create hydrogen. This means that the world's cleanest form of energy, hydrogen, may be more easily and cheaply produced."


I came across this webside this week. If you're interested in living smart and simple. This is a blog for you


VR Shopping?

This week at Office X our topic is "how is the future of shopping gonna look like?"
My task was to dig into VR shopping.
So, is Virtual Reality our new shopping tool? 
Would you trust buying something you had just experienced in VR?

Håvard Paulshus from Holovation allowed me to test their demo for property trading at our office! I believe this is gonna be a hit when the graphic and the equipment is gonna be waay better.
I see this coming big time. Both in VR, AR and Holograms. And I can't fucking wait. Them old traditional ways to do online shoppings are gonna get completely altered for the benefits of the buyer. The experiences we will have while shopping is gonna be mind blowing. I can't wait!

What is your take?!

Full Episode Will Air Next Friday.

Rising Temperatures Are Bringing Back Old Viruses

Bill Gates might be right in his predictions that in the next 15 years, 33 million people could be wiped out in less than a year by a pathogen. You see, the rising temperatures due to our climate change crisis are bringing back old viruses that our immune system have no idea on how to combat (watch the film below).
He says it also could be due to mutation, accident, or terrorist intent. Similar events have occurred before: the most obvious example is the Black Death, which killed almost a third of Europe, but more recently, in 1918, the Spanish Flu wiped out between 50 and 100 million people.
I really really hope we get magic powers with the CRISPR technology before something like this breaks out so that we have ways to overcome those viruses.

Creepy right?

If You Didn't Know

If you didn't know the person next to you was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know that the person you were looking at was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were talking to was a robot, would it matter?

If you didn't know that the person you were touching was artificial, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were kissing was a machine, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were having sex with was a bionic person, would it matter?

If you didn't know the person you were married to was a non human, would it matter?

If you didn't know the mother of your children were not born from a woman herself, would it matter?

If you can't distinguish this person from yourself, why does it even matter?

Minimalist To The Core

Could you live in a container? What is luxury to you? What is success to you? Why on earth do you need and want all those products, all that stuff? What is it that you really need to be happy?

I met amazing Kari Schibevaag in Lofoten last week. Kari is a hard core kiter - world champion on both snow and water. A total rockstar! But the reason behind my visit was actually because of her living situation. She lives in a container on a beach in Lofoten far away from any big city. What makes her do that? Could I do that?
Well, after meeting Kari, who is super excited about the fact that she lives on the country side I'm not even slightly more convinced on me living far away from city life but it was super interesting to hear her brag about all the things possible to do in such a small village. She said she didn't have enough time to do all the stuff she wanted to do there. I guess thats only because of the character which she is, she has loads of ideas, she's very spontaneous, energetic, active, driven and has loads of ideas. So, of course there is no problem for her to find stuff to do. She loves to surf for hours at a time and when you live on the beach, night and day is open to your demand.

But what I really like about Kari is that she is a true minimalist, she doesn't own anything but her car and her container. All the rest she has found or been gifted, How amazing is that?
That's basically how I live too, in a way. I live super simple, and love it. The only things I own besides clothing, books and sleeping stuff is a working desk. (not counting the super important society stuff; computer and phone) I even think I have way too much. I'd like to live just in a container or mini smart house. You see, I hate owning things, I really really dislike it. Disgust it indeed. The more I own the more suffocated I feel. Totally claustrophobic. The less stuff I own the more freedom flows through my veins. That's the ideal living situation for me. Owning nothing, living smart and small and use all my money and spare time(and work) on experiences.
World Economic Forum predicts that in 2030 we wont own anything. This due to how technology will permeate the way we live and how the sharing and circular economy might pave the way for our new habits. Kari is an inspiration. But we need more pioneers to be our guides to tell us it is ok to live different.
Watch the video below to see if living simple could be something for you?

Here is a netflix film on minimalism if you'd like to give it a further check out

And a few books on minimalism by no other than "the minimalists".

Week In Review - April 30th

I haven't had that much time to read this week due to my new (amazing!!) job. I've learned a ton but mostly from my own experiences. I held my first podcast and did some smaller interviews, and yes indeed went to Trondheim I've been researching a lot and I've actually done some sweet social media work. I shared my Trondheim interview on Facebook. And I've reached 10k on 35 hours. Not too bad! The wonders of Social Media outshine everything.

So what's happened this week out and about in the whole wide world?
Well, this week Trump celebrated his 100th day as a President. How do you think he is doing?

I hope this sparks some good reflections and conversations and I wish you a good week :)


Uber just promised flying taxis to life in the 3 years. Incredible. Read more here

And yeah, in case you missed it, Elon Musk has revealed what his Boring Machine Company is up too. He is officially digging tunnels under LA. Say good bye to traffic.



A robot just taught another robot to read. Times they are a-changening.


Within 30 years, your CEO probably most likely actually will be a machine. At least according to clever Jack Ma, The Chinese billionaire and the founder and chairman of popular e-commerce service Alibaba. He has had some accurate predictions earlier and if I could give my vote in this case thats what I believe as well. I will even go further.. Believing that one day our Presidents and Prime Ministers and other leaders will actually be machines too. No doubt. They're smarter, faster, has better memory and can work 24/7. And are not even driven by their inner feelings. They just follow logic basically. Or a logic they will understand but we won't. We would just have to trust them.
“The Time Magazine cover for the best CEO of the year very likely will be a robot. It remembers better than you, it counts faster than you, and it won’t be angry with competitors.”
Perhaps this will be the new saying, "Why trust a man when you have a machine"


Next List 2017: 20 People Who Are Creating the Future
"Microsoft will build computers even more sleek and beautiful than Apple’s. Robots will 3D print cool shoes that are personalised just for you. (And you’ll get them in just a few short days.) Neural networks will take over medical diagnostics, and Snapchat will try to take over the entire world. The women and men in these pages are the technical, creative, idealistic visionaries who are bringing the future to your doorstep."

I'm really pro the Venus project (Watch video below) I've been it since I first heard of it. I haven't yet share what this is all about with you so in my feed this week the video popped up again so I thought I should share it. It's bruning man way of an economic system. Yep NO money. A world without money. It functions very well in Burning Man. All we need to do is alter our mindset towards how a society structure is "supposed to" be.


Are you one of the Universal Basic Income sceptics? Well, then this article is for you. Its also for you guys who'd like to back up your opinion and thoughts with facts. Read it and save it.
You should also check out the Infographics Futurism has made on the topic.
Further reading here and here.

Silicon Valley executives are hiring philosophers to teach them to question everything. Not a bad idea when people now really have to change and adapt rapidly.



CRISPR Pill May Be Key in Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

It's no news that lack of sleep may lead to mental disorders. So, scientists are constantly searching for ways to improve our sleep. This blanket, Gravity, I totally believe in. It's actually a thing I do myself if I want to assure myself a good night sleep, I find as many doves and blankets as I can so that I can get lots of pressure on my body. So, MIT studies have shown that it can treat anxiety while you sleep! If you suffer from sleep disabilities and other psychological issues go buy this! The science behind it



Amazon’s Plan to Dominate the Shipping Industry—With Almost No Humans Involved—Is Taking Shape
In the future, it could be possible to place an Amazon order and have it show up at your door without a single human touching it.


The Very Hungry Plastic-Eating Caterpillar
"People produced 311 million tons of plastic in 2014, and that figure is set to double in the next 20 years. Around 40 percent of that consists of polyethylene, in the form of plastic bags, containers, and other products, much of which ends up in landfills. Could the waxworms help to break down that mountain of persistent trash?"


Engineering the Perfect Astronaut

Experiments have begun to alter human cells in the lab. Can they be made radiation-proof? Can they be rejiggered to produce their own vitamins and amino acids?

So, the first head transplantation happened and it apparently went well. Check it out



Facebook Launches "Moon Shot" Effort to Decode Speech Direct From the Brain

"If all goes according to plan—and that’s a big if—Building 8’s neural prosthetic would strap onto a person’s head, use an optical technique to decode intended speech and then type those thoughts on a computer or smartphone at up to 100 words per minute. This would be an order-of-magnitude faster than today’s state-of-the-art speech decoders."



Google brings the world to life in the new version of Google Earth.


Feeling extra adventurous ? You can now visit Titanic..

Exponential Growth In Oslo Startup Scene

Hardly a day goes by without 2-3 future/startups/tech related events are being held here in Oslo. Not only that but coworking spaces keep popping up EVERYWHERE. Huge conferences are arranged and people are even mapping the startup communities in books here. Pretty crazy. And now, this TV and socialtainment concept Office X is going mainstream. To me, that says a LOT about Norway and where we are heading. I'm amazed. It's such a difference from when I first entered the startup scene a few years back, really, I had to leave for The Bay Area to enter a real startup community. But.. Now, It's like we woke up from years of sleep in a cave and when we first woke up we got really really excited and now its running around trying to learn everything. We fail and we succeed, every day feels like a completely new journey And best of all, I feel nation wise that we are togehter, I feel more community amongst people now than ever its really minimal but I can see things are changing, slowly but steady.

I just had to write this cause I'm so amazed of how rapid the movement are hitting us as a positive wave. Even though the future might be scary, if we stick together it's less so.

The country I once fled away from is surprisingly enough becoming a country I'd like to spend time in. Oslo and California. Right Now, best places on earth.

Let's keep up the good work Norway <3

My Very First Podcast!!

Yesterday I made my veeerry first podcast! Omg I've been looking so much forward to this day!!
It turned out really really well because of my amazing guest Mathias Mikkelsen, Founder of Timely. If you are interested in learning more about starting your own business or perhaps you know someone who is about to start something or just want to you should definitely listen and/or forward it :D