
Announcement, A Cool One!

I just got elected as one of four communicators in the Nordic Screens production Office X which is a social media and TV series concept initiated by NHO, Finans Norge, Rederiforbundet, Virke, Spekter and Civita.
It's an amazing project aiming to figure out where the future lies for Norway now when the exponential technology shift is marching towards us and how to prepare for it. 
If you are curious about this too - definitely follow us on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and my Facebook page and my Instagram profile will be updated frequently. But! I'll also sometimes post here and on my own youtube channel :) I hope you'd like to join in on our journey!

It starts this Monday with live streams on Facebook and Youtube and will continue until July 2017. Only ten weeks sadly... Well! Let's Rock it when we can!
We will arrange weekly talkshows and podcasts and miniseries and a weekly one. Tune in or come by our office at Skøyen, Oslo, if you like! We'd love that!


And yes.. Btw, our last interviewer and final decision maker was The Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg. How crazy is that? Pretty absurd if you ask me. So the the interviewing process was heavy enough with the CEO of NHO and Visma and so on. I'm flattered that I manage to stick through. It was heavy..!


A friend of mine recently wrote me about how stressed and overworked she felt, she argued she had no time for her self, no time to do what she really wanted to do and no time at all to simply relax. Even though she was doing a lot of fun things she didn't feel joyful about it and didn't appreciate nor feel gratitude for any of it, all she could think of was how much she felt that her head was under deep water and how much misery she felt from within. Not only that but she constantly suffers from ear infections and urinary tract infections. Coincidence? 
I asked her what she would want to do then instead? She told me that all she want is to have time to prioritise herself. That's all she wanted. Well, thats rather weird. You see, this girl doesn't have a bunch of kids to feed, she has no family to take care of, she has no obligations in life, at all. Not one responsibility she doesn't design herself. She even has plenty of money. How come this is her situation then? How come a person who has all the opportunities in the world to create the life she really would enjoy and value live in such distress?

I can't believe my ears when I hear such stories like this but this is not a foreign concept for neither you nor society I'm sure of. This is the most disgusting disease, if I may call, running it around in the streets of our decade and filling up our hospitals. Stress. STRESS. S.T.R.E.S.S. Everywhere. Why?
Why? When we have all we need! Which is food, warm clothes and a roof above our head.

Yes, it's often in the news and media. They write about how much inner stress and external pressure people feel and that there is not enough time to breath. Even cancer can develop from the hormones within our body. Cortisol is dangerous. And our pharmacies nearly exist because of our neurotic behaviour outcome. 

So we all should avoid this chaotic tension. Yes, we know that. But why don't we do much about it? Why don't we change our habits and thought patterns instantly while learning how our lifestyle and thoughts affect our wellbeing and our mental abilities and physical function? It should be so easy? But it seem like its just as we know what is healthy food but yet we like eating candy and continues to do so?
Emotional intelligence, EQ should be on the menu in the educational system all day long. How to be human, how to enjoy life, how do deal with your thoughts and feelings basically. How to change patterns and think healthy. This should all be taught over and over again in school. It's a joke that it isn't already long time ago.
I came across the other day that the governments strategy for youth health from 2016-2021 is now about getting emotional intelligence into the subjects in school.  Wow! It is working, slowly but steady. 

All I want to say is for those of you that feel like my friend, or knows someone who might feel that way, perhaps a child, your parent.. Reach out and say..
I know what you are feeling, but remember, life is about enjoying yourself. Do what makes you smile and laugh and feel good about yourself. Its your life, you can create your own. Do not focus on what other people do. Absolutely do not compare yourself to others. Figure out what lights your spirit. You need to design a life then which doesn't give you much physical and mental disturbance. Find out what are the most important factors on how to feel good and have good life. For instance, my overall biggest value in life is time. For some people it might be money but for me the thing which I value the highest is time. Time to do things I enjoy, things that might not even generate money but things that is meaningful to me and that I find purpose in. 
What I prioritise above all is health. Heath comes first. ALWAYS.

Skip this if you like. Boring stuff about me (My dream situation? If I could choose entirely what to do I'd be spending my time writing, reading, exploring great things and meeting interesting people, work from anywhere in the world, I'd also like to make podcasts and youtube videos together with others. I love to communicate and I love to learn. This is what I'd do for the next few years if I could make a plan.
I would love to invest in research and impact businesses. I really wish I had a lot of money so that I could fund all things I find important, like blockchain development, CRISPR technology, research on ending all diseases and ageing, artificial intelligence and Augmented Reality. )

Its your life! Enjoy the little things.

Most important of all, be your own best friend. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend. How do you talk you yourself right now? Do you ever listen carefully to how you treat yourself? Would you treat others you cared about the same way?

But.. What might be the underlying cause of feeling like my friend?

We have to basic emotions. Love and fear. Does stress comes from love? No it branches from fear. False Evidence Appearing Real. But what do we fear? 
Not being loved. We fear that we won't be good enough for our partners, family, friends, acquaintances, neighbours, society and ourselves. We fear that we won't be able to buy food and thus we fail to take care of ourselves and we will be "looked down on". We fear the pitiful, sceptic, laughing and disgustful eyes of society when we do something which isn't applicable with the norms and rules of our culture. But it all gets back to love. We are scared of not being loved , not feeling love from people we want to feel love from or just want to be admired. We always want to be the best version possible and compare ourselves to the top elite of the people in society who gets the most admiration and love. That puts us way down before we even start. Not a chance to get up there immediately. Meanwhile we might feel stressed.

But, you are loved! From everyone. It's just an illusion. Next time you feel lonely and insecure and not loved, think about that the other person you are talking about might just feel the exact same. Why not reach out and comfort this person? Make the encounter about the other person, not you! Shift focus, focus on who you are with, not on how you act when you are around people. Put your focus on others!

Don't be the victim. Be the winner. Change your attitude and perspective and you'll forever be content.

How often do you ask yourself this?

  • How often do you feel grateful? When?
  • Do you have meaning that gives you a sense of purpose? When? Why?
  • How often do you smile? When was the last time? Doing what?
  • How often do you laugh? When was the last time? Doing what?
  • When do you truly enjoy yourself?
    • Alone or together with someone? Then who? Where? When? Why?
    • And how often do you do things you really really take pleasure in doing?
  • How often do you feel positive emotions and have healthy thoughts?
  • What are you missing in your life? Why is that so? Is it necessary to miss it? Will you die or someone you know die without it?
  • What are the things you appreciate the most with your life?
  • Are you content with your life? Why? Why not?
  • How is your thought pattern? Beneficial or self destructing? Why?

    Enjoy life while being present with the things and people you already have. Feel grateful for it, appreciate it, love it. When you can do that, you'll be content. Never wishing to be somewhere else no matter what situation. You'll feel truly alive.


Big Things Have Small Beginnings

Yes indeed, all big things have small beginnings. Do you know what matters? Action, belief and where you end up. If you're fortunate enough to have a smartphone and/or a computer pluss wifi, you can basically do anything today. All you have to do is start and continue while in hard times. It's easy to look at things from the successful perspective and not looking at what's behind it. Many believe that successful people and companies have always been so but that's not the truth. Struggle, hard work and a few bare hands lies behind it. It wasn't perfect from the start. One great example is Tim Ferriss book "Four hour work week". It was denied by 26 publishers but he didn't give up, he believed so much in his story that he was determined to get it out to the world. The 27th company agreed to publish it. Imagine if he gave up? He wouldn't have had the enormous success he has today, possibly. Don't forget about this. All you have to do is believe and take action.


Eggsquisite Easter :))

Wish I could say so while adding a picture of my beautiful raw vegan chocolate egg . Well, I can't. This Easter has been a rather sad one, dominated by a heavy virus refusing to leave. I wish antibiotics could kill these types of organisms but turns out it can't. I simply have to wait for it to leave. The problem, it never does. It's been nagging around turning the fever on and off since 10th of March. Can you believe it? More than a month! Luckily according to blood tests it is leaving though, but slowly. My doctor says its been this crazy virus going around town this year putting many people down for weeks even months. I'm certain I got it from the hospital I worked at for a bit, you see I haven't been ill like this since I was down with lumonia at the age of 13-14. It's not fun. What do I have to do for you dear immune cells to help you fight this virus? And virus, what do I have to do to make you leave? You're not invited anymore. Or.. you are invited as long as you don't ruin my health. I'm starting this new job on Tuesday so I do have to get better. do you hear me? Please help.. I think I'll just lay in my bed, sleep and eat vegetables for the rest of the Easter Holiday. Watching photos from family and friends having fun at the mountains certainly doesn't help. But there is nothing I can do.  

Hope you guys are having a better Easter Celebration than me! 

Wish you all a happy one! 


Week in Review - April 2nd

Hey there!

Hardly one week goes by without Elon Musk being in the news. This week he launched a new company and made history by reusing a rocket. I'm such a fan of this man. Such a role model!
He is founding companies in all different fields and even if he has no knowledge on the topic that's not a problem.. Have an idea? Just go for it! Articles, blogs, youtube is right there in the tips of your hand. Just do the work, within 6 months you can be anywhere.

On a personal side this week has been a very exciting and joyful week.
I'm up to some really interesting things that I look forwards to share with you. But first, let's have a look at the awesome stories of this week!

Hope this sparks good conversations. 

Wish you a wonderful Sunday!


30th of March SpaceX made history by successfully relaunching and re-landing a used Falcon 9 rocket booster for the first time. SpaceX's orbital rocket system is already the most affordable in the world, but reusability could save companies more than $18 million per launch which is 30 % cheaper.


Elon Musk just launched a company to merge your brain with a computer.
The company which is called Neuralink. Its ultimate goal is to create a series of devices that can be implanted in the human brain.  
"For a meaningful partial brain interface, I think we're roughly 4-5 years away" Elon Musk Says.


Brain implants have allowed a quadriplegic to move his arm.
He used a system combining a brain-computer interface (BCI) and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) technology to move his arms again just by thinking.



Research shows that 40 % of all cancers are entirely preventable.
Scientists have published new research suggesting that up to 60% of cancers could be caused by random DNA mutations, rendering those cancers completely unavoidable. The other 40%, could be prevented via diet, exercise, and other environmental factors.



Researchers from Worcester Polytechnic create working heart tissue from a spinach leaf!!
Plants could eventually help us treat heart attack patients or others whose hearts have difficulty contracting.




The U.N. Met To Negotiate A Complete, Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons.
This week, over 3,400 scientists came together in support the United Nations' nuclear ban negotiations, signing a document by the Future of Life that calls for a total disarmament. Notable signees include Freeman Dyson, Stephen Hawking, and Daniel Dennett. More than 2,500 scientists from 70 countries have signed an open letter in support of the nuclear disarmament negotiations. Neuroscience professor and Nobel Laureate, Edvard Moser, believes nuclear weapons represent one of the biggest threats to our civilization.


US Congress voted to allow internet providers to sell your browsing history/data.


Another skyscraper concept entered the news this week. Architects propose an insane skyscraper suspended from an orbiting asteroid.
Could we survive on it?

Skyscrapers of the future. You gotta check these out! I could definitely live in one of those, as long as it was co-living focused.

Dubai is going to be the home for the world's first 3D printed skyscraper. Construction firm Cazza Technologies is behind it.




Any surface can be a touch screen with this new device.


Impossible Foods  (looking like a real burger, having the texture as one and tasting like one - but is plant based) are ready to scale up and bought a huge factory in Oakland (!!) This new facility of 60,000 square feet will make 12 million pounds of plant based burgers a year.  By the end of the year they are aiming to be in 1000 restaurants all over US.
The “meat,” developed by a team led by former Stanford biochemistry professor Patrick Brown.

Still fancy "old-fashioned" meat? Why not chose Memphis Meats, it's the same meat you eat from the animal, the exception is that the animal is left out of the whole process. We are 5 years away from lab grown meat hitting store shelves. Its healthier, cheaper and way better for our planet.





You can now design your own car and change it as much as you want.

SingularityHubs Top 5 Picks of The Week

1 Question For The Prime Minister And I Blew It

Yesterday I had the most absurd day. I actually think it's the most unexpected day I've ever had. When I look back at it though, what happened totally makes sense and it's actually a bit odd that I didn't see it coming.

I've applied for a job which is all about figuring out where the future lies for Norway and yesterday I was at the second interviewing round. 8 people left, 4 spots. 50% chance.

What I thought was going to be a normal interviewing day turned out the complete opposite. What the employer signalized pretty clear is that this is what the job is all about and this is what our future is all about. Be prepared for the unexpected.

There were one solo and one group interview.  The last one is what this post is all about.

We sat on a large table all of us 8 at the same side. On the opposite side there were 1 chair, several video cameras and people from high up in the Norwegian business world. We had no clue who was gonna be our interviewer but guess what, in comes the Prime Minister. The setup was following, she was going to ask us one question and we were supposed to ask her one in return. And sadly I choose the most obvious, unspecific and boring question ever. So unwisely. Anyhow I learned from this.

  • Be mentally prepared for great questions always, you never know when you get the chance to ask them.
  • And also, when asking those kind of people, politicians, high up "important" businessmen be way more specific and concrete, unless they won't really answer your question in a detailed and constructive way. 

So this is a few questions I'd like to ask her but completely blanked out this time.

  • What do you think the world will look like in 2045? (The one I for sure would love to ask)
  • What are your reflections around Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality? And how it will affect and shape our society?
  • What do you think Norway will look like in 100 years? 
  • What do you think our world will look like when we are surrounded by AIs with an IQ of 12.925 in 3 decades?
  •  What are your thoughts on longevity? Where shall we all live if we can live until we are 200-2000+ years?
  • Do you ever think an AI will be president? Why or why not?
  • Do you ever think that you will be replaced by an AI, or the prime minister in Norway?
  • Will you start using blockchain technology in the nearest future? Why or why not?
  • How do you look at the future, are you scared or excited to face the change that is coming? 
  • How important do you think learning to build and communicate with AI is for us Norwegians?
  • Which industry or industries should Norway focus on in the nearest future and why?
  • What does your morning routine look like? 
  • Whats it like to be Prime Minister, how do you feel about it?
  • How much do you think you and the government position will affect whats gonna happen the next 10-30 years?
  • Who do you turn to for advice? 
  • What do you think of Singularity university, is it time to open something like this in Norway as well, as a way to educate people? 
  • What do you think the most important thing "ola nordmann" the typical normal norwegian citizen could do to prepare for the future?

 But instead I ask this annoying question

"What actions are you planning to take to prepare Norway for the future?" And then I managed to sneak in a follow up question: "what do you think about basic income? " She clearly was completely against the thought of basic income, sadly. She probably hasn't been thinking it through properly?

What would you have asked? 



Week in Review - March 26th

There are way too many awesome stories around the web every week and especially this week I had a hard time picking. But I managed to choose a few things.

So, here we go. 

Hope this sparks good conversations.


"I said YES immediately"
Stephen Hawking is going to outer space! This week Hawking accepted the invetation by Virgin Galactic to take him to space, for free. If there is one person I'd like to see going to space, of course he is the guy.
At 75 years of age, Hawking won’t be the oldest astronaut ever (that designation belongs to John Glenn, who went to space at the age of 77), but he will definitely be the first person to go to space with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ASL) disease.
"Professor Stephen Hawking is one of the people I admire most in the world, an undisputed genius who has opened our eyes to the wonders of the universe, while also happening to be a kind and delightful man. He is the only person I have given a free ticket with Virgin Galactic, and he is signed up to fly as a Future Astronaut with us if his health permits it." Sir Richard Branson says.


Swedish Startup Wheelys opens up its first test store in Shanghai, its the world's first unmanned Convenience Store.
No Clerks Required in World's First Unmanned Convenience Store
"The customer installs an app on their phone, which allows them to access the store. When inside they simply scan the bar code of the goods they want and upon leaving the store their credit card will be charged for their purchases. ...Much like Wheelys' strategy selling its bike-cafes, the company's ultimate goal is to license the technology so any retailer can integrate it into their pre-existing stores. In the company's words, "What Uber did for taxis, we do for retail."


Google created an AI that can learn almost as fast as humans. 
Their method mimics the processes of learning that occur in human and animal brains.

If you could create a digital version of yourself to stick around long after you've died, would you want to?
If you've binged on all the episodes in Black Mirror you probably remember the one where the boyfriend dies and his girlfriend decides for a company to collect all his data and recreate his personality virtually. Well, not fiction anymore. This service exist in our reality too.
"In November 2015, Eugenia Kuyda's best friend Roman unexpectedly passed away. She created an experiment to bring parts of him back to life...Using artificial intelligence, she created a computerized chatbot based off his personality."

Chatbots are getting more and more real.

IBM Infographics
I love the company IBM, to me it seems like they are in the forefront within every field, from machine learning, quantum computers, blockchain, medical research etc everything. 
This week Futurism published an infographic, so I give you the pleasure to check it out!

An emotionally intelligent computer might already have an EQ higher than yours.


A river in New Zealand was just granted the same legal rights as a human being.



Disney Researchers Catch a Real Ball in Virtual Reality
Disney is in the forefront of technology and dedicated to Mixed Reality
Now Disney's researchers have made catching a real ball while immersed in VR possible.
"It's very difficult to convey touching something in the virtual world with physical feedback. But what if you could interact with real world objects that appear in the virtual world. Disney Research decided to carry out just such an experiment by asking the question: can you catch a real ball in virtual reality?"


You can now control your VR game with your brain waves


Blockchain is helping us feed the poor.
"The World Food Programme (WFP) is using the Ethereum blockchain to securely and transparently distribute cash assistance to the hungry.
The WFP's pilot program, Building Blocks, is demonstrating how blockchain can empower humanitarian organizations to quickly and safely send aid to undeveloped nations."
Blockchain will revolutionize every industry. I'm certain of that.


The world's firt head transplant will take place in December 2017..



The Amazing Hela Cells
I found the story about the Hela cells great and important. And I can't help but wonder how come we didn't learn about this study in school. In fact, 

Breast Cancer
A new drug destroys breast cancer tumor within 11 days without the use of chemotherapy.

An anti aging drug might be on the market within 2020. 



Animal cyborgs


According to a recent study done by UN Norway is the happiest country in the world. Well I got lucky. I'm a citizen of this beautiful country but I'm not sure where all this happiness is, I'd rather say we are content. Perhaps thats also why we are not the most innovative country?


Researchers created a new type of Li-fi system thats 100 times faster than Wi-fi. So, it might replace Wi-fi in not too long hopefully...


SingularityHubs Top 5 Picks of The Week

Will a Head Transplant Work?

The worlds first head transplant will take place in December 2017 and will be performed by Sergio Canavero, a neurosurgeon, from Italy who has been looking forwards to this for three decades(!).
It will be conducted on a Russian terminally ill patient, Valery Spiridinov.
Well well. Hmm
This arises the question of consciousness. Consciousness is what actually makes us who we are and being aware of that we are. It's the final touch upon neurosignals of being you, and me. But, scientists have no clue of where it is placed, if it is only in the head, somewhere in the body, in all the atoms and cells of the body or outside the body or both. So transplanting a head is certainly a big risk. Will his consciousness be transferred? And is that possible at all, transcend the consciousness to another biological body? I'm way more positive of that this is possible when it comes to uploading to a machine... But a body? Without all the technology needed? Well.. That's the question. Can't wait to know the end result. We will find out December 2017.

The surgery will cost $11m dollars, take 36 hours and require the presence of 150 doctors and nurses. Woah.. Well, lets see how this goes. I'm actually have no opinion but I must say I'm a bit doubtful that he will wake up and be entirely himself. Can't wait to follow the process.

Here is a dog which has gone through something similar..

What do you think? Will it work?

March For Science

This is insane. #savescience

Trumps federal budget includes big cuts to science and research (say what?!)
If the budget proposal pass the congress, The National Institute of Health would lose $6 billion (!!!!!). Futuristic batteries, metal and energy are eliminated from funding. And climate change research is apparently wasted time, according to Trump. Wow. 

22nd of April, there will be a protest in DC, if you're there, join in, if not there will be local protests everywhere in the world. Just as the Womens March! If not you can donate your time, money or words. Let's stick together and speak up for what's important and create that revolution we are all awaiting.

If Trump had the opportunity to make America like North Korea I'm sure he'd jump on it.
Science is the key in order for the world to develop. .

And I'm just saying, Trump is the last snowflake launching an avalanche. 

Week In Review - March 19th

South By South West, an annual festival that should be high up on priority if you are interested in tech and future, music and film. Latest news and the pioneers in the field will be there.

Hope this weekly wrap-up sparks great conversations!

The annual SXSW was held in Austin this week, which is one of the ultimate festivals to go to. Ive been wanting to go for years but it's way to expensive if you dont travel for business purpose. I have a goal to be able to go there in 2018.
Haven't heard of it? Well you should definitely put that on the map travel destination if you are into tech, film and music. Its a massive festivals and the whole of California camp in Austin for a week to participate and get an update on the latest news in the field and where we are heading. If you are working on something, this is the best place to go to show case. Luckily many of the talks were live streamed so if you have some time, go watch a few!

Want more in dept information and news? Sign up to my weekly newsletter!


China unveils working on a rocket that will land people on the moon by the early 2020s
Their announcement comes shortly after the US announced plans to fly two private citizens around the Moon by late 2018, under private aerospace company SpaceX.
China is working to develop a new spaceship that can both fly in low-Earth orbit and land on the moon.

NASA release the first images of the Trappist-1s planets
The Earth Like planet was discovered by the Kepler telescope as part of its K2 mission.


At the SXSW he announced for the masses that the singularity will take place in 2045 and human level intelligence will be reached by 2029. For people who's been diving into Ray Kurzweils material this is nothing new, but now it seems to have been picked up by the masses as its been all over the news. 
The Singularity happens when the Artificial Intelligence in machines surpass human intelligence.
He us super optimistic, and so am I :)

Sustainable Energy

We can officially collect solar energy without solar panels.
Science has now figured out a molecular "leaf" that can harvest sun power.
The molecular leaf is the most efficient method of carbon reduction to date.

Lab Grown Chicken by Memphis Meats, one of the many startups focusing on lab grown meat production. The firm's approach to what it calls “clean meat” is to culture animal cells in the lab, feed them nutrients until they grow into pieces large enough to cook and eat. Fried chicken might never be guilt-free. But you may soon be able to remove at least part of the remorse the next time you chow down, because it might not have required a single bird to be harmed.


Scientist are fully close to creating a fully human genome by the end of the year.
Prior to this announcement, the team had been able to completely synthesize one of yeast’s 16 chromosomes. And now they have discovered 5 more. They say they’re on track to finish the remaining ten chromosomes to form a completely synthetic genome by the end of this year.

“What if a cell’s DNA could be edited just like the text of a document so that you could actually erase letters, you could erase whole sentences, [you could] replace sentences, and you could do things that would enable scientists to change the mutations that might cause genetic disease, make changes that allow us to understand the function of DNA and different kinds of organisms and perhaps, enable us to really direct the way that organisms are evolving on the planet?”
Watch Jennifer Doudna's talk at SXSW


It's now possible to detect cancer through a blood test.
It screens the DNA through dying blood cells which then detects tumor and where it is.

Nanotech gets smaller and smaller, so the nano boots get better and better. Swimming in your bloodstream and entering molecules and cells. Pretty amazing. Read a detailed article about it here.

Assisted suicide? This roller coaster will make you die blissful.

Please make these ambulance drones mainstream asap!


The Levis and Google collaboration has been released. It's a smart denim jacked where you can answer calls and lower the volume and etc..
The future of wearable is no more devices but its smart clothes.


An AI just completed 360 000 hours of finance work in seconds.
In June, JP Morgan Chase & Co, the biggest bank in US, started implementing a program called COIN, which is short for Contract Intelligence. COIN runs on a machine learning system that’s powered by a new private cloud network that the bank uses.
The Bank has more than 240 000 employees, some of those employees are lawyers and loan officers who spend a total of 360,000 hours each year. Now, the company has managed to cut the time spent on this work down to a matter of seconds using machine learning.

Here is the weekly sum-up video of this weeks happenings by Singularity Hub!

Week in Review - March 12

This week has been as educational, eye-opening and inspirational as usual.
Hope this post will spark some great conversations! If you'd like more of the weekly goodies and news sign up for my weekly newsletter to get a good read!


Congress passes an act requiring NASA to get humans to Mars by 2033. With this transformative development, the space agency got a lot more than just $19.508 billion in funding. They also got a very clear mandate: Get humanity to Mars.


Humans can now scold a robot with their minds.
It's no longer only our body we can control with our thoughts but now also machines.
MIT developed a system to instantly tell a robot when it makes an error through brainwaves.


The Burger-Grilling Robot And Kitchen Assistant "FLIPPY" by Miso Robotics was introduced to us this week. CEO and co-founder David Zito says, 'We focus on using AI and automation to solve the high pain points in restaurants and food prep. That’s the dull, dirty and dangerous work around the grill, the fryer, and other prep work like chopping onions. The idea is to help restaurants improve food quality and safety without requiring a major kitchen redesign.'"


An AI just completed 360 000 hours of finance work in seconds.
In June, JP Morgan Chase & Co, the biggest bank in US, started implementing a program called COIN, which is short for Contract Intelligence. COIN runs on a machine learning system that’s powered by a new private cloud network that the bank uses.
The Bank has more than 240 000 employees, some of those employees are lawyers and loan officers who spend a total of 360,000 hours each year. Now, the company has managed to cut the time spent on this work down to a matter of seconds using machine learning.

3D printing

In just 24 hours a 38 m2 house was 3D printed with the cost of only $10.000.


Scientist have grown the first synthetic self-developing embryo.
A team of scientists from the University of Cambridge were able to synthesize mice embryos outside the womb. With the use of embryonic stem cells, developmental biologist Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz and her team at the University of Cambridge were able to replicate a living mouse embryo.


WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents
"The initial release, which WikiLeaks said was only the first installment in a larger collection of secret C.I.A. material, included 7,818 web pages with 943 attachments, many of them partly redacted by WikiLeaks editors to avoid disclosing the actual code for cyberweapons. The entire archive of C.I.A. material consists of several hundred million lines of computer code, the group claimed."

Future Society

The area of ownership is over. In the 20th century we got used to a certain way of thinking: if you needed something, you bought it. We are exponentially moving away from that, and that will be good for both us and the environment.


Tesla Unveils an Enormous Solar Farm to Replace 1.6M Gallons of Fuel a Year 
Tesla has plans for a solar plant in Kauai, Hawaii. The Kauai plant, commissioned by the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, includes a 13 megawatt SolarCity solar farm and a 52 megawatt-hour battery installation. 


A New Clean Energy Record Was Just Set in the U.S. For the first time ever, a North American power grid produced over half its energy from wind power.

Tech Gadgets

The Return of the 3310. The Iconic Nokia 3310 mobile phone is back. Will you buy it?
The price range will be around $49. It will be available in a few months, you can pre-registrer here. 

Mixed Reality

I'd love to check out this exploration game from Doraemon in VR.

It's Greener Because It's Fake

Yes, it's absolutely easy to vision that the grass is greener on the other side and who doesn't do that sometimes? We are constantly exposed to these gardens appearing so perfect. But how often do we go check it, touch it, feel it to see if its actually real? How come we don't do that too often? How come we keep living within that dream of the awesomeness of another persons life or the perfect life you could have if only.. 

Isn't it about time to get out of that fantasy bubble and start watering and growing your own real grass? Comparing yourself to the greenness off fake grass will only make you miserable but remember, real grass has a wonderful touch, it smells good, every grass straw is different and it can even grow flowers, plants and food! You just have to do it not use your time looking at tour neighbor's color.  Go make your garden beautiful, water it, nurture it, love it. Its entirely up to you how valuable and stunning you want it to be.  

Remember, you can't do whatever you want. There is no recipe. Even though your culture, religion, country's norms and rules and standard expectations says so. Don't listen. What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? What makes you excited? What fires you up? Go do that on a daily basis and you'll fuel yourself with nutrition and love, and you'll be an example the world needs to see. The world is a playground, it's your playground. You have a great opportunity all you have to do is to take it! 

For reference, by garden I mean both your own mind and your physical life. If you dont have a healthy mind you'll never be content no matter which life situation, if you have a healthy mind you can be content anywhere and also figure out how to change your life to a more optimal you.  If wanted.

Go love it. 


The Future Belongs To The Most Adaptable

"You Can't"
Ever been told that annoying statement? 
28 years and still hearing it in various forms and frases. "What do you mean I can't?"
"Keep your head down, follow the rules, do what you are told, play it safe, wait your turn, ask permission, learn to compromise"
This is terrible advice. After my opinion those are the words of the people who simply misunderstood what life is all about and how this world works. 
Sure, it has made a barrier to my own life but I must say with laughter that its just... pure tragedy. 
Imagine if all those people jumped in and started creating, making the world a huge playground. Oh what a magical world it would be?

YouTube Star Casey Neistat just made this genius video (below) pin pointing that we live in the days of "yes, you can". And that we don't have to stop ourselves by the words of the "no you can't sayers", which many of us has.
Ive been raised by grownups in fear of change, in fear of scarcity with a "do what you're told, do what the society says" kind of mindset. Not only has its been limiting my creative flow but with this collective thinking pattern its been a barrier for many!
Fortunately more and more people are breaking free from these imprisoning chains and set out to fly.
Those are the people who change the world, who's the openers to the sluice of the exponential craziness that are shaping our future in high speed. It blow all the nay sayers away. Literally.

As Casey explains in his own words:

"The haters, the doubters are all drinking champagne at the titanic, and we are the fucking iceberg"

The future belongs to the creators and innovators, the scientists and tech developers, the ones who wants to change the society to the better, cure human diseases and heal our earthly nature and make it better place. We are moving into an area now where its no longer survival of the fittest nor survival of the smartest. Its the survival of the most adaptable. The time of the adaptable has arrived and if your not willing to embrace what the exponential future behold you'll be wiped away pretty fast. It will be unpredictable, chaotic, crazy, creepy, far from understandable, and yes we will have no clue about what tomorrow will bring. 
If you won't manage to find your comfortable spot in this time, if you are not able to surf the wave with excitement, sadly you will be swallowed by the tsunami in not too long. Keep your eyes open, be curious, learn how to ride the waves. Join the party and have no expectations. Simply live, live in the moment, participate and enjoy. It will make your life easier and more fun.

I guess that perhaps when we cure aging, the people who are not born adaptable, and simply can't cope with living like this, will be the ones who's gonna have their death arranged or commit suicide. They are also the ones who will refuse to merge with machines.
And this is the way homo sapiens die out for good.

As Casey says in the video below, Do What You Can't.

Women, Shouldn't We Be Supportive Of Each Other?


How come its not the norm, women being supportive of each other?  That backing each other up is barely a thing? Why aren't we one big community proud of each other, worshiping each other, loving each other?

We share the same sex, of course that should not be the only reason to stand together, but we all know that we have huge challenges in this world. Why don't we stick together, speak up and take action for justice?

How did this happen to become reality? And why do we let it? Has it always been like this? Since the human race was created?

Its been bothering me for ages as long as I can remember Ive been an observer and victim of the evilness inhabiting some or many women. Thus we are raving for equal rights, yet we dont really do that much about it on a regular basis, a few might speak up every now and then in media.

 I, friends of mine and women all around the world face these subtle but hurtful attacks from other women everyday. I think a good word to describe it is through the word "frenemies". Perhaps you get a clearer picture of it by this word.

The worst are those who pretend to be supportive, shouting out their supportive words in social media always smiling and hugging, but then behind the curtains they do everything they can to pull the person down, talking behind their back and never lending out a helping hand, keeping things secret etc. 

This might be difficult to believe for some men I guess, as women are known for their emphatic and community feeling characteristics. But actually women look at each other as rivals. Feeling threatened by other women.

l think this is a result of insecurities and being afraid of not being liked by others? Fear is the underlying fact here, I guess. But how come fear can make people cruel? Why do we let ourself be controlled by fear, acting upon it? Why cant we just accept the fear and move on, why do we have to let it be in charge, do what it please? Because we dont know thats taking back control is an option? Because we dont learn how to become friends with our feelings in school? And because we have so much fear, this is because of low self-esteem? So then, how come so many girls and women suffer from low self-esteem? Where does this self-hatred come from? Are we simply born with it? Is it in our genes? Do we get it from our parents, the way they talk to us and behave towards us, dress us, address us? That we watch our mothers behave the same, talking bad about other women? TV? I wonder how it would be in a world where girls were raised the same way as boys. Talked to in the same ways, same clothes, same encouragement for doing and executing stuff etc?
Studies actually shows that girls are being raised different. Why does this happen? Why should we differentiate between girls and boys even immediately when they get out of the womb, or I mean, actually from the day the parents know the sex of their baby.

Well, one thing is for sure, women can't continue to step on other women. We cant have both men and women doing so. This way we, girls, will never get all the way up to the same level as all the brohs out there. Go ahead and support each other, ladies. All year around, not only 8th of March. Where is the sisterhood culture, similar to the broh culture we see in men being supportive of each other always?

Its a tragedy that this is not the normal standard amongst women. As you would think otherwise but its like women never fully understood that its place for everyone on the top. Not just one person. 

I have one wish for this female birthday, lets celebrate together the whole year, shall we? 

We are stronger together. 

If we dont lift each other up. Then who will? 

Should We Give The Health Care System An Upgrade?

How much longer can you stand this annoying fact of you paying thousands a month for someones self-imposed disease?

How much longer can you stand this annoying fact of you paying thousands a month for someones self-imposed disease?

This post is mainly aimed at Norwegians and countries leading similar healthcare systems. It also questions the future of the health insurance companies and governance.

A background update: In Norway healthcare is free, our tax system covers healthcare for everyone. Only if Norwegians go abroad health insurance is needed.

Dearest Norwegians, isn’t it nice to know that your well earned tax money goes to helping people in need, developing the country and to educate your kids? 

Isn’t it nice to know that if something terrible happens to you or your loved ones, you will be taken care of? And isn’t it great to know that if your health strikes, you are insured?

Such a great structure of society, right? Yes, I’m sure you're nodding from within.

All of us can agree upon that Norway has a great way of dealing with health care. I think the citizens of our country are highly privileged and in such luck (thank you oil….)

We also know that our country, or our world for that matter, do not behold an endless fountain of money. Meaning, we can not throw our money at everyone and everywhere. Can we? We need a clear strategy. Don’t we?

You probably think that Norway has that all figured out already?

Well. I'm not so sure if I can entirely agree on that.

I'd like to challenge you a bit. Do you ever think in depth on the whole perspective on the heath care system?

Thousands of people are hit by illness every month and estimated nearly 2 million people check in to hospitals in Norway on a yearly basis. In all of these cases our governments opens its wallet and pay up whatever the cost.

Many diseases appear out of the blue, in example leukemia, birth illnesses, malaria and pneumonia, infections etc. But, most people which is hospitalized or die from illness, are diagnosed with life style diseases like heart and vascular disease, lung cancer, overweight, and respiratory diseases etc.

And believe me, these costs are way from cheap.
So, here comes the golden question, how many of these cases could have been prevented if the people affected had an optimal lifestyle, with healthy habits? And how does this affect you?

What if the people with lung cancer simply never started to smoke? Or the people with hearth and vascular diseases didn't start eating a fatty and salty diet and were exercising on a regular basis? What if the people with diabetes type II stopped overeating on sugar and started to run everyday?

What if the mother didn't drink or smoke through pregnancy so that the kid entered the world in perfect shape, and not accompanied by a kidney disease or something like that.

What if all people stopped eating unhealthy, started to exercise and eat mindful, get enough sleep, and started spending lots of time with loved ones? 
(I wonder how much less doctors and nurses and hospitals that would be needed today..)

What if everyone took care of themselves and their own health and their children and parents health? Would we have to pay such high medical bills then?

Has it ever hit you that you pay for the side effects of someones consistent lifestyle choices?

That you pay for the hospitalization of the annoying neighbor that sits outside smoking everyday. Or eventually also for the smoking gang working for your company which you already are hating for how much time they spend smoking outside and not working, and having the offices smell nasty. Or the bothersome uncle who simply weighs way too much and always keeps eating.

Yes, you do pay for the expensive results of someones terrible choice. 

You have to pay the medical bill for the smokers diagnosed with lung cancer, you are the one paying for the operation and medicine to people with hearth attack when they could have prevented easily by eating less salty, fatty and sugary foods but the person chose not to.

To me, its a ridiculous irony that we actually pay our taxes so that we can pay for the people choosing to get sick.

Pay up whats needed for the people who has no choice but.. Should really our tax money go to pay for a persons hearth attack or diabetes caused by excessive eating of sugary and fatty foods, like meat, cheese, double lattes and drinking lots alcohol and no exercise or overeating?

Is that really fair? That we pay for the people who actually make themselves sick? How come this is actually allowed, how come politicians let this happen, that we, normal people choosing to live a healthy lifestyle going to work and pay our taxes have to pay for the silly ones? Actually we could pay less taxes if those people just reframed their habits and enjoy a higher salary or the tax money could go to better up the school system, innovation or elderly homes.. Wouldn't that be way more amazing?

What do you think about the future of health care and insurances when you think about all the smart things we will be surrounded with that will tell us the status of our health and how we can prevent it to get worse. Like the toilet, toothbrush, mirror, hairbrush, clothes and everything can keep track on your health. Lots of data will be available to tell you how you treat yourself, and this information could potentially go back to the health insurance company or the government where they actually can say, well, you had the choice and this is definitely self imposed, so in which case we won’t pay for you bad habits. Don't you think this should be the norm? That people actually took responsibility for themselves?

To me, this sounds fair. 

It might also motivate the people who is not at all motivated by just “having a high quality” life as long as possible. Meaning their motivation is money, and time. They have to take responsibility for their own life, the government can't be doing that no more after my opinion. To me its like throwing a lot of trash at the floor and just expecting someone to go clean up, and in which case we Norwegians have someone coming to clean up, hired by the government, so we dont have to care about the mess we make. We can make as much as we really want to.
We do not live in an ego world, our society are built up on trust and relying on each other, we have to stick together and serve each other to make it go round, so, how come so many of us still today just think about ourselves?

I do not mean that I'm for all full detailed surveillance but to some point I'm pro keeping track on peoples health to check if they actually had themselves get ill or if it could have been prevented.

What do you think about this, how should this be solved, and.. is it a problem at all, do you think? Do you gladly go to work to pay these peoples bills? Or perhaps you lead a health insurance company, are you willing to pay up for these cases forever, when we have the tools to check if the person chose to let it happen?

But there is also another level to this, how about the people who simply are uneducated and not curious about figuring out that what they actually put in their body mirrors their health? Whos responsibility should that be, since its the governments responsibility giving us education? And how about the people with no discipline, going through the store and closest to the cashier they find all these chocolates and cookies.. why didn't the government make a law where this is not allowed since they have to pay for the medical bill of people with no discipline. And why do they allow smoking at all? And allow the stores and big companies to sell and make such sugary and salty foods? Its so much mess here which the government should be able to fix, yes, simply put their foot down.

What is your thoughts?

For your mess.

Lets Put An End To Aging Together

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife are also on a quest to end aging and disease. And just invested 3 billion dollars in research.

"Yes! Together we can cure disease by the end of the century. Are you in?"
- Mark Zuckerberg, Chan Zuckerberg Foundation

As you can see from Zuckerbergs quote, Silicon Valley has begin its war on disease; Mark Zuckerberg, Google, Microsoft, Peter Thiel among others are all on a quest to end it. Is there a reason for you and me not to join forces and hack biology with them? If you think about it, would you like to get sick tomorrow and die a slow death, or that your loved one got ill and died? Do you really want that to manifest? Rationalize it.. You'd rather stay young and healthy forever, if you had the chance, wouldn't you? 

To get a picture of what they are up to, following is a short overview

  • Mark and his wife just started the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation to fight it. They've hired top scientific leaders to oversee 3 Billion dollars to help cure, prevent and manage all diseases in our children's lifetime. 
  • Both of the Google Co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page has said that they hope to someday cure death. Together with Bill Maris, the president and managing partner of Google Ventures, they invest millions in companies that can slow aging, improve longevity, and possibly reverse disease.  "If you ask me today, is it possible to live to be 500? The answer is yes," Maris told Bloomberg Markets. Google has also started a project called Google Calico (short for The California Life Company), a multi-million dollar project that's studying how to reverse aging. Google alone reportedly has invested $240 million in the project, where Arthur Levinson is the Chief Executive.
  • Microsofts main focus at the moment within the field of disease is fighting cancer, this they do this by using computer science such as machine learning and algorithms.
  • The billionaire co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel has invested millions in companies trying to solve aging. Thiel gave anti-aging researcher Aubrey de Grey $3.5 million to co-found the Methuselah Foundation with Davel Gobel. Thiel  has also made strategic investments through his venture capital firm Founders Fund into at least 14 health and biotech companies that are focused on extending life through regenerative medicine.The organization's goal is to make "90 the new 50 by 2030." 
  • Craig Venter founded the well known company Human Longevity Inc. (HLI), a genomics-based biotechnology company, with the intention of extending and enhancing the "healthy, high-performance lifespan and change the face of aging." The company has reportedly raised at least $70 million in venture capital.
  • Martine Rothblatt, is a woman thinking the way I do which makes me super excited to follow her projects. She is taking a unique approach to the anti-aging trend. Rather than keeping humans alive in their current bodily forms, she believes that immortality could come through a unique blend of technology and biology. The founder of Sirius Satellite Radio and CEO of United Therapeutics is betting that one of the first stages in this process may be uploading the "data" of a human brain into a software program, essentially keeping their being alive in a different, high-tech form.
    She's created a nonprofit called Terasem Movement where people can already store their "mind files," the digital records of a person's life spread across email, social media, and computer files, so that when technology does catch up those files can be used to essentially bring that person back to life.

  • Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov said he plans to live to 10,000 and he wants you to be able to, also. He has founded Global Future 2045 conference and started the Avatar Project.  In a press release, the Dalai Lama said about Dmitrys aging projects, “We should carry out these experiments with a full sense of responsibility and respect for life that will only benefit humanity, benefit others.”
  • The Palo Alto Prize is a newly established Silicon Valley-based initiative of the Race Against Time Foundation. The Paolo Alto Longevity Prize is all about creating engagement and encourage people and companies to join in and help hack the code of aging. The prize is 1 ,000,000 Dollars with hedge fund manager Joon Yun in the front.

    So, the tech titans are donating billions or personally leading the research into longevity solutions.

What I'd like to focus on in this post is aging, the worst disease of them all that attacks us humans.
You might be thinking, aging? Is that a disease? Well, more and more scientists believe in the fact and research shows that it is. 

It might be difficult to grasp as the world is currently in a “pro-aging trance”, meaning we are happy to accept that aging is unavoidable., when the reality is that it’s simply a “medical problem” that science can solve.

The definition of aging is unclear and most of us do not have a full understanding of what it really is. Here is the usual explanation: 

“Ageing, also spelled aging, is the process of becoming older. The term refers especially to human beings, many animals, and fungi, whereas for example bacteria, perennial plants and some simple animals are potentially immortal

Unclear? Yes, it doesn’t explain much really. To give the scientific overview one can explain it like this. 

“Its the life-long accumulation of “damage” to the body that occurs as intrinsic side-effects of the body’s normal operation.  

Damage: Changes in structure and composition that the body cannot automatically reverse. The body can tolerate some damage, but too much of it causes disease and disability. Hence aging.”  

So basically aging is a gene causing cell damage, to give you a visual input;  think of a car, when buying a new one you dont expect it to stay brand new and in perfect shape forever? Do you? No, we all know that by using our cars it slowly gets teared down unless you repair it, pure physics, so every now and then you have to drive to the service station for an upgrade. We humans do not have such a service station, yet.
Therefore, aging kills 100.000 people every day, and will end yours too eventually, if we don't find a cure before your time is up.  

I'm really passionate about this topic as I believe that we are the first generation that can cure aging. This is because of our knowledge and equipment for advanced computing, AI, machine learning, genomics, DNA engineering, biotech and nanotech.

 “We’re now at the point where it’s easy to extend the lifespan of a mouse. That’s not the question any more, it’s can we do this in humans? And I don’t see any reason why we can’t,” says David Sinclair, a researcher based at Harvard.

So, we are not far away thanks to the magic of the Genetic Engineering and the stem cell revolutionGene editing are getting more advanced and way cheaper. Over night the cost has shrunk by 99 %. Instead of a year it now takes a few weeks to conduct experiments, and basically everyone with a lab can do it.

Remember, if we target an aging process and slow it down then we will slow down all the diseases and pathology of aging as well. That’s revolutionary and has never happened before. Hence, the global market for healthy human longevity is enormous well over $7 trillion.

Aubry De Grey a British researcher is the most famous spoke person and pioneer on aging as a disease and has done several TED talks, one is added below. He has also written this book, which you should definitely consider checking out. He says that aging is curable and he claims has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging. According to him humans age in seven basic ways, all of which can be averted. He says that we have known about aging as a disease for two centuries but it has up to this date mostly been ignored by scientists because its been to difficult to grasp. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born.
 “There is an increasing number of people realising that the concept of anti-ageing medicine that actually works is going to be the biggest industry that ever existed by some huge margin and that it just might be foreseeable.” 

Another person who is deeply involved with this cause is the successful internet entrepreneur Michael Greve who just donated 10 million dollars to the Sens Foundation and also founded his own foundation to battle it, Forever Healthy Foundation. Watch a talk by him on aging below.

How come I am obsessed about this and why do I look at it as a highly important first priority cause?

Obviously, I've been hit by a storm off questions on why. What the heck do I want to do on earth forever? And why should we mess with the "natural" cycle of life? And isn't it gonna be great fun to check out where death will take us?

Well, first of all, this is not the "natural cycle" of biology, there are at this day several species, bacteria and plants that do not have any signs of aging even though they have been living for 500 years (shark), jelly fish, lobsters, alligators ie just die if an accident happens to them, or if they get a disease(not aging) etc.. So, we are just the unlucky ones hit by the aging gene and no restoration one.

And the other things, is of course I'd never ever be interested in living on planet earth in a physical humanly body for eternity, which I know is not gonna be the case. What will happen within the next century is to us incomprehensible as our human brain is made to think linear. But you see, nano tech, biotech, quantum computing and AI can take us anywhere, really.  Soon we will be able to live on other planets, in different galaxies and universes and so on. We will probably be able to manipulate ourselves into literally anything. Upload our consciousness to a nano boots and go anywhere.. and transform ourselves to anything whenever wanted and needed.

Thats why I want to stay alive. I'm so curious about all this, existence and consciousness and the nature of reality. So I just want to understand it all and explore. I’d love to experience living in different shapes and formes, not just in this body of flesh and bones limited by gravity. Thats why Im so eager to continue my spiritual journey.

You might be thinking that us regular people won't be able to afford such a cure but believe me, you will. The prices will shrink as low as the pills you nibble today. Over night. Due to our exponential growth within the fields as of nanotech, biotech, AI and quantum computing. So no reason to not keep your head up.

A side note:
Then there is an interesting question which I also like pondering about; what will happen to the medical industry now when we are developing organic ways to solve and cure diseases? Will it die completely? And how fast? I've been longing for a better solution than this synthetic madness which we accept within medicine cause we got no where else to go. I think its be quite an interesting collapse. The pharmaceutical industry  have been dominant for the past century and has basically been doing whatever they want to the world and to the people in order to earn money by "saving" peoples lives. Yes, its a good thing but after what Ive been reading after digging into it too me it seems quite shady and corrupt. I think that within 100 years or sooner people (and computers) will laugh at us hysterically, in many ways because of our ignorance and stupidity. They will pity us. The same way we do when we think about solutions and way of doing things back in the old days when they were without the knowledge of today.
Think about it, its so stupid how we do it today, so fake, synthetic, its dangerous, literally, we have no idea what we are doing. 

Even though billions of dollars are being invested there is still need for support as this is extremely expensive research and it is nothing that the governments are funding, yet. I guess they will do eventually when they see how much of a benefit it will be to our society. Unless they are corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry.. Think about what disease cost our society every year? That's a loooot of money and  way too many lives.

I just came across that the Sens Foundation who is using biotech to research the cure of aging had a donate button on their webpage and without thinking I went in and hit monthly subscribe. (join us? Click here)

If you have a wish for becoming fragile and die thats ok, but perhaps a person you really love doesn't want it? So, support her or him.. I encourage you to activate yourself and help save peoples life. You can always kill yourself when you're tired from living your life. No pressure.

The more money they collect the faster we all can see an end to this. They need great brains and equipment. Seriously, every dollar counts. So only donating one dollar is of huge value.
The last golden question is the following..

What keeps you from participating?  

The people who will figure out how to reverse and cure aging will go down in the history books and cash in loads of money. Hey, it could be you. 

Remember, you can always kill yourself when you're tired from living your life.


My personal take on living forever?
I'd love to, hopefully being stuck in this biological body is one of many options. I could be a quantum particle, with my consciousness onboard and be able to transform myself into anything I wanted. Whatever was suitable for living on venus, whatever suitable for living in other galaxies and whatever suitable living in space and outside our universe.
Thats why I wanna stay alive, to explore the vastness of it all, and figure out what this is all about. The theory of everything.




Genetic Magic - The Stem Cell Revolution

The magic of stem cell editing (CRISPR) is blowing my mind. It's so fascinating how our knowledge and equipment on genetic engineering is on an exponential take off.
Bye bye disease, and hello longevity. We are in for a great future in many ways but seriously, how awesome is it to be diseaseless and young forever, designed to be able to live on other planets and galaxies, and basically unbeatable to a life in misery.
What I love the most is that we will cure the worst illness of them all, which is after my opinion aging (further reading and here)

I'm not gonna dig deeper into it in this post but my goal is to get you to watch this short movie on Genetic Engineering this weekend. It's 16 minutes filled with graspable information on the topic. The video is made by the Youtube Channel Kurzgesagt which is also wort a long visit.

I'm obsessed, and you'll get why.


The Future To Come

“I’m blown away about how palpable the feeling exponential change have become. I'm also certain that 99,9 % of humanity doesn’t understand or appreciate the ramification of whats coming”

This was said by Peter Diamandis in his recent ebook about the Tech Trends of 2016 transforming the humanity.

And it hit my mind, oh man, is it really so? Is it so that 99,9 % do not know of or pay attention to what’s going on? 


Am I just living in my own little real bubble of what that’s happening, completely obsessed by the breakthroughs that's right around the corner?

I just realized that I am, cause I do not check in on the daily news which most people do, which fuels us with terrible events, depressing situations, negative words and hopelessness. All the exceptions, that’s what is being served to the masses. 

I’m on a quest to spread awareness and knowledge about what’s coming but I can help but wonder; how come people are not paying attention to the most exciting thing about being alive, growth, change and walking towards a better way of living, for us all?

You see, the future is so bright (sorry for this terrible joke but I just had to) we should all put on shades. Hah. Seriously, I'm about to explode from within of ecstacy because of this, and.. I can’t share it with anyone. Cause most of the people I meet in my daily life is apparently in the 99,9 % of humanity category. 

Why aren’t people thrilled about this? Don’t people want a higher living standard?
I know most people live in their own little ego-bubble. But this is even ego beneficial! It’s a complete upgrade, of our life, our friends' lives, our families and the people in Africa we don’t even know. It’s gonna improve the human race times 1 trillion + , and also, our holy mother earth is gonna reach heaven.

I’m not being optimistic, I’m talking facts here. If you don’t believe me I really hope that we will cure aging (reverse the illness of cells dying) before you die so that you might be able to stay alive until the times of the complete exponential turnaround. It’s gonna blow your brains out. You won’t even be able to grasp what's going on. That’s only someone as smart as an super AI who can. A Cyborg, a transhumanist. I’m not even sure we will reach that level of intelligence or awareness ever, regardless we are in for a hell of a ride. 

I swear. It's wild.

Don’t believe me?

Dig into Michio Kaku, Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis among others and MIT Technology ReviewFuturism, Singularity Hub and Big Think for some updates to level up your comprehension. We are just scratching the surface of what yet to come, not even that.

Just have a look at this awesomeness


Are We Too Dumb To Smile?

At least David Shrigley is having a blast.

How do you feel when someone smile at you or when you hear someone laughing? 

Good? Yes? 

Do you ever get this instant sensation of happiness? Yes?  I do.

Think about it, how often do you smile? How many times a day do you smile to a stranger or to the people you surround yourself with at work? How about your friends? Family? And most important, to yourself, either in the mirror or when you take a selfie? 
Can you even recall when the last time was and what made it happen?

Simply seeing someone smiling a delight arise within me, not only for a few seconds but for minutes. Seeing people smile or laugh from afar or even just by watching someone on a screen elevates my level of joy and fills my face with a grin immediately. It’s the best thing I know. Smiling feels like a shot of love entering my blood vessels going straight to my brain. If I get a smile from a stranger I can think about that smile until I fall asleep that night.

Science confirms the reason of our awe when smiling with a study showing that 1 smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2000 bars of chocolate. The same study found that smiling is as stimulating as receiving up to 16 000 pounds in cash. 25K a smile. Well, that’s insane. 

And it get me thinking, when this is the effect smiling has upon us, how come I do not see smiles more frequently throughout a day? 

Research shows that kids laugh and smile 300 times or more a day. But statistics shows that the average adult only smile 20 times. Now I understand why the most of us feel happier when around kids. Even I who loves smiling may find myself smiling only between 5-40 times a day. Thats hilarious. Embarrassing. Really.

How come we don't smile more often when we are aware of the fact that it has a huge effect on us and the people around us?

Hell yeah.

It’s so simple, so easy. You can either fake it or real it. Fake or real. It doesn't matter which one you pick. The real one might look better outwards, but still, you get the same results according to research. 

Lets dig into some more detailed benefits before we start reflecting on why we aren’t doing it

  • Smiling makes you healthier. What happens when you smile is that the feel-good neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are being released. This relaxes your body and reduces stress, it lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and it affects your sleep to the better. The endorphins act as a natural pain reliever and the serotonin which is released serves as an anti-depressant/mood lifter. Many of today's pharmaceutical anti-depressants also influence the levels of serotonin in your brain. 
  • It improves your immune system. It has been reported that when you’re smiling, the body releases more white blood cells than it usually does. And the prime purpose of white blood cells are to protect the body against both infectious diseases and foreign invaders. So, smiling more often actually makes your body more immune to diseases and hence makes you healthier.
  • It also make you look good in other peoples eyes. A recent study at Penns university found that when you smile you don’t only appear to be more likable and courteous but you actually appear to be more competent. 
  • Smiling also helps to generate more positive emotions within. The best thing is that when you smile, your brain is aware of the activity and keeps track of it. The more you smile, the more effective you are at breaking the brains tendency to think negatively. And for us when we look better and sleep better we feel better.
  • Smiling is contagious. Not only are you balsaming your body and soul but you also nurture others with the glory of your joy. It’s an amazing gift to give someone, you brighten up someone's day immensely. There is no better way to serve someone. 

So there you go, want a more happy and relaxed mind and body? Simply, just smile.

Here comes the golden thought, what the h.. is wrong with us since we only smile 20 times a day?

Do we just wake up one day and decide to stop smiling and laughing? 

I don’t think so.

Are we consciously trying not to smile or laugh?

I don’t think that’s the case either.

Perhaps we got so soar in our mouth muscles of smiling from our early adulthood that we basically can’t do it no more?


Are we afraid of looking silly when we smile? Are we afraid of smiling somewhere it's not appropriate to smile?

Don’t think that is how it is for most of us either. But, I think we are onto something...

It’s a subconscious habit that definitely has something to do with our culture, our society, our norms. Not smiling has become the standard way, a part of our body language, basically since to be able to smile more than 20 times we have to force ourselves consciously to remember to smile.

A real tragicomedy.

It cuts so deep in the structure of our society. School and adulthood educate us on how to be a zombie and we agree. We accept siting in our tight, unfresh classroom, being talked too, not encouraged to ask questions or to use creativity. We are just told to sit down, listen and do as we are told. We all wave and say good bye curiosity and flow state, our new mantra.

How come we ended up lost in thoughts and imprisoned by our emotions?

When I was 19 I figured out that I had to turn this bad habit around and force myself to smile more often everyday. But still, up to this day, I forget about it and have to remind myself over and over again. It’s only when I’m in an environment with others who do smile that I don’t have to consciously think about it. Than it becomes all natural suddenly I’m a part of this contagious choir of broad smiles.

So you can choose not to let your subconsciousness control you by becoming aware of that this is the force driving you. So, rebell and react differently. Take back control. It's not easy, but its definitely possible. What I do to get my grin going is to listen to podcasts that I know will make me smile and laugh out loud. I always try to smile to myself in the mirror and I always laugh a bit longer when I actually catch myself laughing.

Here is a list for you on how to remember to smile more often (yes we are so dumb that we need someone to make a list for us on how to remember how to smile..)

  • Write SMILE with big letters on your mirror, reminding you to smile to yourself whenever you look in the mirror
  • Have a person smiling big time on your computer screen or as wallpaper on your phone
  • Start smiling to everyone; strangers, colleagues, friends, family, and yourself. and everyone will start smiling at you and a healthy circle starts developing.
  • Laugh at peoples jokes no matter if they are bad or noe, just use any opportunity you got to either laugh or smile, and consciously keep laughing or smiling for as long as you can, push the limits
  • Listen to podcasts, sound clips or video clips that you know will make you smile everyday. Play it over and over again, throughout the day
  • Seek joyful places, hang around kids, kindergarten, preschool etc, and other places where you’ll find people smiling and laughing
  • Play more, fail more, run around like a kid
  • Laugh inside, and smile outside when seeing miserable, grumpy, ungrateful people

What you definitely should start with is to start observing yourself, your physical behavior and mental pattern. As I'm pointing out earlier and will continue to point out on all my following posts is that you can manipulate yourself. You can manipulate yourself to the better and to the worse. Your ego loves to level your happiness down, but you can keep raising the level of joy acting consciously. Take a 3rd perspective look on yourself. As a surveillance camera analyzing whats going on, this way you can catch yourself and change your behavior quite easily and efficiently. Start implementing smiling and laughing this way.  

I've also got one challenge for you, I dare you (myself included) to smile to at least 3 strangers everyday starting now. I’d love to hear how it goes, I’d love to hear if you noticed any change, if it made you feel better or gain any new friends or strengthen your relationships with people at work etc.

I’m rarely being smiled at when walking on the street, if so solely by elder people. even when I smile at people, they dont smile back. Crazy, right..  But now, I'll be waiting for yours.

Help set the new standard, be the example the world needs.

Good luck!