This is the man in MY mirror. What does your tools of change look like?
Don't you think? Or do you share this common excuse that you are too old to change your habits?
Today in the intense unavoidable stream and fireworks of information hitting you every second it might seem unnecessary and infesable to search for information on topics you do not care too much about. Most of us only consume what we get straight into our feeds and email and thats about it. Which is fine, the only problem is that peoples feeds and newsletters might be completely mind dumbing and beholding no healthy facts or info on society at all. This has us all living in ignorance of what kinds of lives we are truly living. Our habits, thinking patterns, which industries and causes we are supporting, what our ways of eating are contributing towards, how we exercise affects us and our society, what products we buy and how we buy them and what we do with them, how we trash, work, spend our money, what environment does to our brain and body etc.
I believe in a conscious world, a world where we are enlightened and base our actions and habits on facts, values and wellbeing. I’m tempted to write love but that might be too overwhelming for some of you. But to be able to do so and get there, blindness must be fought. We need to figure out a way to sneak healthy information into peoples minds and that is the question. How to do that one a mass scale. Any suggestions?
Regarding the dairy and meat industry one of my best friends Helene Steffensen posted a great article today on Facebook with a great caption post(added below) Which was the factor triggering me into writing this blogpost. «Make your own choice on which kind of milk you want to drink, but if you AT LEAST acquire the knowledge and information described quite clearly and accurate in this article in the Guardian; you can base your choice on fair ground rather than on ignorance :)
Actually, if you find cows milk just soo good and feel that you can't go without it; It is just because your body has become accustomed to the stuff in the milk meant to get the calf addicted to it, to come back for more.
After not drinking cows milk for a while, it suddenly tastes slimy and disgusting.. Just try! 🍦🥛🧀🐮»
I highly recommend you to, and I would love if you did read this article. Here it is.
Don’t contribute to a better world because you can’t do everything. Small things helps tremendously. If everyone just did one simple change we would change so much. Cut your chocolate milk, ice cream binges on dairy ice cream or that yellow cheese. You will find a substitute. You will! Nut cheeses are so delicious you’ll never want to go back, so Is raw food cakes, or the vegan version of Ben & Jerrys. Cut one product out of your diet and bring one healthy thing in. At least try. There is a whole wide world of nutrition out there which I guess you haven't discovered yet because of your traditional eating habits. But believe me its gonna amaze you if you dig into it.
Or start sharing knowledge with the people you like and other acquaintances of Facebook. Get the best sources into peoples feeds. That helps a lot! Start caring meaning start sharing.
As one famous man put it (you know who): «be the change you wish to see, start with the man in the mirror»
Conscious living is the answer.
This is all about asking yourself questions on how you think, you habits, actions, choices etc. Become aware of how you've build up your life, what values you carry and if you really follow them, what fundamentals and philosophy you've based it all on. And all is based on solid ground of knowledge or just something you assumed because it was in the news, someone told you or in a youtube video you saw once. Etc..
You’ve got plenty of years left, its not too late to start living consciously. Take responsibility, live your values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for and I guess deep deep inside you are a kind person who just wish for the best for us all, earth, animals and humans alike. Why not start taking action based on your heart. Start by acquire knowledge and see for yourself, so that your choice is based on facts and not ignorance.
Oh ok, just in the very end here.. Watch this.. :)