
Why There Is No Such Thing As Writer's Block

Get over yourself.

Ever experienced finding yourself frustrated while staring at a blank page?
At an exam perhaps, or test in school where you're just completely empty within, and the adrenaline is pumping through your veins and you can't help but going all nuts?

This is not uncommon, in fact, lots of famous writers claim to have experienced writer's block and the web is flooded with articles on how to deal with it.

By definition writer’s block is described as the following

"Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown."

However, according to a Niel strauss, who's a trained journalist and writer of seven books, there is no such thing as writer's block.

Well, that's a bit odd, isn't it? Mainly since most of us can recall accessing this state of mind?

You know what, I think it's brilliantly put. I can relate to his words. You see, once I had a complete black out on a math test at the age of 15. It was so horrible that I made myself a promise to never ever enter that state again.
And guess what? I haven’t experienced it since. And I tell you, I write every day. With ease. 

His full statement goes like this:

No it's not. It's your EGO talking so loud that you can't hear them.

“there is no such thing as writers block, it’s performance anxiety which you have been imposed at yourself because your expectations are too high” 

It couldn’t be phrased any better, if you ask me.

Basically what happens is that the ego interferes with the natural source of flow from within. 
It uses stress to distract you from touching it, basically cut short; it’s the fear of failure that’s hunting you down.
Ego, the perfectionist, screams with a never ending discontent making you unable to produce anything. Just typing one word, or letter can be impossible.

Here is how Malcolm Gladwell deals with writers block.

“I deal with writer’s block by lowering my expectations. I think the trouble starts when you sit down to write and imagine that you will achieve something magical and magnificent—and when you don’t, panic sets in. The solution is never to sit down and imagine that you will achieve something magical and magnificent. I write a little bit, almost every day, and if it results in two or three or (on a good day) four good paragraphs, I consider myself a lucky man. Never try to be the hare. All hail the tortoise.”

Lower your standards and you’ll never have such problem again. Trust yourself. Leave the conscious I and you’ll become the vessel of the cosmic. 

Next time you find yourself with a block, start free-writing or just write something, find some questions to answer, anything that have you use your fingers creating words. And do so without looking on passed sentences. Write blind folded, use no time to edit. It might be rubbish, but at least it will get you going. Perhaps you’ll find some useful sentences or paragraphs in there. Of that I’m sure. If not.. You’ll never be able to be a good and happy writer, I guess. Of course you should also consider if talking a walk or have a break if you’ve been glazing at your screen for hours is what really is needed.

Simply put, leave your ego at the door while you sit down and start typing.

Ha ha. This bad joke made me smile.

When Was The Last Time You Put Yourself In Someone Else's Shoes?

We all know how good it feels to be acknowledged for our emotions and inner thoughts. Being cared for when we are down, sharing the joy when something magical happens. Simply being understood and able to share experiences is of such value. We are all longing to be seen and recognized as human beings, at any moment of the day. We want to know that we are not alone and that we are of worth. We are social animals and we need to at least believe we are part of a larger group to have a life of purpose and meaning.

Empathy is key in order for the world to be a better place for us all.  Perhaps you should ask someone how they feel today, and fully listen with your whole record of comprehension? I'm sure someone would highly appreciate that.

I wish at least this video below would be mandatory for us all to watch.

Instant Learning, Yes, I Mean Fast Pace Instant Learning, Is Not Far Away.

I, as probably the most of us, love to learn, I'm extremely curious and want to binge on everything all the time. But, there is one challenge, I've always felt that today's way of absorbing information has been way too time consuming, yes, pure hassle. To me, our present biological way is unnecessary and complicated, there is no way we can keep up with the constant loop of knowledge thrown at us 24/7. 

Since an early age I’ve had this underlying sentiment that this is not how it’s supposed to be, it's not completely natural, that this is not how the universe really works. 

That for sure has been an endless frustration, all those hours at school, reading all these books,  so much time spent while learning so little. I’ve always believed that the reality is this magical landscape we just can't seem to neither see nor touch, because we, humans, are too dumb.

However, according to inventions and discoveries that has taken place lately, the future is promising, we're even on the track to learn 1000 times faster than before, with nano boots and chips planted in our brain, says Chief Futurist at Google Ray Kurzweil. The March of the AI and the understanding of neural networks and deep learning is making "sci-fi" possible. Things are starting to making sense. We are about to catch a glimpse of the mystic. Scratching the surface of the what the universe is all about.

So, what I've always felt was possible is becoming real.
I'm super excited about getting the ability to become super smart. How do you feel about that? 

 Check out some of the things happening in the articles above and below.

Instant learning as it is of today by DAQRI

In a 2013 experiment Rats linked together though the internet making them able to learn from each other instantly, called the first “organic computer". Read about that here

We will also be able to control things with our mind, and communicate through our brains (awesome!)

Mass Media, Isn't It About Time For A Change In Perspective?

I’ve got a few questions for you:

When was the last time reading or watching the news made you smile? Or laugh out loud? 

Or how about this one, when was the last time you felt empowered as a human being, as your true self by watching and reading the content of the traditional, conservative mass media?

Or when was the last time you felt hope, belonging and safety when indulging these daily updates?

Or just this; when was the last time you actually felt good about your situation, your family, society and the world by tuning in to the news?

Can you recall it? And what was that, exactly?

Was the last time we were served hope, excitement and the feeling of unity across the globe when Neil Armstrong, Buzz and Michael Collins hit the moon with Apollo 11?

Is the mass media as it is of today, and has been for the last decade, simply all about triggering the amygdala?

Why is that? Is that sustainable in the long run? What does this serve us? What does it do to the wellbeing and activation of our community?

Is this why at this time in history the long established-media companies are shaken to it’s core, in total chaos and about to go down, because of this, that humanity can’t stand no longer to get our anxiety fired up? 

Is the classic way of journalism simply out-dated?

Is there no other way we could be served information, knowledge and news?

If you could decide, how would you like to have it delivered if it was supposed to bring along warm feelings as well?

Media is struggling and running out of money, how come they haven't yet tried to change their approach on perspective? Fear sell, yes indeed it has, but not anymore?

Do you pay for it?

No? I didn't think so.


A Promising Future For People With Disabilities

One of the things that really fires me up about technology is how much it can transform the lives of people with disabilities. We are heading towards a diseaseless world for us all but where we first can see a glimpse of what yet to come is in the inventions for people that until now in many ways have been disconnected from society. I can't wait for these inventions to become affordable enough to reach the masses.
Researches, scientists, neuroscientists and programmers are doing incredible work thanks to neural networks, machine learning, robotics, nanotech, biotech, stem cells etc for instance now the blind can see  (read more here and here, ", the deaf can "hear"(read more here and here), the paralyzed can walk(read more here,  here,  here, and here  and the completely paralyzed can communicate.
Noisolation a norwegian startup, helps sick kids in hospitals, or home,  keep up with school and stay connected to their classmates and friends.

Brain Implants makes walking possible

I believe that if we crack the code with Neural Networks and Quantum Physics nothing is impossible. If you set your mind into long term thinking mode, what comes to mind?

For further reading:

How Come We Do Not Learn In School What Being A Human Is All About?

Why is it so that we don't have a subject in school focusing on the human mind, body and how we interact with society, today?

Why is it so that we shall grow up and enter adult life without knowing anything about the house in which we live 24/7 and are incapable of escaping from?

Why is it so that we go to school for a major part of our life but we don't learn about who we are, why we behave the way we do, what our feelings, emotions and sensations is all about, why we think the way we do, how our environment, behavior, thought patterns and early childhood experiences affects our present moment and future?

Why don't we learn to interact with each other in best possible ways so that we can skip conflicts due to misunderstanding in our communication? 

Why don't we learn that everyone has a unique point of view because of how they grew up, with whom, where, culture and different experiences and language?

Why don't we learn that 80% of physical human communication is body language, and that even the pitch of our voice make the person immediately judge us or put us in a box?

Why don't we learn to see the world from a openhearted and non judgmental perspective?

Why don't we learn that neither of what we think nor feel is real, that most of it is formed by society? And that we don't have to agree?

Why don't we learn
 to be the observer of our own minds, to take a step back and perceive ourself like we're in a movie, observing what we think, how we speak and behave in all situations?

Why don't we learn to manipulate ourselves to the better, when we know that smiling, physical contact, exercising, eating healthy, body posture it all affects how we feel inside? Why don't we learn to manipulate ourself happy when its absolutely possible?

Why don't we learn to keep playing, smiling and laughing as much as we did as children?

Why don't we learn that by serving others, lifting others up we lift ourselves too? 

Why do we have to be occupied by unnecessary stress, anxiety and internal mess, when we don't have to?

If we learned all this in school wouldn't that free up our time, clear our mental space and give us energy to learn, focus and actually perceive learning as fun?
Wouldn't we perform better, when in peace, at ease and contentment with ourselves? 
Doesn't this foster curiosity and creativity for futher learning?

Why is it so that we are not to be taught this unless we seek it ourselves?

Do we really have to be trapped in other peoples or our own dogma?

And most important of all, why don't we learn to love ourselves?

Why Don't We Create the Subject "How To Be Human" and Make it Mandatory in School, ASAP

Why? Cause we can't continue neither reading nor writing about these kinds of situations in the media (a girl being spit in the face by her teacher) plus live next to people suffering because of lack of knowledge what the human mind is all about. 

If it is something that can make me truly furious it's this, shortage in comprehension regarding mental health. So many people suffer from different mental illnesses yet there still is too much ignorance out walking.

After my observations of close friends which is diagnosed this just worsen it all. The absence of love and understanding from their surrounding fils the affected person up with shame and anxiety. And in most of the cases it just tear things further apart instead of brick by brick restoring it back together. Boom the person, relatives and other relationships are trapped in this mess for a long time, maybe even forever.

If you ask me, the education of psychology, psychiatry and the human mind in general should start in an early age, already in kindergarten and follow throughout elementary school. The subject could for instance be called “How to be human” and should be at least once a week. As highly prioritized as any other subject. Meditation, empathy, mindfullness, cognitive learning, how to build better relationships etc, all these tools to get to know yourself, your body and others better. To widen our perspective of the world and society and how everything functions and fits together.

When employees up until this day working hands on with humans ends up spitting children in the face because of little understanding of what mental health really is all about, then something is wrong. 
Get rid of prejudice, shame and ignorance,  ASAP.

All though, I think the future is bright, we evolve too slow. It shouldn’t be taboo no more, but it demands science to join forces with school and the masses. 

Why Trump's Win Might Actually Be A Good Thing

Trump is all over the media these days, and here I am, contributing to his ever rising fame, but I actually have something to say which is empowering and not only focusing on the negative side of it all.

You see, I can’t help but wonder, when we think long term, isn't this simply beneficial madness for us all?

Not that I am pro this unabashed demagogue of a person, his decisions and executions. But there is something quite fascinating about the whole situation we as a global community find ourselves in at the moment. I think there is a reason for him becoming a president. The time for a switch in our earthly collective consciousness has arrived with him as the tipping point. The world now has a place to point our fingers.

Yes, he has taken some radical and weird actions the past 11 days, and he is all over the news because of his tyranny. In all his glory he demonstrates his power. Its all so absurd and unexpected that we’re filled with chaos and fear. 

  • People are being deported from the country and banned to enter. People are divorced from their families because they’re “immigrants” event though they have US citizen ship. (It seems like trump has forgotten that his country is built up by immigrants, that the most successful companies located in has been built by immigrants even that two of his wives(including Melanie Trump) is immigrants.)
  • He has gotten rid of Obamacare
  • And more

I get that there is a reason for this panicking behavior of the masses, but is it just me that find this whole situation interesting? Is it just me that sees this wackiness as an insane opportunity for true global change and a strong community to arisen?

Humanity as a whole is longing for justice, so, perhaps now is a perfect time we all can stop the passive talking and stop watching, and start engaging? Perhaps now is the time where its possible to practice what we preach? Now when we finally have a direction in which to focus our anger?

There is not much chatter in the news or online yet(check more about the media below) about possible solutions and actions we together can take but I guess there is a lot going on among the world leaders and behind locked doors. We are being forced to rationalize our minds. Humanity is now forced to think. All at once. Because it can´t just skyrocket in this direction for years, which is a possibility if he is not being stopped, cause we can all clearly see that Trump rather belongs to a psychiatric institution, but meanwhile until then he is roaming the streets with immense power accompanied by delusional events.

While we all were hoping(and still do I guess)for his Presidency to be one big joke, anticipating for Ashton Kutcher to jump out of nowhere and say “gottcha, you’ve all been massively pranked. moahaha” (feel free to skip this mind wandering paragraph about what Trump's is all about)

  • Or hoping that is was just a big PR stunt to get Hillary Clinton closer to a win
  • Or that it was merely a genius episode of black mirror happening live where we all were actors. Just to prove a point.
  • Or that a group of people with lots of control are behind him and just want to play around for fun with us.. To See how far it can go for what to happen. 
  • or maybe he is with ISIS and wanted to get his hands on the nuclear weapon industry to blow us all up in once, wipe humanity away 
  • Or that Trump is just a straw man being pushed in a corner by aliens or Gods
  •  Or that he actually is an alien which came to earth just to have some fun and experiment with us all. (an extraterrestrial from a super advanced civilization where we still can’t imagine what is possible when altering the laws of physics 
  • Or that its we, humans on earth are a big experiment and what is happening now is arranged just to measure something… like reactions, behavior, intelligence, stupidtitiy, energy or sense of community, kindness and love. or just to see how fast we can adapt to change and what we can allow to happen.
  • Or maybe he is a machine going amok, perhaps its the start of the AI crisis, its just not being told to the masses cause its all out of control
  • Or we are (our universe or earth solely) is in a video game and about to level up? Or down? 
  • (My mind can flow forever like this filled with amusement but lets continue.)

This is not the case, as far as we know, Trump is here to stay and his presidency do not has a fulcrum.

Even though polls said that Hilary was going to win, I was sure that wouldn’t be the case.
Injustice and instability is on the menu all over the world, we have the refugee crisis, the richer that is getting richer and visa versa, in addition to that many people are loosing their jobs due to technology and the age of antibiotics is soon over. As usual, people are suffering from poverty and diseases eats a lot of people. We all want the climate change to reverse and we can’t handle no more religious conflicts. People are so thirsty so we jump on every possibility to alter our reality.

Another factor is that because of the rise of technology we can discover how vast the differences in the world truly are. Of course because of the news and everything, but interesting fact is that online we are all one big happy community where we all feel belonging. The whole world is our neighbor and we can find people similar to ourselves just a click away. Being online is magic, but when that bubble burst and we’re back to the offline reality, it all seems even more unfair. We feel isolated and miserable, we feel that we do not have the same rights and living condition as others and it makes us furious. Trump is a visible sign of how people experience the world at the moment, loaded with anxiety and negative feelings.

Of course a lot people will suffer because him being president, but doesn’t a lot of people suffer already? What’s great about this whole situation is that now everyone has someone to point their finger at. We have been missing a concrete and clear picture of all the disasters happening. But now, we have a scapegoat, finally, we have somewhere we all can direct our voices, our anger, our frustration, our energy. A visible and safe place with easy access for everyone. It's like picking up the phone calling a service and say how much you dislike them and if they don't change you will go to somewhere better. Until now we’ve had too many choices on how to deal with the misery of the world making us paralyzed, unable to do anything cause we haven’t known where to start and everything seems unaccessible and far away. Like where should we start? Who should we attack? Our country politicians? Them big companies like Marlboro, Nestlé or H&M? Or perhaps the intermediaries who delivers the product or the different people who collects the different parts needed for a product to be made? Or maybe the man who is actually right now tearing down trees in Amazonas in order to be able to feed his own family with his almost no money salary? Or should we point at those who work at the factory where they release harmful waste making the habitants close by get cancer and other diseases? Or perhaps the people who build the factory or the man who owns the land where its being built? You see, the list can go on and on. We can even blame the supermarkets for world hunger cause they throw away 40 % of their food. Which is food that has not gone bad, they just dont look “perfect”. My point being, there are way too many choices, too many people to blame! Making us end up just caring about our own little ego bubble, feeling helpless. But times are changing. Now there is a possibility for a rebellion, cause now we have someone to rebell towards. And a sense of community is gradually being built. As a global community we get a common voice, a high voice we all now can direct somewhere. This is how optimism, hope and meaning can start cultivating.

Lets reminisce a bit about Martin Luther King and how he perfectly points to the type of change makers and activists our world needs.

“And I say to you, I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to humankind’s problems. And I’m going to talk about it everywhere I go. For I have seen too much hate. […] and I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love. And the beautiful thing is that we aren’t moving wrong when we do it, because John was right, God is love. He who hates does not know God, but he who loves has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality. And so I say to you today, my friends, that you may be able to speak with the tongues of men and angels; you may have the eloquence of articulate speech; but if you have not love, it means nothing. Yes, you may have the gift of prophecy; you may have the gift of scientific prediction and understand the behavior of molecules; you may break into the storehouse of nature and bring forth many new insights; yes, you may ascend to the heights of academic achievement so that you have all knowledge; and you may boast of your great institutions of learning and the boundless extent of your degrees; but if you have not love, all of these mean absolutely nothing.”

So, Who's gonna do the first I have a dream speech? When will it happen? In a few years or weeks? Are spokesmen randomly going to disappear from the earth or be imprisoned? As I empty my mind of reflections by writing this article I can’t help but wonder, what if some one pro-trump or some of his secrets agents will trace me and come knock on my door and.. vops there I am, no longer existing. Vaporized to nothing. That would be quite hilarious if that is how far is gonna get, but, you neve know where the valley will hit its bottom these days.

Anyhow, demonstrations and executions are popping up around the globe right now. Join in and do not be scared to speak up.

Here you can get an update on some of what is happening

  • The Tech Industry is furious about the new immigration law:


  • UK is furious and do not want him to be able to visit Great Britain at all

Will you join forces with one of these or create your own? 

I do not think Donald Trump is in complete safety from now on. So much disgust and distrust can make people do inhuman things towards him. Which in this case I think will be looked at and admired as heroic in the eyes of several people. Someone is right now probably already mapping out a master plan on how to get rid of him, wether it will be with or without violence. I think someone eagerly will sacrifice their life to get rid of him.

So as we saw from the first day where he was president people gathered to rebell. We will continue to rebell. We will connect with our friends and befriend strangers.
We now have a common purpose, a meaning of existence. An anchor for us all, a feeling of togetherness. From now on, we are part of something bigger then ourselves.

This might be the wakeup call we need. Losing hope in one of our “leaders” might be the trigger we need to restore faith in ourselves and each other. 

Wether it takes 5 or 100 years of this craziness. It will probably end in a world way better than then one we see today. (Unless the AI's comes ad  exterminates us.) This is a catalyst for world change. And what I hope will come out of this all in the end is following

  • World Police
  • World Laws
  • Open boarders 
  • Universal Basic Income
  • World wide democracy
  • Even more focus on technology, and money for science
  • No more using way too much money on war and weapons 

I see this as a happening at some point during our time as humans or consciousness in machines. And I believe this is the start towards this. So lets cross our fingers. It might take 5 or 100 years, but from now on, we are walking towards it.

Anyways, no one knows how this all will turn out in the end,  but I keep on my glasses made of optimism on. 
If not this collective awareness starts a global movement, I have no longer faith in human beings. 
And if it all end in a disaster (Of course, it might totally end a disaster, if Trump gets mad and want to commit suicide, he might want to bringe the whole human race with him and then put nuclear bombs in every part of the whole world so that we all get wiped out at once..) at least we have been spectators to an extremely entertaining and ludicrous happening.

But I think,
the collective consciousness are a-wakening next to a rebellious global movement.
And times, as Bob Dylan says, times they are a-changin’

Rebellion for president ! High five for humanity. This will all be alright and form a stronger global community.

Ps: Want to laugh? check out this

How To Perfectly Respond To An Insult

I love David Shrigley's artwork.

I love David Shrigley's artwork.

Seriously, I just heard this genius way of responding to an insult so I had to share it with you. So simple yet so flawless. I can’t recall the source but if I find it I’ll add it to the post later.

As we all know very well, people hurt each other all the time, either physical or verbal, where the latter is more common, either indirect or direct, online or offline. We see it in relationships, among friends, at work, school, or when just walking pass someone on the street even you might end up sending someone a rude look or receiving one, out of the blue. 

What we not always seem to remember, is that it has nothing to do with the offended person. It has exclusively everything to do with the person from where it comes. Those whom enjoy picking on others are people who's ignorant of or unwilling to accept the misery they themselves participate in within. Escaping their own suffering through pulling others down becomes the easy way out. (But really, guess what, it dosent work. It might give the person a sudden dopamine rush of happiness lasting for about 10-20 seconds, but then the mental state goes right back to where it were.)

I know that it might be hard to grasp when it happens and its difficult not get hurt.
Just stay objective and be prepared and it might turn out alright.
Here is the secret sauce I came across on how to respond,

Simply say,

"I'm perfectly willing to accept that." and move on.

Other possible ways to respond is

  • laugh dismissingly and give the person a funny look signaling like “what you just dit was really weird and I look at it as a big joke, poor you, I really feel sorry for you"
  • or pretend you didn’t hear it, and look or walk away (and laugh from the inside)

Absolutely do not attack back. It will probably just worsen the situation, cut even deeper, take a lot of energy and mental capacity and eat of your time. People who insult want attention, they want friction, so don’t give them what they want. Don't let them win.

To those of you who enjoy harassing others; it just digs your hole even deeper.
And also, having a bad day is no excuse for being rude and mean to others.

And yes, one last important thing:

"The one who stays silent agrees.

Does Psychosis Have a Touchpoint in Noetic Sciences?

Synchronicity or a fortunate stroke of serendipity within madness?

Just another hopeful and dreaming photo just to show that you've got the world and even the sun in your hands.

Ever experienced that? Them odd coincidences leaving you a bit perplexed for a few seconds? Like, when you think of a person you haven't thought of in a while, maybe even years, and then right away or a few hours later he/she calls, write you on Facebook or you bump into the person on the street. These psychic phenomenas goes under the term Noetic Sciences. I'm sure you have had a glimpse of it, can you recall it? 

Anyhow, I once knew this person who's been entering psychosis a few times. What has been kind of astonishing is that one of these times, this person actually reached high awareness, became the observer of his thoughts, himself and his surroundings. Despite being super high, believing he was Jesus Christ and actually being convinced of having superpowers and completely fearless and, amongst other things, said he could drive in the speed of light with his rocket ship, aka tesla car, things took a fascinating turn.
What was interesting with this whole experience and time we spent together in this far out state of mind of his, was that we got connected in such a profound way, I almost couldn't believe it. Suddenly some antennas in his mind got switched on and he connected with what ever is out there that is the source of information and intelligence and the physical law of all existence (if there is such a thing).
We got so intertwined that he started to think about the same things as me exactly when I thought of it or a few minutes or hours later, first I got puzzled cause this had never happened in the 2 year of knowing this person, like a blink of an eye things altered. Not even would he just think and say to me what I was thinking about we also started to text and call each other at just the exact time, then I really mean the exact same time. He also saw things pretty clear, he saw me, for the first time he understood what I was feeling and showed so much gratitude, compassion and love for both me and everyone else. He also got interested in many existential things and focused on the bigger picture of it all. Suddenly he also had all these other strange coincidences happening to him, like getting visions happening in the news before it happened etc.
And also, I write every day, either as a journal or about things I learn or am curious about, and he actually started talking about what I was writing just when I was writing it and in precise sentences.
This freaked me out, even though I'm a firm believer of quantum physics, entangled minds and universal intelligence this was happening so fast and I was left confused. This is happening to me all the time but it never occurred to him. Some wiring in his brain must have joined forces with the quantum world. He didn't even think about it, neither notice it cause he was all into other them other circus thoughts.
Normally I never got to share all these weird things happening to me, but there it was, happening to both of us at the same time.

What do you think?
Synchronicity or a fortunate stroke of serendipity within madness?

I'm a fan of Dean Radin. If you'd like to dig into this "mystery" of Noetic Sciences(Psychic Phenomena) I recommend him highly.

More to come on this topic.

Psychosis, A General Overview

Hard Core Mental Illness, Science infused with a few Thoughts.

Art Piece By Justin Bower

Not only is psychosis hard core mental illness but it’s probably the worst mental state your body can ever access. It’s the most damaging thing for your brain tissue, one of the most terrifying things people in your life can experience and the most dangerous for yourself and your surroundings.
Your wealth and overall health can be totally destroyed and it can be confusing and scary as hell. And at last, it’s completely invisible to the eye, which makes it extremely difficult for everyone to make sense of.

About 3 out of 100 people will experience a psychotic outbreak at some point in their lives and its most likely to happen in late teens, early 20s, or late 20s especially for men. What happens and how can vary from person to person. It can even vary from time to time, if one person gets it several times. 

It might be a bit scary to watch from afar but just visualize the person having gotten a virus on his brain, or have cancer in the brain or the flu in the brain. Something like that. He is not possessed by the devil, so no shame.

But, what exactly is psychosis?

Well, even scientist can't seem to fully figure it out. Some theories are out there but we literally have no clue. If you search the web you'll find different explanations but mostly of symptoms. According to our go-to online encyclopedia, wikipedia, the definition of psychosis is:

"A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality"

So, when you lose touch with whats real and see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real, that indeed we call psychosis.
Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness per se, and its caused by a mental or physical illness, drug abuse, extreme stress or trauma.  When in psychosis it’s normal to have at least one of the following conditions.

An Interesting fact is that the psychotic person may not always find these experiences distressing. It is even possible to stay in work and function at a high level in life even if one has these experiences.

But, let’s dig deeper into what these symptoms really means;


Hallucinations is when you see, hear or feel things which are not actually there, like

  • Seeing things which other people do not see

  • Feeling someone touching you who is not there

  • Smelling things which other people cannot

  • Hearing voices


These are beliefs that are not true according to our society and may seem irrational to others. Such as

  • you are being followed by secret agents or members of the public

  • people are out to get you or trying to kill you. Strangers, friends or family members

  • something has been planted in your brain to monitor your thoughts

  • you have special powers, are on a special mission or in some cases that you are a God or Jesus

Motor disturbances / Catatonia

Catatonia is a state of neurogenic motor immobility and behavioral abnormality.
Characterized by a cluster of signs and symptoms including mutism, stupor/immobility, staring, posturing, negativism, withdrawal, rigidity, and autonomic abnormalities.
Either excessive abnormal movements or frozen in a posture for a long time is normal.

Thought Disorder

Thought disorder describes an underlying disturbance to conscious thought and is classified largely by its effects on speech and writing. Specific thought disorders include derailmentpoverty of speechtangentialityillogicalityperseverationneologism, and thought blocking. The affected person shows loosening of associations and in severe form speech becomes incomprehensible and it is known as "word salad"

Cognitive Experiences

Cognitive experiences are ones that relate to mental action; such as learning, thinking, remembering and functioning. Such as

  • being unable to sustain attention

  • memory problems

  • unable to take on information

  • poor decision making

  • trouble interpreting social cues of others

All this might sound awful, am I right?

Well, you know what, for many people these experiences in psychosis is actually heaven (and hell at the same time), and once you’re out of it, life as a normal person will appear dull and completely pointless. The constant attacks and explosions of thoughts and colors, meanings, purpose, discussions and other fun experiences have vanished and now it all seems grey and monoton. This can lead the person to actually wishing to go back to that state or else get super depressed by the lack of circus. 
To make sense of it it is as if you’re on drugs. High, ecstatic and full of life and ideas. Its either a good trip or a bad one. You see, the same neurotransmitters and endorphins are being produced in the brain and body. Your brain is on max, running wild, there are several theater scenes and characters talking all playing in your head at the same time. Your brain goes so fast that its no wonder it burns itself up(which is almost what happens) For those of us who have never tried drugs the closest is to become mental ill yourself or else there is no way to understand. Or lets try this, do you remember a time where you were more scared than ever before or in complete adrenaline rush feeling that you were going crazy? Multiple that with 1000 and thats how it feels.

Early signs
The development of a psychosis might flourish from these things but sometimes psychosis also can appear out of the blue for any reason.

  • Withdrawal, isolation

  • Loss of motivation, purpose

  • Sleep problems, or change in sleep pattern

  • Stop doing activities that one has found enjoyable before (hobbies, sports etc..)

  • Depression

  • Anxiety, ie scared of leaving the house, panic attacks

  • Is extremely interested in one specific topic all of a sudden

  • Indifferent or showing strange emotional instability

  • Not interested in cleaning their house, clothes, body etc

  • Reacting weird when something happens, ie laugh when someone is sad

What’s the reason and why?

There are many reason one can get it. Mental and physical conditions may cause it and also use of drugs.
Here are some typical examples

Physical conditions

  • Too little sleep ( many precent can be psychotic after just one sleepless night.)

  • Extreme stress

  • Parkinson

  • Dementia

  • Brain tumor

Mental Illness

  • Bipolar

  • Schizophrenia

  • Trauma

  • Anorexia

But really, how easy is it to grasp for others?

Psychosis needs to be spotted by others in able to give the person treatment, as the person has no clue himself of whats going on. Since mental illness is not for the visible eye it can be extremely difficult to spot if you have no knowledge of it. Many psychotic people can be enormously talented in covering themselves up. Seriously they could win the olympic games of masquerading themselves if that was an option that existed.
They know there is something about them which is not normal for other people and they are fully aware that revealing their "secret" might end in something bad happening to them. They have not a single clue about their own illness, they believe they’re perfectly well and nothing at all is out of order, in fact they feel they are on top of the world.
They may have a clean and perfect shiny appearance and even look way better than and outshine most people. And also, they can function in society completely normal under their own surveillance.. and rules.

Anyways, if someone you know is suddenly behaving a bit different than normal, like withdrawing or shows reduced interest in social activities or other activities that used to be enjoyable to the person, and shows suspicion that might be a sign, or suddenly if he/she starts to use a lot of money and live on the extravagant side of life, or just starts to talk and talk, move to much and nothing really makes sense as a whole.. That might be some signs.. or if the person start move his/her body in an unfamiliar way and continues to do that, or just have a difficult time finding words and putting them together and a normal way...Or just is extremely scared or not afraid at all. A sign is also if the person shifts mood in a matter of seconds and continues to do so. Or shows no emotions at all (such as facial expression and gestures) or have trouble interpreting social cues of others.

All this is in a way symptoms, but seriously, some times you need to dig deep to actually understand if something goes on. You perhaps also can see it in their eyes, if something is slightly different than earlier, that you can't seem to find the normal glance, then you're also into something.
If the person is convinced of being stalked by the police or government, then you know there is something weird happening, if this actually is just a normal citizen.
Or if the person actually believes that he/she is Jesus, God, Buddha, Allah, Elvis Presley or someone great in history.
Also remember to look at psychosis and mental illness just the same as physical illness. Think of the person as having the flu, on the brain or has cancer, brain tumor or simply is lying in the street bleeding, hit by a car or something. Its just that you lose the mental contact with the person who makes it a bit more scarier and confusing.

What physically is going on ?

Science tells us that dopamine, a chemical in the brain, is involved in psychosis. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that helps to control the flow of information in the brain. If you turn on the tap of dopamine, the brain will want to take in more and more information. With psychosis, researchers says that the tap of dopamine is turned on too high, which leads to a constant rush of information that overwhelms the brain thus the medications that are most often used to treat psychosis help to control the amount of dopamine in the brain.

Why is being in psychosis harmful for the body?

Science showes when in psychosis you are under a lot of stress, and when you are high in stress, the amygdala in the brain gets over active, which results in it producing more white blood cells which makes you more prone to cardiovascular disease. Other health risks related to stress is obesity, headaches, depression, gastrointestinal problems, alzheimer's disease, accelerated aging and so on.

What do do if someone you know gets it? How to figure it out?

There is no point in trying to talk to the person about it because an absolutely clear sign of psychosis is that the person lack disease insights.
It can even worsen the situation cause the person might end up avoiding you or running away, even run out of the country with no traces left behind is a typical case.
If you're suspicious call the persons doctor, or the police or the hospital. Or some relatives first to see if they know what is happening. Do not be scared to do so. Remember you are doing your friend a favor. Not making him turn into a dement vegetable for the rest of his life, which will happen if the person doesn't get treatment. And you go not want the person to get dementia an early age, with no reverse opportunities? do you?

What to do if you find out that you have it? 

Well, most definitely you won't. Most people in psychosis believe they are perfectly normal, indeed they are not just normal they are unique beings with superpowers very often.

Recovery and treatment

I’ts important to get treatment as soon as possible.
What happens if you have it over a long period and many times or don’t get treated?
Well your brain pretty much eats itself up and it turns into dementia. And then, there is no way back. You end up as a vegetable which you now have to be for the rest of your life. And that, thats a sad story. For everyone involved. That my friends, are why you need to help out as.

Medication and a good therapist is needed, the therapist should be a safe anchor and give the patient their fullest attention with understanding and empathy, most importantly respect. Remember, the person affected is in complete chaos and frustration and have no idea who he is or what the world is or nothing. Completely in panic and confusion, and shame. They are so embarrassed of what they've experienced. This is a normal human being who need all the respect in the world, more than others. If not, the uncertainty and insecurity will follow and the process back to a normal life and society will be even longer.
I believe that love, compassion and being seen can help the process immensely. Some people say that one can never fully recover but that its possible to get better and have an ok meaningful life symptom free. But that is also up to the person to understand that it will probably be a handicap for the rest of its life so there is a need to understand how to avoid triggers. Good routines, sleeping enough, eating right, exercise, no stress and having loved ones near is medicine. But I guess, one should consider using medicine for sometime until all this is well established cause going of the meds can pull you right back if you are not prepared and learn to observe your thoughts mind and analyze whats happening and take action. You need to get to know yourself, that might be hard but if not, stress, lack of control, challenging situations happening abruptly will knock you right back.

Wrap Up

Psychosis is not fun. One will learn immensely either as a friend, dependent or as the one who experiences it but I dont recommend to use that as a way to grow as a person. Because, if you first get there, maybe you'll never get well. If you are super curious drugs could be used, but I dont recommend that either cause it might put you in a case that you'll end up like that for a long time. You know, drugs messes with your brain chemicals and you never know if you have the right genes for making things worse.

An interesting fact is that many great people throughout history has been suffering from mental illness and some even has reached psychosis to top it off. Apparently there is a fine line between genius and madness because they share the same genes, scientists have found.
A good story is when Van Gogh cut his ear off, that probably happened in psychosis, why else should he cut his ear of? Just for publicity and fame? No don't think that was the reason. 

Anyway final say, reach out for help if you see someone you care about shows sign of this! And show loads of respect and love. Maybe you'll be the savior that makes the whole situation a bit better. Or maybe even save his or her life.


If you randomly happen to understand Norwegian this is a easy graspable documentary to watch to learn more :