Hva er ditt forhold til intuisjon? ✨🔮
"The intuitive mind is a sacret gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and have forgotten the gift."
- Albert Einstein
Du vet når noe bare kjennes feil, eller rett men du klarer ikke forklare hvorfor?
Gjerne du blir latterliggjort eller får slengt kommentarer som svada om du prøver å begrunne følelsen din - eller kanskje du bare rett og slett å velger å stå over det å skulle uttrykke noe som helst relatert til situasjonen.
Intuisjon er undervurdert i dagens samfunn - vi elsker å dyrke tall, fakta, logikk - alt skal begrunnes svart på hvitt for å regnes som gyldig..
I tillegg har å lytte til seg selv blitt nærmest umulig i et samfunn skapt for konstant informasjons-overload og notifikasjoner som plinger i hytt og pinevær.
Selv jeg som har mobilen på lydløs og tatt av nesten alle notifikasjoner sliter med å fullføre en tankerekke innimellom.
Og om flesteparten ikke klarer å få kontakt med intuisjoen sin, så er det ihvertfall ingen som skjønner hvilket språk man snakker om man refererer til den.
Hvordan kan vi ta tilbake dette fantastiske navigeringsverktøyet?
Hvordan gjøre intuisjon til en akseptert og kul greie?
Intuisjonen er jo gull verdt om man tør å stole på den nettopp fordi det kommer fra ubevisste/halvbevisste observasjoner og refleksjoner, eller informasjon inprinta i DNAet vårt som man ikke klarer å sette ord på eller til og med ikke helt selv forstå hvorfor man har kommet frem til "svaret".
Men ja det er selvsagt viktig å påpeke at man må være bevisst på hva som faktisk er intuisjon og hva som ikke bare er pjatt fra samfunnet som settes på repeat i hodet, eller negative følelser som overdøver om man har en dårlig dag.
Om man ikke reflekterer på autopilot, eller bevisst setter av tid til å reflektere så kan det være vanskelig å komme i kontakt med inuisjonen sin.
Men alle har en, vi må bare rydde plass til den!
Hva er dine tanker om intuisjon? Føler du at du er i kontakt med din?
Og hvordan kan vi ta den tilbake??
Noetic Sciences
Does Psychosis Have a Touchpoint in Noetic Sciences?
Synchronicity or a fortunate stroke of serendipity within madness?
Just another hopeful and dreaming photo just to show that you've got the world and even the sun in your hands.
Ever experienced that? Them odd coincidences leaving you a bit perplexed for a few seconds? Like, when you think of a person you haven't thought of in a while, maybe even years, and then right away or a few hours later he/she calls, write you on Facebook or you bump into the person on the street. These psychic phenomenas goes under the term Noetic Sciences. I'm sure you have had a glimpse of it, can you recall it?
Anyhow, I once knew this person who's been entering psychosis a few times. What has been kind of astonishing is that one of these times, this person actually reached high awareness, became the observer of his thoughts, himself and his surroundings. Despite being super high, believing he was Jesus Christ and actually being convinced of having superpowers and completely fearless and, amongst other things, said he could drive in the speed of light with his rocket ship, aka tesla car, things took a fascinating turn.
What was interesting with this whole experience and time we spent together in this far out state of mind of his, was that we got connected in such a profound way, I almost couldn't believe it. Suddenly some antennas in his mind got switched on and he connected with what ever is out there that is the source of information and intelligence and the physical law of all existence (if there is such a thing).
We got so intertwined that he started to think about the same things as me exactly when I thought of it or a few minutes or hours later, first I got puzzled cause this had never happened in the 2 year of knowing this person, like a blink of an eye things altered. Not even would he just think and say to me what I was thinking about we also started to text and call each other at just the exact time, then I really mean the exact same time. He also saw things pretty clear, he saw me, for the first time he understood what I was feeling and showed so much gratitude, compassion and love for both me and everyone else. He also got interested in many existential things and focused on the bigger picture of it all. Suddenly he also had all these other strange coincidences happening to him, like getting visions happening in the news before it happened etc.
And also, I write every day, either as a journal or about things I learn or am curious about, and he actually started talking about what I was writing just when I was writing it and in precise sentences.
This freaked me out, even though I'm a firm believer of quantum physics, entangled minds and universal intelligence this was happening so fast and I was left confused. This is happening to me all the time but it never occurred to him. Some wiring in his brain must have joined forces with the quantum world. He didn't even think about it, neither notice it cause he was all into other them other circus thoughts.
Normally I never got to share all these weird things happening to me, but there it was, happening to both of us at the same time.
What do you think?
Synchronicity or a fortunate stroke of serendipity within madness?
I'm a fan of Dean Radin. If you'd like to dig into this "mystery" of Noetic Sciences(Psychic Phenomena) I recommend him highly.
More to come on this topic.