
#realitytv: Til nå handler reality tv(etter hva jeg har observert) stort sett om å mestre noe fysisk, finne kjærligheten, vise frem talenter eller drama og sex.

Men - finnes det et konsept som simulerer samfunnet vi faktisk lever i? Eller blir det for brutalt å vise?

De fleste av oss ser på reality for å få en escape fra hverdagen, føle seg bedre ved å se andre slite eller dumme seg ut eller oppføre seg på en måte de selv mener de selv aldri ville gjort i en sånn situasjon, eller for å kunne snakke med skolekamerater om noe.

Å se sannheten om hverdagslivet i øynene - hadde det blitt en for stor bit å svelge? Av det store markedet TV reality har spist seg inn i - kan det være rom for et konsept hvor vi på ekte speilet oss selv, i rotteracet vi befinner oss i?

Jeg hadde i hvertfall syntes det var spennende.. Tror jeg.

Oppgavene og konkurransene kunne vært å - i mange på å finne på noe morsommere - flytte papir på skattekontoret? Eller telle kroner i banken? Eller ta risiko mtp investering.

Noen måtte være statsminister og andre journalister.. Jeg vet ikke, jeg har ikke klart for meg hvordan det skulle vært - men noe relatert til business og samfunnstruktur.

Eller et forslag det kunne blitt basert på monopol, som er det mest populæt brett spillet i historien. Det er jo litt prof of concept, også?

Kanskje et reality show som simulerte vårt ekte liv hadde blitt en flopp? Eller kanskje kan hende det hadde blitt en suksess? Kanskje vi får vite, kanskje ikke.

Ville du meldt deg på? Eller, ikke minst - sett på?

Har du en idé til et reality konsept som simulerer virkeligheten👇🏽


Å se meg selv på en billboard hadde jeg aldri trodd skulle skje bare ett år inn i Power Ladies. Hvor sykt er det ikke hva som kan skje på ett år. Hard work pays off. Men vi har vel alle en lang vei å gå fortsatt. Blir ikke mett på oppermeksomhet og å gjøre det man elsker, enda litt bedre.


"Spis kjøtt i protest", sier Carl i Hagen..👀🤦🏼‍♀️

"Spis kjøtt i protest", sier Carl i Hagen..👀🤦🏼‍♀️
I går kom FNs klimapanel med sin nyeste store rapport og de anbefaler at vi må gjøre ganske så drastiske endringer i matvanene våre. "Mindre kjøtt og mer skog må til for å takle klimakrisen". Forskningen har pågått over 3 år, med over 100 forskere fra 52 land, og med en gjennomgang av 7000 vitenskapelige studier.
Vel vel, vi får brette opp armene og spise enda mer grønt vi da for å veie opp for alle FRPerne og andre som ønsker å lukke øynene for utfordringene vi står overfor 🥦
Rapporten kan du lese om blant annet på forskning.no


Forbrukermakt 💪🏼 Dagens Reminder: #movethedate

Hvor mye makt har vi forbrukere til å endre samfunnet? Jo, ganske så mye. Der vi putter pengene våre legger vi igjen en stemmeseddel om butikken/kjeden/trenden/varen/vanen skal overleve og fortsette slik eller ei. Dette gjelder alt; klær, mat, møbler, elektronikk, biler etc og andre duppeditter. F.eks Det nytter ikke bare gi fra seg klærne på godt og miljøvennlig vis når vi er ferdige med dem.. Vi har makten, og vi må bruke den, om vi faktisk ønsker endring. Det er vi som må endre vår kjøpsatferd. Dette innebærer å støtte opp om de som jobber for sunne og gode verdier, som tar i et tak for jordkloden og samfunnet - i stedet for å handle hos dem som ikke gjør det.
Vi har brukt opp klodens ressurser for i år.. which is crazy. Og om vi fortsetter som vi gjør så trenger vi to jordkloden innen 2050.
Jeg vet det er vanskelig å endre vaner og rutiner som har grodd seg fast over flere år, og ja, klær og mat er jo en del av identiteten vår, som vi alle ønsker å opprettholde. Men sak over person, det er det vi trenger nå.
For å ta et eksempel er Stavanger byområde. De lokale kafeene går i underskudd, mens kjedene går så det suser. Vi liker det billigst mulig og tenker ikke langt nok til å se konsekvensene, at det egentlig har en høy pris, i totaltbildet.
F.eks Ønsker stavanger folk at byen kun skal bestå av Starbucks, MacDonald's, Wayne's coffee og espresso house? Tror egentlig ikke det.
Så, bli med å spre det glade budskap, siden du følger meg tipper jeg du allerede handler bevisst, men det er mange som ikke gjør det. Så spread that word! Alle må med! Og ja ingen er perfekte og får det til hele tiden, tid, sted og økonomi spiller inn. Så don't be overwhelmed litt er bedre enn ingenting 💪🏼
Om vi bare får til å pushe Earth overshoot day med 5 dager bakover så vil vi i 2050 klare å leve av jordens ressurser igjen, rett innenfor limiten. #movethedate


Who are we without our memories?

Do you ever stop to think about what your life would be like if you woke up one day and had no memories + no visions for the future? If you woke up and were completely blank, with pure emptiness in your mind?

We would freak out. Or would we? Actually we wouldn’t. Why? Bc we wouldn’t even know that we had had memories to begin with. The only one thing we would freak out about was the feeling of being hungry and not knowing what it meant.

We would have nothing else to freak out about, because we had forgotten whatever known to us.

So it turns out memory is an exquisite illusion that shapes our sense of self. Without it we would just be like an animal, or not that even, cause animals do have memories.

If we could not remember past events - we could not learn or develop language, relationships, or personal identity.

Meaning language, how to get food all gone.

Memory is vital to experiences, it is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing future action..

We would be nothing with out it. Just pure flesh and bones, just molecules and atoms.

So.. take cafe of your brain, eat brain food, like walnuts, blueberrys etc and in general just take care of your health if you want to keep them.

Dementia keeps getting a sever problem amongst the elder… And it would be nice not to catch that.

Just.. take care of yourself.

My Podcast Subscriptions

Here's basically the only podcasts I listen to. I mainly listen to Tim Ferriss, Kwik Brain, Gary Vee, The model Heath show and Big Questions.​

Why are these my favourites?​

Favorites: Tim Ferriss, Jim Kwik, GaryVee, Big Questions and the model health show.

Favorites: Tim Ferriss, Jim Kwik, GaryVee, Big Questions and the model health show.

  • Number 1. is definitely The Tim Ferriss Show - where Tim Ferriss interview top performers in various fields of expertise across the globe. I learn a lot from his guests. He choose the best people to interview, they are well-spoken, wise and clever - and he touch a wide range of topics.​ I never been disappointed by any of his episodes, he always delivers.

  • Jim Kwik has short format episodes for a "Kwik" infusion of knowledge. ​

  • Gary shares a lot of valuable insights on how to build your own brand.

  • Shawn Stevenson, host of the model health show, goes into detail of the health aspect of being a human. Fantastic guests.

  • Cal Fussman with his podcast Big Questions have easily absorbing conversations. He humanise all the guests and we get to know them personal. His questions are really down to earth.​

One thing which is a bit disturbing is: can you see any female hosts here? Nope? Me neither cause I basically have no female podcast ​that I enjoy listening to. A bit tragic but truth speaking, one of the reasons I had to make up my own!

Which are your favourites?


Yrja 🥰😍 

Foundational Inspiration

I’d like to share with you some content I love going back to whenever I feel stuck, unfocused or frustrated. Perhaps you might find some inspiration in my motivational resources too. I’m sure many of you are familiar with this already.

Listening to podcasts, books or videos from Tim Ferriss, Oprah, Larry King, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Gary Vaynerchuck is always a safe bet - these people reminds me of who I am and where I want to be therefore easily put me back on track. Two books I always have in mind are “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek and “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown

But below are two videos that never goes out of date and has been essential to me start going after what I really want.

Video nr 1 Casey Video “You Can’t”

This video is for everybody that has been told that “they couldn’t do something just because.” I grew up in an environment where doing what I truly wanted as a grown up never seemed like an option. I was filled up with doubt in the life of becoming an adolescence cause I though I had to settle down with a life I didn’t wanted and that the only possibilities were either becoming a doctor, nurse, lawyer, journalist or teacher or firefighter or policeman. I had no one to look to for inspiration. Being an entrepreneur was an unfamiliar concept. No one once mentioned to me that I actually can create my reality, I can make my life just the way I want it. But deep within I knew that there had to be more, I wanted to be my own brand. I wanted to create a life around me and my passion but I didn’t know how. And it took me 29 years to figure it and dare going for it. I wonder what would happen if someone at a young age presented to me the concept of entrepreneurship. Anyhow, watch this and be inspired.

Read More

Mental is Physical

I believe that mental issues has “physical” origins. Either from hormones, inflamations or other things we yet havent figured how to document. And this new evidence show just that. Schizophrenia in the blood, and other studies shows it happens in the stomach which then leaks out in the blood and goes straight to the brain to mess around. So..

Obsessed i tid


Tid ⌚det kommer så tydelig frem når jeg tilbringer tid med andre f.eks nå på #jentesjefretreaten hvor obsessed jeg er i tid og hvor ekstremt fokusert jeg er på å verne tiden min - klarer ikke la være å prate om det når noen faktisk lytter 😅. Optimalisering og effektivisering for å make the present moment til å bli et øyeblikk av verdi står høyest på prioriteringslisten min og jeg har nemlig alltid følt at suksess og den høyeste form av livskvalitet er å være master av sin egen tid.. For når alt kommer til alt er tid det eneste vi har, og det flest mennesker angrer på at de ikke brukte på det de skulle ønske når livet nærmer seg sluttfasen.

Foreløpig kan vi ikke kjøpe oss til et lengre liv, men det vi kan "kjøpe" og prioritere er mer tid til her og nå - til å gjøre det vi vil og som gir oss verdi. Ikke hva som gir alle andre enn verdi! Det er jo også tross alt vårt liv! Men det krever kartlegging og bevisste valg rundt nettopp temaet tidsbruk i eget liv. F.eks det å være et JA, menneske er kanskje ikke alltid den beste egenskapen om man ønsker å bruke det mest dyrebare man har på å gjøre noe man virkelig blir tilfreds med... Et sted å begynner er å stille seg disse spørsmålene f.eks: Hvordan og hva bruker jeg tiden min på i dag, gir dette meg verdi? Om jeg kunne velge helt fritt er det akkurat dette jeg aller helst skulle gjort? Hvorfor gjør jeg slik jeg gjør nå? Hvordan kan jeg legge til rette for at jeg selv skal få mer tid til det som bygger meg opp, istedet for det som tapper meg for krefter og håp?

Jeg mener at livet er for kort til å bare gjøre ting man er halv-happy med eller til å gå rundt å stresse.

“It’s not that we have a short time to live but that we waste a lot of it.” sier Seneca også og “While we are postponing, life speeds by.” Seneca 

Health & Time - Value number 1

It’s easy to get caught up in what people think thus end up doing things you do not want. Either its buying stuff so that you can show people that you represent something, that your identity is attached to some kind of materialistic shit, or not to say no to things you really do not want to spend your time and energy doing but end up letting everybody else control your agenda regardless.

To me thats the worst. My time, energy and health is precious. Health is the only home I have and I have to treat it well. When all is all, and if we look at everything in a high end perspective.. Time & health is all we got… So be mindful!

So.. Today I wont write a long piece on this topic as I actually am exhausted after a week of no sleep, meaning as this is a Saturday I am still spending it in bed. For the first time in months I slept until 11 am. How amazing was that!!!!!!

Anyhow. My biggest priority in life is health & time, cause I know - that if I do not feel good I wont be as productive and have a great mind as I normally would. And mostly that is entirely up to me. So gotta water my plants and treat my garden with love and it will flourish and stay fresh, nurtured and smell crazy good!

This should be your top priority too.. I mean …

Pixar's New Short Film To Take On Toxic Workplace Bro Culture

Welcome to BRO Capital!

Synes slik Fast Company beskrev denne videoen var så fint oppsummert at jeg like gjerne kopierer det inn her:

“Purl follows a plucky ball of yarn on her first day at a new job at B.R.O. Capital, a fast-paced startup dominated by white men. Purl’s excitement quickly fades into frustration and disappointment when, despite her best efforts, she fumbles on water cooler banter, gets talked over and literally pushed aside in a meeting, and is shut out of lunch with the guys. Thinking her only option is to become a bro herself, Purl changes not only her physical appearance, but also her attitude, which quickly gets her the respect she wants. However, when a new ball of yarn named Lacey joins the team, Purl has to decide if she’s going to continue her ascent up the food chain or reach out a helping hand to someone who’s in the same position she was.”

Vixen Influencer Awards - Power Ladies Representing

For en kveld. Overveldende og fin på samme tid. Tenk at bare etter seks måneder på luften så ble jeg nominert til Vixen Influencer Awards. Som semifinalist. Fy flate. Jeg er tydeligvis på riktig vei!

Som jeg skrev i et tidligere innlegg, så var ledelsen og juryen byttet ut med en tungt kompetent gjeng med mennesker og dette syntes i nominasjonene. Men – jeg skulle gjerne sett en oppgradering i kategoriene også. Jeg gikk hjem med følelsen av å ha deltatt på en overfladisk rosablogger prisutdeling. Jeg synes det selvfølgelig var stas da så mange av vennene mine var der og var nominert. Men ser at vi har en lang vei å gå. Jeg skal tipse disse supre dommerene om at vi trenger en oppgradering i kategoriene. Jeg savnet: årets miljøprofil (ingrid bergtun, spisopp maten er gode eksempler for nominasjon), årest håndtverk, årets samfunnstemme, årets impact influencer.. Ja noe sånn.. Anyways! Et stor skritt i riktig retning med årets endring allerede – så det er positivt. Ting tar tid. Sånn er det 

Kanskje jeg kommer i finalen i noe neste år? Vi får se. Håper ihvertfall jeg blir nominert som semifinalist <3

Bilde tatt av Christine Stronegger

Bilde tatt av Christine Stronegger

2018 for Power Ladies - tusen takk!


Vixen Semifinalist, jeg har blitt skrevet om i flere avis-artikler, jeg har selv fått skrive for Det Nye og Shape Up magasinene, jeg har fått masse nye og GODE venner og kollegaer, holdt månedlige events, gjennomført og publisert ukentlige episoder og fått massiv respons. TAKK!

Det beste med året var selvfølgelig endelig gå i gang med drømmen. Nå har jeg sittet på sidelinjen alt for lenge og sett alle andre bygge sin drøm - jeg har bidratt til å realisere fleres, og det orket jeg ikke lenger. Orker ikke bruke mine krefter på å oppfylle andres ønsker - ihvertfall ikke når det ikke er på mine premisser. Ja det krever hardt og smart arbeid å sette i gang med eget prosjekt, men det er nesten tyngre og mer krevende å gå med ideen kriblende i hodet. Det blir man utslitt av faktisk. Og nå har det gnagd for lenge. Endelig få dyret ut av hodet, gjennom fingrene og munnen og synliggjøre det for dere alle.

Og gud… Det har nå ført til at jeg er semifinalist i Vixen Awards. Det hadde jeg seriøst aldri trodd jeg hadde en sjanse i havet til. Meg og alle kjendisene. Vixen awards har rebrandet seg dette året - fått inn en tungt etablert jury og ledelse. De ønsker å ta ansvar. Etter mye kritisk omtale og finalister som trakk seg har dette nå ført til mye positivt. De har tatt takk og ønsker nå å ta ansvar for å løfte frem stemmer som skaper samfunnsverdi. og det er nok derfor jeg har fått en semifinaleplass. Flere av vennene mine er også der i år blant annet Siri Abrahamsen, med gleding konseptet, Helene meldahl med mirrorsme, Camilla Lorenzen med Fit Nok, Sara Lossius med Ingefærpodcasten, Femihelse jentene, Christina Fraas (kirsebærhagen) og Martine Halvorsen. Og selvfølgelig Kristine Ullebø og Madeleine Pedersen. Dette blir utrolig gøy tror jeg. Det er en anerkjennelse å få den nominasjonen. Før jul var jeg på vei ned i et mørkt hull - jeg var syk og følte jeg hadde jobbet alt fro sakte i 2018. Jeg har venner som kjører på og ikke tar seg 1 minutt til å puste i bakken, og de har all verdenstid til å gripe alle muligheter som blir kastet deres vei ser det ut som. Men, jeg må bare svelge faktum at jeg må jobbe i mitt tempo - og det fungerer like bra! Så lenge jeg vet hvor jeg skal og jobber for det. Which is exactly what I do!

Så 17 januar. Vixen here we come !

Takk for i år dere!
Det at dere har kommet på eventene mine, lyttet til podcasten og begynt å følge meg på sociale medier har vært utrolig fantastisk. Det er dere jeg gjør dette for! A big humble thank you!

klemmer fra meg!

Ord fra Instagram posten min

For et år 2018 har vært - og så utrolig kjekt det har vært å bli kjent med så mange av dere online og offline på mine månedlige Power Ladies + Jentesjef events. Julefesten med bla @she_community avsluttet 2018 med et fyrverkeri av en gjeng!!!! Flere av dere har blitt nære og gode venner 😭 Tusen takk for at dere lytter til podcasten, blir med på de fysiske møteplassene jeg skaper og ikke minst nå bidratt til at jeg er i semifinalen i @vixen_magazine_2018 som årets stjerneskudd 😭😭😭😭 
2018 har virkelig vært magisk og jeg gleder meg nå til reisen gjennom 2019 med dere - de månedlige eventsene fortsetter, jeg kommer til å gjøre mer live ++ mye mer - og første episode i 2019 kommer i uke to med en ekstra spice. 

9to9daily interview!

This week - the third time I’ve gotten interviewed by a magazine happened!
If you’d like to get a little seakpeak into my world you should definitely check it out. I love Evodies concept 9to9 - she has the same vision for the future as me and loves to showcase fierce women :D

To read more click here

9to9 Girls: Meet Yrja of the Power Ladies podcast

9to9 Girls is a collection of short portraits of strong and creative women who have all, in their own rights and on their own terms defined what a successful life is to them.

Meet Yrja! The 29, Oslo born and hosting manager of the new and uber inspiring Norwegian podcast: Power Ladies. I attended her first Afterwork event at Hanna’s new vegan venture NOFO and thought our missions could not be more aligned! Yrja has started rallying a pretty fierce community of powerhouse women in Oslo, and I am very excited to have caught her in her busy schedule to learn more about her plans for Power Ladies and her inspiration in life.





Oh gosh… I had been dreaming about having my own Youtube channel and podcast for about 3 and a half years before I finally did start. The timing never felt right, and the concept of the show did not become clear to me until 6 months before I put it into action. I then found a production company and started booking my guests. As simple as that.


I really want to start broadcasting the podcast on Facebook and Youtube. So hopefully within a few months, this will happen! Also hosting more learning-focused and inspirational events next to the Afterwork I already host- is on my list as I want to connect and build the community even further. All of my listeners are such great people, I just want everyone to meet each other and connect. I know so many women do not have a support network of great female friends that can enable them to believe in themselves and have confidence in their ideas. I would really like Power Ladies to be a meeting point where they can meet and tap into this. Finally, I also would love to collaborate with more companies and develop my brand even further, I have many plans.


I love that I can be good at never stressing out. I love that I know how to prioritize my time, and give a F***. NO is my default mode, so I’m definitely not a YES person. I really do not want to be on anybody else’s agenda but my own. And also, I like that I can live by ‘being good enough is enough.’ Work hard but rest harder is my mantra. I believe that if you rest the brain, and carve in the time to become creative, this will be beneficial to your work.


Fear of failure. Though I’m proud of myself for finally starting addressing that in my life. Because if I don’t dare to take risks, I’ll never end up where I want to be. The world needs more people doing what they truly want. My place and your place in this world matter, so just go pursue what it is that you want. Surround yourself with people that are happy, see yourself for who you are, and push yourself to fulfill your potential. This is how you’ll be able to conquer fear.


I’m not sure I would tell her anything. At 23, I wasn’t ready to do something myself- I think- even though I had been brewing the idea of creating my own Youtube channel for 3 years. But seriously, I don’t think it would have turned out to be successful then. I’m actually happy about how my life has turned out. I believe its course has taken me to where I am now, and it’s been such an important journey, that I wouldn’t change it.

Well actually. One thing just came to mind. I wish I had discovered San Francisco earlier in life, as I had been searching for a place and people to truly connect with since I was young. It’s when I went to San Francisco at 25, that I finally could relax and breath and feel I had arrived home.


Things just start to work out the way I always wanted them to. I get to express my creativity and do something I really enjoy and am good at professionally. I also have really good friends who inspire me and push me forward in life. My life is also successful because I am good at taking care of myself, and I really do not care much about what people think of me.


Just my keys and my phone. My card is also pretty often with me. Nothing else.


First a Math teacher, then a journalist. No one really told me that it would possible to be something else than a doctor, lawyer, journalist, teacher, police or firefighter. Being an entrepreneur and enjoying your job was just totally out of the picture. How crazy is that? One of the many things I missed at school was the encouragement and learning how to create things, and how to think critically and chase the life you want. Had I had been encouraged in this way, I would have started seeing opportunities and going after them much earlier.


I think the Wikipedia’s explanation is pretty good: “Women's empowerment is the process in which women elaborate and recreates what it is that they can be, do, and accomplish in a circumstance that they previously were denied”. I’d like to add to that the notion of a support network to achieve this. Without people inspiring you and showing your love and support along the way things can be really difficult.


My mum. She is my best friend and has been with me and loving me deeply throughout my life.
My grandmother. She opened her home to me when I was 16 and ill and in need of another place to live, and because she cares about me no matter what I do.
My friend Maria. She was the first person I ever felt at home with.

I really had no female role models when I was younger, when I come to think of it now it is actually really sad but this shows so much.


I am good at saying no and having no plans. My time is precious and I only prioritize people and gatherings that energize and inspire me. I normally always do what I want to in the moment (when I’m not working).


Drink water, eat healthy, work-out and get enough sleep (though that last one is difficult). Besides the above, I take time to rest and do nothing.


  1. Attending Burning Man again (it was a mind blowing experience when I was there years ago. And I really want to go back!)

  2. Living in California.


The Tim Ferriss Show - my absolute favorite thing to listen to!

Thank you so much to Yrja for her honest and inspiring interview! If you understand Norwegian make sure to check-out Power Ladies the podcast. And if you don’t - well watch this space, as she is well on her way to conquer new spaces!

Dear Power (Ladies) People

Thank you so much to all of you listening to my podcast and supporting me along this incredible journey.
Such lovely messages I get straight into my mailbox, Facebook and Instagram. I couldn’t be happier, making the podcast and seeing how much I touch and inspire you is the best. All I was hoping for. Thank you!

New chapters are to come, I really want to connect personally with you guys who follows my concept. So a heads up for the road to come - new collaborations, events, retreats, workshops etc.. Hope you’d like to continue this adventure me and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.




And BOOM, Launched It Is!

POWER LADIES just arrived in all podcast apps and programs. And can now be enjoyed in your sweet ear on a morning run or whilst commuting to work. It went stright to the top right away but I'll have to work to keep it there. But we can do it! Can't we?!
I think I'll start a Facebook group - i guess this is a community that can grow and become fiercely full of power women. Lets cultivate this energy and take the world upon our chest!

It's all norwegian but give me a few years - the world is next.

Here is tha episooooode - welcome into mah audio roooom!


New road ahead

Hey you guys! 

I just became a part of EgmontPEOPLE (and now colleagues with a wonderful bunch of peopleand that required me to start writing in Norwegian for the articles.

I'm still struggling a bit with verbalizing myself in the best way, I still feel I can not fully express myself in Norwegian, but hope that will change <3 I think my podcast(yet to be launched)-

Here are some of my new amazing colleagues. Such inspirational women!

Here are some of my new amazing colleagues. Such inspirational women!

Would You Enjoy Living In A Metaverse?

Article previously posted on Steemit :)

"A virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users." Wikipedia


Would you enjoy living in a metaverse? A life where you choose your reality at any time of the day? Where you are the designer of your own destiny? Where you're in complete control, yes, a life where you are the hero? A life where you have the power to make everything be like whatever you want it to be? And be whomever you want to be?
Through mixed reality tools it will feel real, you can go wherever you want whenever with whomever. Sounds like magic right? Well, futurists says it's a certain probability.
What would such a society be like? When the whole world gets connected to the cloud and come online in such a metaverse? Will it set humanity free? Will we no longer be trapped in our misery when we can fully express and be ourselves?
We will be able to escape our bodily limitations, yes, escape our biological jail.

Well, whatever makes life more exciting and feeds my curiosity I'm up for it. And If we are going to live for a looong, long time, even turn immortal it really has to happen. If not we might even die from boredom or commit suicide because of it. And we also need to get out in space, manipulate matter and crack all the codes of science then life is about to get really really exciting.

We can't prove that we aren't live in a metaverse already, can we? Perhaps we are and have always been just software? That this what we think is real isn't. That is all just simulation made by an advanced civilisations long time ago.
Well, we wont fint out before we get smart enough, will we?

Science is magic, magic is science.

What is real? And is real and reality actually a thing? If it's all just simulated isn't that just reality then? What defines reality must come up for debate sooner or later. What if all there is is a simulation? Or must there somewhere be something out there which is not then?

What are your thoughts? Would you enjoy living in a metaverse? Do you think it's all just a simulation, that we are all computerised? Curious to hear your thoughts!

See you around <3

As always,

A big thank you for reading!


Want to learn more about me? Read my #introduceyourself post here.

Btw, I'd really love to get to know you so feel free to drop me a comment below or add me on facebook! :D

Watch some of my videos here
Trying out a driverless car
What does the future hold for young ambitious people?
What is aging anyway?
Will Robots Replace Doctors?

Week In Review - 19th of March

Uh-oh. Sorry to say that this time I didn't do a weekly wrap up in English. BUT if you still wanna go read it (I believe there is a translation app somewhere that might make it easier for you ;D ) click here.

But what I didn't put in there was the IBM Client Center launch event I went to this week at Tøyen, so I thought I should add a note to it here instead. If you'd like to have a look for yourself what it was all about I embedded a video below for ya! As I was one of the very few not all covered up in clean tight suits I, of course, had to be put in the movie clip from the happening. Kinda fun though.
I've got "head of x", within their title, friends at IBM which turned out not to be a dumb thing to have when things like this happen. I kinda feel a little honored that they chose to add me to the evening. So, to finally inform you in written form what IBM Client Center is all about here you go; Its a showroom open to the public. Kind of like a museum!
And oh yes, they are doing quite interesting work you can go have a look at any day you want, except you'll have to book in advance. 

Have a niiiice week yall!

And what I am still thinking about it whether I should continue writing in English or not. I do not feel comfortable or able to express myself through writing in Norwegian. I feel all pretentious, like I'm writing as I was 13 years old or something. Hmm what to do? Help me? Please :D You know I'll hug you over and over and over and over and.. yeah..