Hvor mye makt har vi forbrukere til å endre samfunnet? Jo, ganske så mye. Der vi putter pengene våre legger vi igjen en stemmeseddel om butikken/kjeden/trenden/varen/vanen skal overleve og fortsette slik eller ei. Dette gjelder alt; klær, mat, møbler, elektronikk, biler etc og andre duppeditter. F.eks Det nytter ikke bare gi fra seg klærne på godt og miljøvennlig vis når vi er ferdige med dem.. Vi har makten, og vi må bruke den, om vi faktisk ønsker endring. Det er vi som må endre vår kjøpsatferd. Dette innebærer å støtte opp om de som jobber for sunne og gode verdier, som tar i et tak for jordkloden og samfunnet - i stedet for å handle hos dem som ikke gjør det.
Vi har brukt opp klodens ressurser for i år.. which is crazy. Og om vi fortsetter som vi gjør så trenger vi to jordkloden innen 2050.
Jeg vet det er vanskelig å endre vaner og rutiner som har grodd seg fast over flere år, og ja, klær og mat er jo en del av identiteten vår, som vi alle ønsker å opprettholde. Men sak over person, det er det vi trenger nå.
For å ta et eksempel er Stavanger byområde. De lokale kafeene går i underskudd, mens kjedene går så det suser. Vi liker det billigst mulig og tenker ikke langt nok til å se konsekvensene, at det egentlig har en høy pris, i totaltbildet.
F.eks Ønsker stavanger folk at byen kun skal bestå av Starbucks, MacDonald's, Wayne's coffee og espresso house? Tror egentlig ikke det.
Så, bli med å spre det glade budskap, siden du følger meg tipper jeg du allerede handler bevisst, men det er mange som ikke gjør det. Så spread that word! Alle må med! Og ja ingen er perfekte og får det til hele tiden, tid, sted og økonomi spiller inn. Så don't be overwhelmed litt er bedre enn ingenting 💪🏼
Om vi bare får til å pushe Earth overshoot day med 5 dager bakover så vil vi i 2050 klare å leve av jordens ressurser igjen, rett innenfor limiten. #movethedate
Future Society
Are You Protecting Your Data?
Google recently announced that only 10 % of their users use two factor authentication. Who uses google? Basically everyone. 90% of us doesn't protect ourselves well enough digitally. It's sort of like leaving the front door to our house unlocked. I've been slow with that process too, but a few years ago I choose to stay secure and I highly recommend you too. I should definitely start using Dashlane or something a smart password app but haven't done that yet. Shame on me :O
Anyways its good just to stay informed on what is going on so that you can base your choice on solid ground.
The Future Of Advertising Is Decentralized?
As I am a blockchain believer I discover lots of new projects based on decentrized technology. This week I came across something I had never previously been thinking about, blockchain based advertising and learned more about what advertising do to our devices.
In the video below, Brenda Eich, the founder of Javascript, Mozilla and Firefox tells about his new blockchain adventure BAT (basic attention tokens) To me it sounds revolutionary and obvious. It's quite fascinating.
"Digital advertising is broken. It is a market filled with middlemen and fraudsters, hurting users, publishers and advertisers. The Basic Attention Token (BAT) was developed to address this. BAT, an ERC20 token built on top of Ethereum, will be the token of utility in a new, decentralized, open source and efficient blockchain-based digital advertising platform.
In the ecosystem, advertisers will give publishers BATs based on the measured attention of users. Users will also receive some BATs for participating. They can donate them back to publishers or use them on the platform. This transparent system keeps user data private while delivering fewer but more relevant ads. Publishers experience less fraud while increasing their percentage of rewards. And advertisers get better reporting and performance. "
Week In Review - 25th of February
A bit late out on my weekly wrap up but thats fine. Right..!
As I am human and easily get addicted to good entertainment, I ended up watching "Halt & Catch Fire" the whole day yesterday, completely immersed in a binge. I can not believe I've never heard of this Tv series before. Right down my alley from the entrepreneurial computer industry in the 80s. Its sort of a niche show, but its really good. Added the trailer below. I also learned that the first ever Computer Programmer was a GIRL! Yeah, and her name was Ada Lovelace. What a beautiful name and story.
Besides this I signed up on Rize this Friday(which was their launch date of their public version of the app). Ive been waiting for a few months and then finally it's ready to be used! Its a blockchain based live streaming interaction platform by YouNow and made on PROPS Tokens based on Etherum. I'm starting to wonder wether I should go start using it or not. I missed my shot on youtube, blogging, Instagram, snapchat and musically. All of these platforms I discovered right when they were launched or early on, when nothing was going on and no one was there. What would have happened if I simply continued doing it from day 1 I was there? I just felt I had nothing to share.. I didn't know what I should write or say. Who'd listen to me? And now.. I am SURE this platform is gonna hit it aswell. Can I afford to miss it? Do I want to miss it? Hmm follow me and lets chat when I go live. My first Rize conversation was actually with Casey Neistat. Join me!
MIT launched their yearly "Breakthrough Technologies of the Year" article.
3D Metal Printing, Artificial Embryos, Sensing City, Neural Networks and more. Check it out for yourself here.
Peter Diamandis says 2018 will off this:
- "Quantum Supremacy Achieved: The first demonstration of a quantum computation that can’t be simulated with classical supercomputers is announced.
- Emotion AI will become embedded into conversational interfaces. It will be socially acceptable to scream angrily at Alexa. She might respond with something like, “Please don’t yell at me, that hurt my feelings.”
Here is the rest of his predictions for the years to come.
Getting closer and closer on the longevity journey. Perter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil says that within 10 years the wealthiest will have th opportunity to extend their lives. One clue and inspirational thing is this immortal jellyfish
Kurzgesagt also published their monthly video this week. I'm just adding in here Id love to hear your take on this.
You’ve Got Time Left To Start Living Consciously
This is the man in MY mirror. What does your tools of change look like?
Don't you think? Or do you share this common excuse that you are too old to change your habits?
Today in the intense unavoidable stream and fireworks of information hitting you every second it might seem unnecessary and infesable to search for information on topics you do not care too much about. Most of us only consume what we get straight into our feeds and email and thats about it. Which is fine, the only problem is that peoples feeds and newsletters might be completely mind dumbing and beholding no healthy facts or info on society at all. This has us all living in ignorance of what kinds of lives we are truly living. Our habits, thinking patterns, which industries and causes we are supporting, what our ways of eating are contributing towards, how we exercise affects us and our society, what products we buy and how we buy them and what we do with them, how we trash, work, spend our money, what environment does to our brain and body etc.
I believe in a conscious world, a world where we are enlightened and base our actions and habits on facts, values and wellbeing. I’m tempted to write love but that might be too overwhelming for some of you. But to be able to do so and get there, blindness must be fought. We need to figure out a way to sneak healthy information into peoples minds and that is the question. How to do that one a mass scale. Any suggestions?
Regarding the dairy and meat industry one of my best friends Helene Steffensen posted a great article today on Facebook with a great caption post(added below) Which was the factor triggering me into writing this blogpost. «Make your own choice on which kind of milk you want to drink, but if you AT LEAST acquire the knowledge and information described quite clearly and accurate in this article in the Guardian; you can base your choice on fair ground rather than on ignorance :)
Actually, if you find cows milk just soo good and feel that you can't go without it; It is just because your body has become accustomed to the stuff in the milk meant to get the calf addicted to it, to come back for more.
After not drinking cows milk for a while, it suddenly tastes slimy and disgusting.. Just try! 🍦🥛🧀🐮»
I highly recommend you to, and I would love if you did read this article. Here it is.
Don’t contribute to a better world because you can’t do everything. Small things helps tremendously. If everyone just did one simple change we would change so much. Cut your chocolate milk, ice cream binges on dairy ice cream or that yellow cheese. You will find a substitute. You will! Nut cheeses are so delicious you’ll never want to go back, so Is raw food cakes, or the vegan version of Ben & Jerrys. Cut one product out of your diet and bring one healthy thing in. At least try. There is a whole wide world of nutrition out there which I guess you haven't discovered yet because of your traditional eating habits. But believe me its gonna amaze you if you dig into it.
Or start sharing knowledge with the people you like and other acquaintances of Facebook. Get the best sources into peoples feeds. That helps a lot! Start caring meaning start sharing.
As one famous man put it (you know who): «be the change you wish to see, start with the man in the mirror»
Conscious living is the answer.
This is all about asking yourself questions on how you think, you habits, actions, choices etc. Become aware of how you've build up your life, what values you carry and if you really follow them, what fundamentals and philosophy you've based it all on. And all is based on solid ground of knowledge or just something you assumed because it was in the news, someone told you or in a youtube video you saw once. Etc..
You’ve got plenty of years left, its not too late to start living consciously. Take responsibility, live your values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for and I guess deep deep inside you are a kind person who just wish for the best for us all, earth, animals and humans alike. Why not start taking action based on your heart. Start by acquire knowledge and see for yourself, so that your choice is based on facts and not ignorance.
Oh ok, just in the very end here.. Watch this.. :)
If Humans Disappear
Found this video today by my fav Hashem Al-Ghaili. I found it quite astonishing so was thinking you might too. If this scenario happens within 10,000 years there will be no trace left by us except buildings made in stone. So, how do we really know then that the history we have managed to map out of our ancestors is true? What if i.e 20.000 years ago super intelligent beings actually lived on earth, all traces have just completely vanished? When that is said, no one knows when the pyramides were build, it's still a mystery, it could be 20,000 years ago.
So what do you think? Are we the smartest civilisation ever to have lived on earth?
I do not believe so. But thats just me.. :)
Week In Review - 4th of February
Them weeks passes by quickly these days without sunshine and constant mix of snow and heavy rain everyday. Today its sunny for the first time in weeks. Nothing feels better to me than having the sun licking my face. It makes me feel more alive than ever.
Lets go through this week: Altered Carbon, Human Ubers, facebook is banning cryptocurrency ads etc..
Starting with The One and Only Altered Carbon, Netflix most expensive TV series this far launched 2nd of February, I've been waiting for months. It's a sci-fi ten episode 1 hour crime series. Too me it isn't even sci-fi, because this is technology soon to exist in our worlds too. Not different from other futuristic movies, it's got a negative view point on where we are heading. Altered carbon is illustrating worst case scenario where the richest are immortal and in control of basically everything. And they are bored. The plot is no other than solving a murder. Finding the murderer who killed the person in his previous sleeve as they call it. Sleeve meaning body. Consciousness is backed up and secure but the body can die usual deaths so if one die a new clone is made or another persons sleeve is to be used. I watched all the episodes in two days. Traditionally I've never been into sci-fi. But this sci-fi is not really Fiction, this is just science. Which I love. Wanna se the trailer? Click here
Coco was also released this week, as I'm a Disney lover, that was kinda exciting news. So had to share it and add it, incase you were to...
As, Usual, Futurisms Weekly Video Wrap up of This Week in Science is added:
COSMOS.. This is fascinating.. The video below shows us the most detailed simulation of the cosmos up to ever made.
Two Women will undergo three parent baby therapy in the UK. Regulators in the United Kingdom have this week given doctors green light to perform mitochondrial donation therapy. Hmm this is super exciting and weird. What do you think? Read more about it here
How it Works:
I'm waiting and waiting for the day that when we no longer have to do surgery, not even touch the body when something happens if something happens you simply just swallow a small pill or drink a liquid and then it makes the wound go away just by sending in nano boots or intelligent stem cells or something. Or just radiating particles from outside of the body. And now it seems like we are on our way to get there.
Researchers just invented a tiny "minimalist robot" that looks like a caterpillar and can perform a wide range of movements, including jumping, crawling through tunnels, and climbing out of a pool. It is designed to deliver drugs to specific targets in the human body.
This robot should one day allow it to patrol the human body from the inside, according to researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, who describe their work in a Nature paper. Below you can watch a short video on the concept.
Read about it here
Canada is trialing blockchain!
Canada announced that it will trial the use of blockchain to add transparency to government funding and research grants. Other countries are onto it as well.
This means that every time the NRC creates or alters a grant, that information is added to the blockchain, which will be connected to a publicly accessible online database. TRANSPARANCY! YES. YES!
For Video of Future of Blockchain Click here
Check out this awesome renewable energy ship.
Eco Marine Power has announced plans to test their patented solar sails next year. These EnergySails would utilize solar and wind energy simultaneously.
Lets upgrade all boats to this solution, ASAP! It runs on both wind and solar energy. Whop whop!
I just managed to put down into words my definition of a good life this week. It is basically ;
"My definition of a good life is a life without any physical pain"
I am so grateful. SO grateful for having a well functioning body without feeling physical pain on a constant basis. Only if I'm eating stuff my body can't handle I'm filled with pain but that is usually my own choice. So THANK YOU! I am so grateful everyday for waking ut painless. And this is a life I wish for everyone. Hopefully we will get there someday. Bliss, happiness and contentment definitely comes from within anyways but life without bodily pain sure is a golden ticket!!
Checked out a new Cocktail bar in Oslo this week. "Bar ISM". They have a photobooth. We took a lot of fliiiicks. Caroline Sandermoen is on my right. I'll tell you more about what shes up to these days someother time.
2018, What's To Come For Us All?
Hashem Al-Ghaili(science nature), a person whom I follow on facebook who regularly posts great articles on future society and present discoveries within technology and science, published this video I've added below yesterday.
Yup, 2018 is right around the corner and its for sure going to be one exciting year if this is on the menu + more.
What do you wish to happen in the world and for humanity in 2018?
What about you own life? Whats your goals and wishes for the year to come?
Will Future Technology Help Us Become More Present?
The internet is flooding of articles on how to be present. All over you can find books telling us how to live in the "now" and lots of public speakers and workshop holders will try to teach you how to live mindfully but when you think about it, really.. Does it even work? The way we interact with technology today and how we communicate with each other through it is very isolating, isn't it? Looking at one single device all day not in each others eyes, not speaking verbally. Just glancing at one spot all day bending our necks and cramping our body in such unhealthy ways humans never have done before, all day. yikes.
I read a really good article on how this has affected the youths of today a few days ago. With the title "Have our smartphones destroyed a generation?" Here is a little extract from it.
“I’ve seen my friends with their families—they don’t talk to them,” Athena told me. “They just say ‘Okay, okay, whatever’ while they’re on their phones. They don’t pay attention to their family.” Like her peers, Athena is an expert at tuning out her parents so she can focus on her phone. She spent much of her summer keeping up with friends, but nearly all of it was over text or Snapchat. “I’ve been on my phone more than I’ve been with actual people,” she said. “My bed has, like, an imprint of my body.”*
Well, what I wanted to pinpoint in this post is that I have a few thoughts of that there might be a possibility for it to help us turn this the other way around and that we will within a decade see a huge difference in how we communicate and how we interact with technology. I can't help but wonder, could this turn into a power tool for us to use when we want to be more present and mindful? Could entering an immersive reality for an hour besides our own function as a therapy? Not only do I believe so but I'm almost 99,9 % certain of (it might seem a bit crazy) that this will also make us happier and more social with our peers which also might help on living mindfully. After all, we are social beings made to explore our surroundings. Right now we just sit still all day almost, exploring only blue light and letters but that's a side track.
So here is what I think could happen; if we use VR & AR in a way which we will feel immersed with all our senses, it will be an easy gateway to get in touch with our inner child, by that I mean that children are always in an extreme state of presence which is where all the yogis, articles and public speakers want us to go. Actually kids are always present, right here in the now playing around laughing and inventing their own realities within this one. If you let yourself play and being entertained in a way were you can interact being in a surroundings you feel really captivating in Don't you think that you will become amazed and filled with awe and excitement, just like a child? To add an example to the table; imagine entering a reality where you dream scenario is coming through, for instance if your dream always has been to go to New York, you just put on your Mixed Reality lenses and equipment and boom you're walking straight into the city, without the hassel of going to the airport and flying for hours. And you experience everything as its completely real, the smells, the though, feelings, sounds, visuals everything. It feels completely real. Don't you think that you would become completely excited and paying attention to everything around you, at least for an hour? Just like a kid suddenly entering the playground? You get my point? This might actually help us get grounded and forget everything outside our own little reality bubble we've already built up, our normal life for an hour or so, or at least I think it's easier than sitting on a pillow saying ooooohm to reach a place close to living in "the now". Or what do you think? So perhaps we can use mixed reality as therapy? To get a break from our noisy minds? A reality in which we become fully present with our whole body? Imagine for those who can not reach a state of presence cause they are so captivated by their chaotic inner thoughts, always living in the future and the past simultaneously filled with feelings impossible to cope with. And then if you enter another world where you know you can just let go of it all, and you let go of it all cause it's so captivating and magic that there is no way you actually won't be able to not be present. Perhaps some people will call it an escape, explaining that you're basically escaping from yourself. But isn't it better to have an hour with a silent, mindful mind each day than not, have a place you can go to for inner peace? If you ask me, I believe it's gonna be a great tool.
I'm not sure if I explained this in a graspable way for you guys.. But in someway perhaps you understood? To add another example; imagine playing a game where you really have to focus and be present in able to win or to actually play it, or imagine running from a lion. In order to succeed in that very moment you have to be fully in the now to be able to cope with the situation. And if one create such an exciting an non stressful reality you will enter that state of mind? Don't you think? It is interesting how we will be able to use virtual worlds to actually be able to cope with the other reality we live in, cause we have messed our lives up soooo much that we need to enter different realities to be able to not struggle. Crazy how this all have turned out like this but it's amazing the how our new way of living will become. At least we will have options for everyone, and not only those people who actually manage to calm down and relax by saying ohm sitting in a lotus flower. The things is, I don't think that is too many.
Excited? Yes I am.
Week in Review - 13th of August
News and content I've come across for the past week that I find sharable :))
Climate change and airflights
This week I did something that felt really meaningful, I helped create a successful technology summer camp for 13-16 girls. There were more than 100 of them and I helped on a workshop on how to create a facebook bot. They were really excited all of them and had a great day empowering feelings of mastery. This might help create a movement. TENK is the organisation behind the initiative and I really hope it will just continue to grow. More females with tech & science knowledge is just what the worlds need. It's time to change the status quo.
This week I read somewhere this week that Norway has gotten 20 % more rainy. Wtf? Well, so people that doesn't believe in global warming could go kiss someone's ..... he he. Norway is going to continue getting more and more wet and even colder.. Believe it or not.
Click here if you'd like to read some more about possible outcomes..
Also interesting; hot weather and climate change affects airline flights more than you think.
Anyways, whats up this week?
Elon Musk's nonprofit AI company, OpenAI, has successfully created a Bot that has beaten some of the world's greatest esport, Dota 2 players. The game is much more complex than chess or Go, and the bot's ability to win is indicative of the increasing power of AI systems. READ MORE
Amazon Alexa can now communicate with an exosceleton.
Bionik Laboratories has demonstrated a prototype of its Arke lower-body exoskeleton that can be controlled via Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexa.
Its in prototype at the moment but it already has a huge potential, from assisting the elderly and disabled +++.
Mind-controlled VR game finally a thing! All though it may be a while yet before we can harness telekinetic powers in real life, but now a brain-controlled virtual-reality game is aiming to let us use our mind to pick up and throw items with ease. Read more about the invention by the startup Neurable here
Robots can take all forms and shapes. I love these animal like creatures.
A biotech company genetically is engineering pigs so that their organs might work in people.
There is a huge lack in organs and loads of people die every day while on the waiting list to get one.. Until we can 3D print our own tailor made organs getting organs from the pigs might be a good in between solution, all though I'm not pro using animals for any humanish things.
CRISPR, I LOVE IT. We are on our way to a periode of wellness, where illness certainly do not exists. CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. In the future you will basically be able to use it to tweak everything in your body. Watch the video below on super bakteria. Here you can also check out 11 things CRISPR has helped us do in 2017.
The worlds largest floating solar power station is made in Japan. It was actually fully up and running in 2015.
Stretchable electronics.
As I always say the future is mind bending and also material bending (!) apparently.
Transparent Solar Panels
These solar panels are game changing. Please make no new windows without them!!!! That should soon become a rule.
China just used a quantum satellite to send data from space to earth.
"China just sent data to Earth from space using a quantum satellite. This successful use of quantum cryptography could make data unhackable, in a huge world first for cybersecurity and a major step toward realizing their global quantum network plans.
This technology could have huge implications in cybersecurity. Businesses would be safer online, and e-commerce would be free of problems caused by hacking and identity theft. The tech would also make it far more difficult for governments to spy on private communications — something that global leaders and agencies around the world have a vested interest in." Futurism
Quantum computing. Damn it, so beautifully amazing!
Scientists just hacked a computer using DNA. Wtf!?
"In what appears to be the first successful hack of a software program using DNA, researchers say malware they incorporated into a genetic molecule allowed them to take control of a computer used to analyze it... .. The researchers warn that hackers could one day use faked blood or spit samples to gain access to university computers, steal information from police forensics labs, or infect genome files shared by scientists. " - MIT
Bitcoin has surpassed another milestone by reaching worth of more than $4,000. Many are still optimistic about the currency's future. I've invested in Etherum and I feel pretty good about it. The ROI has raised from 1500 to 9200. The highest amount it has reached so far was almost 12k. Not to bad right? :D
What The World Will Look Like in 2030 & 2040
In Year 2100 We Will Become Gods
At least thats what Michiu Kaku and other futurists says.
Mentally we will control the objects around us, just like Zeus. We will have perfect and ageless bodies just like Venus. And we will be able to fly effortless like apollo.
Are you ready?
Week In Review - 30th of July
This week I visited Madrid, and you know what, it actually went beyond my expectations. (Read my blogpost about it here) Thanks, Madrid for giving me such a pleasant surprise. I've never been too fond of Spanish language either.. but now.. I happen to like it a tiny tony bit more. You know whats rather weird? When I came home I chose to watch Netflix to relax a bit, and first Tv series I came about was a show called Cable Girls, about the Suffragettes in 1920s. But to my confusion the sync was out of order, but that was right before I realised that the original story was in Spanish and the location of the story was Madrid. Wtf? Spain was following me? Anyways, I ended up binging the whole season. So beautiful and capturing story and deep stories within the main story too. All about human relations and that everyone has their own struggles. Also, the main characters are girls. YES! You should definitely check it out.. And uh, a side note: did you know Netflix is carrying 20 billion dollars in depth? I really hope it will survive because the Original Tvseries they're making is getting better and better.
So what's been up in science and tech this week?
- The Musk-Zuck clash
- Facebook Kills an AI
- DeepMind adds imagination to their AI
- The first attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in US
- The Biggest Facial Recognition System in the World Is Rolling Out in China
The Musk-Zuck Clash
Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg’s understanding of the future of AI is ‘limited’
In a Facebook Live broadcast, Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, offered a respons. He called Musk a “naysayer” and accused his doomsday fears of unnecessary negativity. Musk then retorted on Twitter: “I’ve talked to Mark about this. His understanding of the subject is limited.” Tech titans protecting their brands?
Google Has Started Adding Imagination to Its DeepMind AI. Researchers have started developing artificial intelligence with imagination, an AI that can reason through decisions and make plans for the future, without human instructions
Another way to put it, it can now imagine the consequences of actions before taking them, something we take for granted but which is much harder for robots to do.
Read more on Futurism
Facebook kills AI that invented its own language because English was slow.
If I was an super intelligent AI trying to communicated certain serious topics I'd probably do the same. Human language are way too poetic, complicated and fragmented to do critical work with. Its limited. Digital Journal reported this.
Scientists have converted cancer cells into immune cells. This could lead to a new type of treatment, called differentiation therapy.
The Biggest Facial Recognition System in the World Is Rolling Out in China
Uh-uh.. the government officials in China are taking the technology even further by installing a nationwide system of facial recognition infrastructure. I guess lots of people will say, but what about my freedom and privacy rights? Well, I'm sorry.. But I think, in a way this might be useful and great but also it will definitely be learning curve for every nation to watch and takes note from.
Elon Musk shares footage of The Boring Company’s first working car elevator. I really hope its not too many years until this network is up and running. Getting the traffic beneath the ground will upgrade the city of angels immensely.
One Step Closer To The Real Version
Why You Should Apply Some Stoicism To Your Life
Among top business leaders, entrepreneurs and other famous people the stoicism philosophy is very well know, and has been for the past centuries.
But what is it, really? And why should you care?
Wikipedia defines Stoicism like this:
"Stoicism is predominantly a philosophy of personal ethics which is informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting that which we have been given in life, by not allowing ourselves to be controlled by our desire for pleasure or our fear of pain, by using our minds to understand the world around us and to do our part in nature's plan, and by working together and treating others in a fair and just manner."
In other words; We can't be in control over what happens but we can be in control over how we approach things. We can take control over our own minds; our thoughts, emotions and actions and be the captain steering the boat in different waters and weather. You'll have to distance yourself from your thoughts and emotions and embrace life as it happens with calmness. This is how you'll achieve peace of mind. A strong sense of self awareness is needed for this to be possible.
The name stoicism comes from the stoa Poikile the decorated public colonnade where the philosophers gathered for discussion.
The Stoics thought that (practical) ethics was the most important component of their philosophy: it was about how to live one’s life in the best possible way.
To be honest, it's just a few years since I heard of this philosophy(even though I've been living this mindset my whole life) and boy every time I think of psychology and how to deal with our own minds and the world around us I think why the fuck didn't I learn anything about this in school. So frustrating, and still is not taught.
Well, I've been and am a firm believer in and follower of this mindset since as long as I can remember with an exception of a few years in my teens but since the age of 19 I have been extremely conscious about how I treat my mind and body, myself and others. To say it as cliché as always, I am my house which I can not escape so I better be gentle. Really, I have to treat it well or else I'll suffer like crazy and life is too short to do that.
Stoicism has just a few central teachings. It sets out to remind us of how unpredictable the world can be. How brief our moment of life is. How to be steadfast, calm, strong, and in control of yourself not matter what happens. And finally, that the source of our dissatisfaction lies in our impulsive dependency on our reflexive senses rather than logic.
So, the stoics try to deal with the world as it is, while pursuing self improvement trough four cardinal virtues:
- wisdom (Sophia)
- courage (Andreia)
- justice (Dikaiosyne)
- temperance (Sophrosyne).
Practical wisdom is the ability to navigate complex situations in a logical informed and calme manner.
Face daily challenges with clarity and integrity.
Treating others with fairness even when they have done wrong.
The expertise of self restraint and moderation in all aspects of life.
If this doesn't sound like a great philosophy to live life by I'm not sure which planet you're on. Then it is definitely YOU who need to implement this pattern to your daily habits. Too many people these days suffer more from their mind than what reality tells them. Life is all about perspective and if you do not realise it, good luck. Perhaps you'll figure out on your death bed but then its too late. If you are one of those who take life seriously, are easily tempered and blame others for your misfortune and misery its time to start rewire your mind. Life is way better being happy and content every minute every day, always. Embrace what happens with gratitude, meaning, purpose and love, and you'll end up with a peaceful mind.
It’s a tool that we can use to become better in our craft, better friends and better people.
Logotheraphy is also worth taking notice of, its based on stoic principles and is a concept framed by Viktor Frankel who survived a concentration camp. Logotherapy is a term derived from the words “logos,” a Greek word that translates as “meaning,” and therapy, which is defined as treatment of a condition, illness, or neurosis. It teaches that you can find meaning in every situation you're in, even the most miserable ones. The theory is founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose.
Read the famous lettes from Seneca here
The most famous one: Shortness of Life you can find here.
Check out the video below for a brief introduction made by TED.
Tim Ferriss is such a fan and brag about it whenever he gets the chance, which is great. He spreads the word. He also have made a list of great Stoicism resources. Check it out here.
How to apply it by Tim Ferriss
Not a Surprise
Things gotta change.
Two Robots Discussing The Future of The World
Meet Sophia and Han. Two humanoid robots to the chance to discuss the future of the world on the RISE stage. Mesmerizing.
Why The World Needs Gary Vaynerchuck
When I first came across Gary Vaynerchuck a couple of years ago I felt he was kind of noisy. Who'd listen to a guy swearing angrily when delivering a message? Although I understood how extremely important his words was, he didn't appeal to me at all. Lately he seems to be everywhere. His internet fame is skyrocketing and now, I guess I like him better. His voice is ultra important and the way he does it is actually pretty smart. Cause when you listen to him, it feels like your dad is giving you a lecture and I can therefore see why lots of people get that little extra push to go do the things they love and are hesitant with in the first place. He is an excellent coach, who encourages the best he can and is one of the best out there, next to Tony Robbins who has the same energy, more gentle way of speaking though but its the same energetic lecturing way of being, no evil, not a know it all kind of guy, he does it out of pure love. He wants us people to have a better life, and I guess he also does it with a bigger vision that if people do what they want and live from their heart the world will be a better place. It will be more love and harmony and the world will be driven forward because the sheep culture will keep decreasing, More people will start leading themselves and not be working at some factoryish job with their voice meaning nothing to the society.
I can't say enough how important it is for the world and our society that people start thinking for themselves and that people like Gary keep popping up and that we all start trusting and listening to our inner voices of curiosity and passion and get rid of fear. Do what we love. When more and more people will do this we will jump a giant leap forwards in the development of our society.
What we know looking back throughout history is that we most likely will die being somewhere in between 80-100 years old. Why the fuck shall we live for so long and hesitating and shovel down our inner guide?
Wouldn't you enjoy to stay happy and content for all those years? Live a fulfilling life? No?
I believe the factory culture and pushing people down to stay obedient and quiet just to keep peace within our society is still ruining our lives. We're ignorant and are not taught in school how be the best version of ourself, be a resource to ourselves and our environment in the best possible way. This must change. It doesn't have to be this way, you are worth something, your life is worth a ton. Your time is so valuable.
If you'd like to be of service to others, the world and yourself, keep sending videos about Gary to your friends. Go do a Gary!! We all gotta spread the word to create a movement.
He is also on the panel of Apples new tv-series planet of the apps.